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Family upcycling event in Scariff

3 December 2018

Clare County Council’s Greener Clare team and the staff of Scariff Public Library have joined forces to deliver a family-friendly upcycling event this Saturday (8 December 2018) from midday to 2.00pm.

“It is important to think of the environment in the lead up to Christmas and there is no better way than being creative and making a memorable upcycled Christmas decoration for your loved one,”  said Karen Foley, Environmental Awareness Officer, Clare County Council.

She continued, “I would encourage to people to attend this event to learn how to make and create from waste instead of buying something new.  Other Christmas gift ideas that are good for the environment include shopping for your gifts locally, buying local produce or crafts; checking your local charity shop for presents or giving people experiences rather than items – there are lots of amazing places and things to do across Clare.”

Patricia Fitzgerald, Children's Librarian, Clare County Library, commented, “We are delighted to support a greener Clare this Christmas by hosting this family upcycling event at Scariff Public Library.”

"Clare County Library wishes to extend a particular welcome to families to visit its branch network throughout the county during December 2018,” added Ms. Fitzgerald. “Family Time at Your Library is a specially designated initiative under the Right to Read government policy to welcome readers young and old from local communities to attend events, take a library tour, engage in activities, check out the library’s online resources and take time to look at the extensive range of reading material available for all ages. New members are especially welcome and library membership is free to all.”

This Saturday’s upcycling event, which is hosted by local craftsman Ian Kelly, is free but booking is essential. Phone Scariff Library on 061 922893.

Page last reviewed: 03/12/18

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