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Waste Prevention

The Greener Clare programme works in conjunction with the Southern Region Waste Management Office and EPA Local Authority Prevention Network in terms of developing and promoting waste actions in the areas of prevention, reuse, resource efficiency and recycling.

The Greener Clare programme supports and encourages community participation in other national initiatives such as the EPA Stop Food Waste programme, Conscious Cup CampaignRecycling List Ireland Campaign , Refill Ireland initiative.

The Greener Clare programme encourages and supports community led projects in the areas of prevention, reuse, resource efficiency and recycling through the Waste Prevention Grant Scheme.

The Waste Prevention Grant Scheme can be applied for in the first quarter of each year so please contact us at if you are interested in applying for the Waste Prevention Grant.

Examples of projects supported by the Waste Prevention Grants Scheme include the Greening of Festivals; upcycling workshops; Reusable Cup / bottle projects; Awareness raising initiatives; Plastic Free community projects.

Page last reviewed: 08/06/18

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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