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St Anne’s School celebrates Universal Children’s Day

14 November 2018

Students from St Anne’s School in Ennis will mark Universal Children's Day this coming Tuesday (20 November) by writing their own special messages on postcards depicting their artwork.

Supported by the Clare County Council Arts Office as part of their Embrace for Arts Programme, the pupils of Class 6 worked with artist Shona MacGillivray on mixed media canvases, depicting ducks, rockets, dinosaurs and other imaginative subjects.  Their paintings were photographed by John Howard before being printed on to the postcards.

The children will write messages to people to advocate, promote and celebrate Universal Children's Day as well as explore themes and questions around being a child in 2018.

Students of St Anne’s will gather at 10.20 am to walk to the post box, which is located beside the school.

Page last reviewed: 14/11/18

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