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Exempted development

Exempted development is development for which planning permission is not required. Categories of exempted development are set out in planning law (Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001(as amended).

The purpose of exemption is to avoid controls on developments of a minor nature, such as a small extension to a house. Reference must be made to the legislation to ensure that the development falls within the exemption thresholds/limits. If the particular development exceeds the thresholds/limits listed, the development requires permission.

Section 5 Declarations

Under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), a person can seek a formal declaration from the planning authority to establish if there is a requirement for planning permission for a specific proposal.

You must complete the form P07 Application form for a declaration on development and exempted development (Section 5) and submit it to the planning authority along with a site location map and a fee of €80.00. You may include drawings, photos etc. If no further information is required, a decision will issue in four weeks from receipt of the request.The applicant may appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanála.

Page last reviewed: 05/03/21

Content managed by: Planning Department

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