Frequently Asked Questions
We recruit people for roles across a broad range of areas, administrative, professional, technical, management, operational, seasonal and for the Fire Service.
Where can I find a list of current vacancies?
All our vacancies are listed under Current Vacancies.
Clare County Council may also advertise recruitment competitions on www.publicjobs.ie and www.localgovernmentjobs.ie, on Clare County Council Social Media, local radio, local print etc.
Positions at senior managerial and senior professional levels are recruited by the Public Appointments Service on the Council’s behalf. Please see www.publicjobs.ie for positions at this level.
Please note that all local authority jobs, including national and sectoral vacancies, will be advertised on localgovernmentjobs.ie. The site will also be a hub providing information on the local authority recruitment process, the variety of roles available in the sector and the many benefits of working for a local authority.
You are advised to carefully read the information documents attached to the advertised role. It is your responsibility to ensure you have read all relevant job particulars.
Can I apply for positions just using my CV?
No, we do not accept CV’s or additional documents unless exclusively requested. As a local authority there is specific information that we require from all candidates. You may only apply through completing an official application form pertaining to the particular competition you are applying for and submitting as outlined on the Application Form and Candidate Information Booklet.
What is a Candidate Information Booklet?
A Candidate Information Booklet is published for each position we advertise for. This booklet contains details of the role, including the required qualifications, the salary etc.
Candidate Information Booklets for each currently advertised role are available to view under Current Vacancies. To find more details on terms and conditions of employment in Clare County Council, please see Terms & Conditions of Employment document, also here.
Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes, you may apply for any role that you are interested in and for which you feel you meet the requirements. To see whether you are eligible for a role please read the Candidate Information Booklet relating to the advertised position.
How long do I have to apply?
Each advertisement will clearly state the closing date for applications for the position in question. Only positions currently open for applications will appear on our web page and on the applications platform.
What are competency application forms?
A competency-based application form allows the candidate to demonstrate their specific competence in a particular area. The competencies are identified as the essential knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attributes for the role in question. For each competency, you are given a description of a skill or quality. You are then asked to describe a situation, from your own experience, which you think is the best example of what you have done which demonstrates this skill or quality. It is essential that you describe how you demonstrated the skill or quality in question.
For each competency example, include the following:
- the nature of the task, problem, or objective;
- what you actually did and how you demonstrated the skill or quality (and, where appropriate, the date you demonstrated it);
- the outcome or result of the situation and your estimate of the proportion of credit you can claim for the outcome.
Please do not use the same example to illustrate your answer to more than two skill areas. Please note that, should you be called to interview, the board may look for additional examples of where you demonstrated the skills required for this post so you should think of a number of examples. Competencies may also be listed in the Candidate Information Booklet for the role. Different competencies may be used depending on the role being interviewed for.
Who is assessed for eligibility?
All applications for positions in Clare County Council are assessed for eligibility, i.e., to ensure they meet the essential qualifications listed for the position in the Candidate Information Booklet. If you do not meet the essential qualification requirements, you will be deemed ineligible to progress in the competition.
If shortlisting takes place, who will be called for interview?
A shortlisting process may also take place. Shortlisting is based on the information provided by you on your application form and how relevant it is to the role applied for. This means the information you provided in your application form is critical, as it is the only information that will be considered in the shortlisting process.
Candidates who are found to be eligible for the role and shortlisted [if shortlisting takes place], will be called for interview.
How do the interviews work?
The Recruitment Team in the Human Resources Department is responsible for all arrangements relating to interviews for positions in Clare County Council.
If you are eligible for a role, and shortlisted for an interview, you will be notified of your interview date and time before the interview. If you receive an interview calling you for an interview you must reply by the date specified, to let us know whether or not you will be attending. If you do not respond to the interview invite, it will be assumed that you do not wish to attend.
What are competency based interviews?
A competency-based interview allows the interview board to assess the extent to which a candidate meets or demonstrates specific skills [competencies] during an interview. The competencies are identified as the essential knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attributes for the role in question.
All candidates eligible for interview will be advised of the relevant competencies for the position before their interview. Competencies may also be listed in the Candidate Information Booklet for the role. Different competencies may be used depending on the role being interviewed for.
For competency-based interviews you should organise your answers using the STAR model to be able to fully answer the questions in an organised manner.
- Situation: Use one or two sentences to describe where you worked or studied, what your role was, and any other relevant background information that provides context.
- Task: Clearly describe the problem or challenge you faced and the goal you were working towards in the example.
- Action: Outline what you did to either resolve the situation or contribute to the success of the example. Describe in detail the steps you took, any challenges you faced, and what specific skills you used.
- Result: Describe the result of your actions and what you accomplished from the situation. It is important to relate the skill or competency you are illustrating back to the position you are applying for and explain what you learned from the experience.
How will I hear the results from my interview?
Candidates shall be notified of the outcome of their interview at the earliest possible date after the interview via written correspondence. If a candidate has been placed on a panel, the candidate shall be informed of their position on the panel.
What does being placed on a panel mean?
For some competitions, a panel of successful candidates may be formed as a result of the interviews. The interview board may recommend a panel of successful candidates to the Chief Executive (or delegated official) for approval. The placement on a panel does not necessarily lead to a job offer. The lifetime of any panel will be one year from the date it is formed but may be extended for a further period of up to 6 months to 1 year at the Chief Executive’s discretion
What happens if I refuse an offer?
If an offer is refused for a permanent role, you are removed from this panel. In some instances, if an offer of temporary employment is refused, you may remain on the panel in the event of a permanent job opportunity becoming available.
How long will it take for me to start in my role after accepting an offer of employment?
All appointments are subject to satisfactory work references, medical assessments, verification of qualifications [where required] and Garda Vetting [where required]. Clare County Council requires candidates to take up employment within one month of the offer being accepted.
Does Clare County Council run apprenticeship schemes?
Clare County Council does run apprenticeship schemes, from time to time. When such a scheme is being run a posting with all the details will be placed on the Careers page under Current Vacancies, and www.localgovernmentjobs.ie, and ads may be run in the national newspapers and on Social Media.
How do I apply to be a Firefighter with Clare County Council?
Clare County Council advertises for the position of Firefighter from time to time, in the same way as for all other vacancies. When vacancies arise for this position a posting with all the details will be placed on the Careers page under Current Vacancies and www.localgovernmentjobs.ie, and ads may be run in the national newspapers and on Social Media.
See Joining the Fire Service for further information on a career in the Fire Service.
Principles of how we recruit
Appointments to Clare County Council are made through a process of fair and open competition. Clare County Council is committed to ensuring all applicants are treated fairly. To this end, all applications for a position go through the same eligibility, shortlisting and interview processes and are assessed purely on the merits of the experience/ educational qualifications/ competencies provided by the candidate.
Applicants who disclose a disability that would require assistance during the interview process, such as requiring a Sign Language interpreter, will be provided with that assistance at all relevant stages.
Interviews may be conducted online via MS Teams.
Page last reviewed: 10/08/23
Content managed by: Human Resources Department
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