New social housing scheme for Feakle

A Part 8 process for the development of a 13-house scheme in Feakle has been unanimously approved by the Members of Clare County Council.
The new scheme is being developed as part of the Rebuilding Ireland Programme and is the first social housing development in Feakle since 1973. The development, which comprises a mix of 3 and 2-bed houses to cater for the needs of the area, has gone through extensive public and department consultation and includes a new pedestrian way linking the main street to the school and playground.
Councillor Tom McNamara, Mayor of Clare, said, “The design, accessibility and usability of previous social housing developments in County Clare have been of the highest standard and I am sure these schemes will be welcomed by applicants on the Council’s waiting list for social housing.”
Councillor Gerry Flynn, Chair of the Social Development SPC, commented, “2018 is the year for moving projects into construction stage. This is a positive step in the ongoing programme of delivering housing schemes during the coming year in an effort to reduce the social housing waiting list.”
Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council, said, “This scheme is one of several in design development stages to address the housing need in Clare. Construction is just one form of delivery but has the added value through improving the housing stock and contributing to the local economy.”
“The design of the new scheme addresses the housing need in the area whilst linking key community facilities,” explained Liam Conneally, Director of Social Development.
“The scheme is designed to encourage community interaction and reflects feedback from public consultation during scheme design. The architects brief included addressing the potential amenity of the site for the village and the importance of creating new connections between the development and the village,” he added.
The design team led by Reddy Architecture and Urbanism is now preparing tender documents with input from P Coleman & associates, Birmingham king quantity surveyor and Don O’Malley & Ptnrs M&E with a view to starting construction on the site later this year.
Page last reviewed: 21/02/18
Content managed by: Housing Department
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