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Customer Charter

Clare County Council’s Customer Charter has been put in place to continually improve the customer service experience by setting out our service level commitment to our customers. The Charter also outlines the customer’s obligations and responsibilities when availing of the services and facilities of Clare County Council. 

What to expect when you contact Clare County Council

  • We will engage with you in a polite, courteous and fair manner.
  • We aim to deal with your enquiry and provide relevant information in a timely manner.
  • We will ensure our public offices are fully accessible for all customers and comply with Health & Safety standards.
  • We will provide clear, accurate and comprehensive information on all of our schemes and services.
  • We will use clear and simple language and only use technical terms when absolutely necessary.
  • We aim to respond to correspondence within 5 working days (except where legislation states otherwise) and provide a definitive reply within 21 working days at the latest. If there is a delay, we will send you an interim reply explaining the position.
  • Má scríobhann tú chugainn as Gaeilge, freagroimid i nGaeilge.

Clare County Council's commitment to you

We will:

  • Treat you equally, with courtesy and respect.
  • Inform you of your rights, entitlements and responsibilities.
  • Protect your information in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations - GDPR.
  • Respect your right to privacy.
  • Ensure our services are fully accessible.
  • Conduct business through Irish, where requested.
  • Provide redress when you have a complaint.

Code of Conduct for our customers

This code of conduct is for members of the public who use the offices and facilities and who have dealings with Clare County Council.

Clare County Council aims to provide a high quality service in a safe and secure environment. In order to achieve this, we ask our customers to note that the following behaviour will not be accepted in any of our offices/facilities.

  1. Behaviour which is disruptive or dangerous and interferes with the use and enjoyment of the facility by others or interferes with staff carrying out Council business.
  2. Harassment of staff or members of the public by engaging in:
    • abusive, sexist, racist, obscene, derogatory or threatening language
    • the creation of inappropriate posts on any media platforms (including social media)
    • unwarranted persistent communication
  3. Use of violence or threat of violence or intimidation towards staff and/or members of the public.
  4. Any deliberate damage to or theft of Clare County Council's property or threats to carry out such damage or theft.
  5. Intimidating behaviour, including accosting members of staff outside of their relevant office and attempting to coerce staff in any way.
  6. Using Clare County Council's facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.
  7. Smoking, drinking or the use of illegal substances.
  8. Leaving personal property unattended while using Clare County Council's facilities.
  9. Using video and/or audio recordings or taking photographs without the specific written authorisation and the inappropriate posting of same on social media.
  10. Allowing children to be unsupervised and disruptive in Clare County Council's facilities.
  11. Bringing pets or animals (other than Guide Dogs) into Clare County Council's premises is generally not permitted. The exceptions to this include parks or recreational facilities, where pets should be on a lead and under the control of the owner at all times.
  12. The wearing of motor cycle or other helmets within Clare County Council's premises.

Please help us to encourage the responsible and considerate use of Clare County Council's facilities by observing this code of conduct. In certain circumstances, we will ask those who do not observe this Code of Conduct to leave the facility or we may ask An Garda Síochána to attend. Thank you.

Help us to help you

In all correspondence, please quote any existing application or query reference numbers and please ensure a daytime telephone/email address is also provided.

We value your opinion

To allow us to improve the quality of our services, we would like to hear from you.

Please tell us how we have performed - we welcome all comments/feedback.

Contact us

You can contact us in person, by mail, telephone, email or online.

Customer Services Team:
Clare County Council
Áras Contae an Chláir
New Road
Co. Clare
V95 DXP2

Telephone: (065) 682 1616

Page last reviewed: 20/12/19

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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Customer Services
Clare County Council
Áras Contae an Chláir
New Road
County Clare
V95 DXP2
(065) 6821616
Opening hours

Phone lines

  • Open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
  • Closed - Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

Public counters

  • Housing: Open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Motor Tax Office: Monday - Friday 9:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Cash Office, Planning, Environment, Transportation, Local Enterprise Office: Open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Customer Services: Open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Homeless Action Team by appointment only
More details and map