Clare County Council buys goods, services and contract works across a wide range of categories. Below is some practical advise for suppliers who wish to supply goods, services and contract works to Clare County Council
Doing business with Clare County Council
Clare County Council buys goods, services and contract works across a wide range of categories which include but are not limited to:
- Professional Services
- Construction
- Facility Management and Maintenance
- Information, Communications, Technology and Office Equipment
- Utilities
- Marketing, Print and Stationery
- Fleet and Plant (including tools, uniforms, PPE)
- Travel, Transport HR and Management Services
- Library
- Event Management
Clare Co Co tenders (Contract Notices) on eTenders
For Goods and Services contracts above €50,000 and works contracts above €200,000, Clare County Council advertises tender competitions on the e-tenders website and SupplyGov.ie. Suppliers can register on etenders and SupplyGov.ie and then register interest in particular categories. Suppliers will then get notified of relevant tender opportunities. For guidance, see
To find ‘request for tenders’ issued by Clare County Council go to eTenders Advanced Search input Clare County Council in the "Name of the Contracting Authority" field and then hit "Search"
Supplier Opportunities on SupplyGov.ie
SupplyGov.ie (formerly LAQuotes.ie) is a procurement platform which facilitates Local Authorities and other state agencies in the procurement of goods, works and services from Suppliers (including Contractors and Service Providers). The platform has been developed by the Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (LGOPC) to streamline the procurement process of contracting authorities in respect of Plant Hire and Minor Building & Civil Works.
SupplyGov.ie operates two modules for procuring goods, works and services through Requests for Tenders (RFTs) and Requests for Quotations (RFQs). Requests for Tender are supplementary competitions run under Frameworks or Dynamic Purchasing Systems.
Suppliers can express an interest in Quotations, Frameworks or Dynamic Purchasing Systems by registering with SupplyGov.ie and completing the necessary checklists and documentation.
To see tender opportunities as a supplier you must first register as a new supplier.
Once registered and logged in, click on the 'Quotations/Tenders' tab at the top of the home screen.
Supplier Opportunities to compete for OGP Frameworks
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has a Schedule of Frameworks and Contracts. The schedule provides details of when key contracts and frameworks will be available for use by public sector bodies.
All OGP procurement activity will be conducted through the eTenders platform, where all relevant information will be available.
You can also view the current OGP Frameworks.
Contracts valued under €50,000 for goods and services and under €200,000 for Works
For the award of contracts under the above thresholds Clare County Council can use one or all of:
- Requesting quotes from companies by email
- Using the ‘Simplified Procedure’ on eTenders (i.e. Request for Quote) to request direct quotations from suppliers. Companies not registered on eTenders can not receive such requests for quotes.
- Use the Request for Quote process on SupplyGov. Companies not registered on SupplyGov can not receive such requests for quotes.
Established Panels/Approved Suppliers list
Where Clare County Council has advertised for a single or multiple supplier framework/Dynamic Purchasing System on SupplyGov or eTenders , this will lead to an established framework of supplier(s), which in the main, expire after max. 4 years.
Outside of the above, Clare County Council does not maintain approved suppliers lists.
Local Government Public Procurement Guide 2023
The Public Procurement Guide 2023 [PDF,1.83MB] has been designed to help small and medium enterprises and sole traders to make the most of business opportunities in the public sector. The guide was developed by the local government sector to provide an easy-to-understand introduction to public procurement processes, procedures and vocabulary. It aims to explain, in simple language, how local authorities and other public bodies purchase goods, services and works and to encourage businesses of all sizes to engage with the many business opportunities within local authorities and public bodies.
Page last reviewed: 13/12/23
Content managed by: Corporate Services Department
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