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Energy Efficiency Upgrades for housing stock

4 October 2018

Clare County Council is nearing completion of an Energy Efficiency Scheme involving the delivery of energy efficiency upgrade works to 2,500 social housing properties.

Energy efficiency

To date, 2,450 properties across Clare have benefited from the installation of external /cavity wall insulation, roof and attic insulation, replacement windows/doors and associated works. An additional 50 homes will benefit from upgrade works in 2019.

Meanwhile, the scheme has been expanded in 2018 to include PV Solar panels and a requirement for a community benefit where 5 additional electric vehicle charging points have been installed across the county while energy efficiency upgrade works have been completed at Active Ennis Leisure Complex and Kilrush Library where new fabric walls, windows and roof; solar panels, and heating and ventilation systems have been installed.

The Energy Efficiency Scheme is being funded by Clare County Council, the Department of Housing and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Anne Haugh, Director of Social Development, Clare County Council, commented, “The investment made under this scheme has directly improved the quality of a number of social housing units in Clare. These very important improvement works directly benefit the people living in these homes and will serve as a sensible long term investment in Clare's social housing stock."

Page last reviewed: 04/10/18

Content managed by: Housing and Integration Department

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