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Pre-planning consultation form

A pre-planning consultation form must be completed in order to submit a pre-planning enquiry. The following minimum information must be submitted for all pre-planning enquiries:

  • Name, address and contact phone number(s)
  • Address/townland of site
  • Site location map minimum 1:2500 scale
  • Legal interest in site e.g. owner, prospective purchases etc.
  • A clear and detailed description of proposed development/nature of enquiry and any additional supporting information as necessary inc. photographs, sketches or preliminary drawings.

If any of the above are omitted the pre-planning enquiry shall be returned. It should also be noted that pre-planning consultation requests should relate to a specific proposal for the land in question. Those that are speculative in the sense that they refer to lands/ property with the applicant requesting advice in general together with queries relating to sites that are up for auction and seeking advice for “development potential” for their lands cannot be dealt with by the planning authority. The planning authority does not consider it appropriate nor has it the resources to deal with such queries and the applicant should consult the relevant development plans and/or seek appropriate professional advice.

Please note that any advice is given in good faith and without prejudice to the formal consideration of any subsequent planning application. Article 247 (3) of the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 2000 states that “the carrying out of consultations shall not prejudice the performance by a planning authority of any other of its functions under this Act, or any regulations made under this Act and cannot be relied upon in the formal planning process or in legal proceedings.” Formal consideration of an application is necessarily more extensive than consideration at the pre-application stage including because of consideration of any internal technical reports e.g. environment section or submissions from a third party or prescribed bodies.

Content managed by: Planning Department

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