Clare Older Person of the Year announced
Mary McAllister from Ennis was named Clare Older Person of the Year at a ceremony in Hotel Woodstock last evening.
The event was hosted by the Clare Older People's Council and the Clare Age Friendly Alliance.
Mary was honoured for her 30 years of volunteerism with, amongst other organisations, Ennis Tidy Towns. She provides counsel, humour and boundless energy to all projects, be it litter picking, painting etc. and her central involvement in St. Patrick’s Day Parade each year. She also is the Co-ordinator of the local Daffodil Day.
Mary is a founder member and long time fundraiser of Clarecastle Daycare Centre and she is involved in scouts and her family are the backbone of the Ennis Brass Band. As well as being part of the local Probus, Mary was a member of the Ennis Musical Society and she takes great pride in her locality and St. Flannan’s Terrace with hanging baskets and keeping the busy approach road attractive and welcoming.
Page last reviewed: 26/09/18
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