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Public input sought on new Arts Plan for Clare

9 January 2019

Members of the public are being asked for their input into a new Arts Plan for County Clare focusing on promoting greater participation in the arts.

Clare County Council is currently preparing the plan, which covers the period from 2019 to 2024, and is particularly interested in getting practical and novel suggestions from people as to what they think should be in the plan.  The plan will cover items such as developing audiences, promoting participation in the arts and providing employment opportunities for artists.

The new arts plan covers all art forms including music, dance, literature, visual art and film, and follows on from the Creative Ireland Plan developed by the Local Authority in 2018.

“It's an exciting time for the arts in Clare”, says Siobhán Mulcahy, Clare County Council Arts Officer. “It is wonderful to see Clare artists Martin Hayes and Shelly McNamara recently selected as international Cultural ambassadors, epitomising the very best that the county has to offer. The forthcoming new gallery in Ennis and the recent development of artist studios in the town show the commitment of the Council to building on the reputation of the county.”

“Nevertheless challenges remain,” she added, “and we hope that with concrete and positive suggestions from the public, we will be able to work with our artists and communities to engage more people in the arts and support the artists of the future.”

Members of the public are welcome to make submissions and suggestions to the Arts Plan through Clare Arts Office at  Submissions will be accepted until Friday, 25 January, 2019 at 4.00pm.

Page last reviewed: 09/01/19

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