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Funding for Clare schools and artists

3 September 2018

Clare’s primary schools and artists are being invited to submit applications for funding to participate in the Artists in Schools Residency Programme during the 2018/2019 school year.

Clare Arts Office is this year awarding Residencies for 30 hours as well as Arts Day Residencies.

The Residency Programme is designed to create opportunities for artists and schools to work together over a specific duration of time.

“We favour projects that are innovative, unique and that foster creativity; skills development and an introduction to the language used in art making,” stated Siobhan Mulcahy, Clare County Council Arts Officer. She continued, “We also encourage projects that introduce children to experience the cross disciplinary nature of the arts, projects which connect ideas and art making to other subjects studying the likes of history, science, the environment, local, and global cultures and traditions.”

The Artists in Schools Residency is an arts & education programme funded by the Arts Council of Ireland. Deadline for applications is Friday 28th September. Further info can be found online at Artists in Schools Residency Programme.

For all queries please contact Ceara Conway ( / 065 6899091).

Page last reviewed: 03/09/18

Content managed by: Library Service

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