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All local authorities are legally required to hold various meetings. The number of meetings which must be held by a county council are specified by law and the procedure at meetings is regulated by standing orders. The legal code has been modernised and updated by Part 7 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 (Amendment of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2001) which deals comprehensively with meetings and proceedings of local authorities.

The business to be transacted is that specified in the summons to a meeting which must be served on the members three days before the meeting. The Cathaoirleach, or if he/she is absent, the Leas Cathaoirleach, presides. If both are absent, members choose a Councillor to take the chair. In the case of a split vote, the Cathaoirleach has second or casting vote except in the election of Cathaoirleach.

The Cathaoirleach may call a meeting at any time, or any five members may call a meeting if the Cathaoirleach, after requisition by five members to do so, refuses.

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