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Funding for Built Heritage Projects 2024

14 March 2024

Funding for Built Heritage Projects 2024 announced by Minister Malcolm Noonan

The Minister of State with responsibility for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD, announced on the 14th March 2024 that a total of 676 heritage projects across every county will benefit from €9 million in financial support through the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) for 2024.

Both schemes support the conservation of historic buildings for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations and are managed jointly by the National Built Heritage Service (NBHS) in the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and a network of conservation staff in the 31 local authorities, including expert Architectural Conservation Officers.

The schemes fund a variety of repairs and renovation works to prevent deterioration, protect character, and encourage the re-use of protected structures. The schemes also provide important support for the employment of traditional craftspeople and conservation professionals.

Announcing the awards, Minister Noonan said:

“I am delighted to announce €9 million in funding for 676 heritage projects up and down the country. My Department’s two grant programmes – the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund – support the owners and custodians of our nation's historic structures to conserve and protect them, helping to revitalise historic town centres and ensure their unique character is preserved for future generations. The level of funding available highlights the Government's ongoing commitment to the built heritage that communities know and love. These schemes also provide valuable work for the many traditional craft and tradespeople across Ireland, helping to keep these unique skills alive.”

Historic Structures Fund (HSF)

The HSF provides grants of between €15,000 and €200,000 to support major conservation works to significant historic buildings. This year, €4.5 million in funding will support 114 projects – the largest ever number approved for funding under the HSF.

2 Projects are receiving funding in County Clare under the HSF this year:

  1. €153,409 for St. Flannan’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killaloe
  2. €10,000 for Lime Kiln, Kilnaboy

Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS)

The BHIS provides grants of up to €15,000 for maintenance and smaller conservation works to help prevent historic buildings from falling into disrepair and possible disuse. In recognition of the particular challenges in caring for thatched properties, the scheme also includes ring-fenced funding for historic thatched buildings, with a maximum grant of €20,000. This year, 562 BHIS grants will be awarded across the country, including 80 for thatched buildings, amounting to €4.5 million in funding.

14 Projects are receiving funding in County Clare under the BHIS this year:

  1. €3,500 for Stone Slate Cottage, Liscannor
  2. €8,550 for Loop Head Lighthouse
  3. €8,550 for Cranagher House, Quin
  4. €8,550 for Manus House, Clarecastle
  5. €8,550 for Armsteads Building, Ennistymon
  6. €8,550 for Christ Church, Spanish Point
  7. €8,550 for Stone Building (Within Curtilage Of Scariff Workhouse)
  8. €8,550 for Hector Street Mills, Kilrush
  9. €8,550 for St Brigid's Catholic Church, Corofin
  10. €8,550 for Glencairn House, Ennis
  11. €8,550 for Stone Slate Cottage, Miltown Malbay
  12. €7,000 for Barntick House, Clarecastle
  13. €3,000 for Thatched Cottage, Killaloe
  14. €9,837 for Thatched Cottage, Boston

Page last reviewed: 14/03/24

Content managed by: Planning Department

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