Minutes of December 2024 Monthly Meeting of Clare County Council
Location: Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and via MS Teams
On: Monday 9th December 2024
Time: 3pm
Councillors M. Howard, P. Murphy, A. Baker Bashua, T. Guilfoyle, C. Colleran Molloy, T. O’Callaghan, P. Hayes, A. O’Callaghan, T. O’Brien, D. Griffin, R. Hartigan, J. Crowe, P. O’Gorman, M. Begley, T. Mulcahy, B. Slattery, J. Killeen, D. Gould, R. McInerney, I. Lynch, G. Keating, M. Shannon.
- Mr. Pat Dowling, Chief Executive.
- Ms. Mary McMahon, Meetings Administrator.
- Ms. Aoife Coote, Assistant Staff Officer, Corporate Services.
- Dr. Carmel Kirby, Director of Economic Development.
- Ms. Ann Reynolds, A/Director of Service, Rural Development
- Ms. Noeleen Fitzgerald, Director of Finance and Support Services.
- Mr. Alan Farrell, Director of Physical Development.
- Ms. Siobhan McNulty, Director of Tourism Development
- Mr. Jason Murphy, Director of Social Development.
- Mr. Séan Lenihan, Senior Engineer, Ennis Municipal District.
Present via MS Teams:
Cllrs. J. Garrihy, S. Talty
Cllrs. P. Daly, P. Burke
The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan presided.
Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan welcomed students from St. Flannan’s College who were sitting in the public gallery.
Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan complimented the Fire Services for their work during Storm Darragh the previous weekend. Cllr. O’Callaghan noted that they undertook dangerous conditions to keep the citizens of County Clare safe and he thanked them for their dedication and commitment.
Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan congratulated all four T.D.’s that were elected in Clare in the recent General Election noting in particular former colleagues Joe Cooney and Donna McGettigan. Cllr. O’Callaghan stated that they will invite them back to the chamber in the new year.
Votes of sympathy
A vote of sympathy was extended to the following:
- The Cronin Family, on the death of Michael Cronin, RIP.
- The Forde Family, on the death of Timothy Forde, RIP.
- The Dooley Family, on the death of Baby Cushla Dooley, RIP.
- The O’Brien Family, on the death of Noreen O’Brien, RIP.
- The Browne and O’Meara Family, on the death of Michelle Browne O’Meara, RIP.
- The Brodie Family, on the death of Mary Brodie, RIP.
- The Madden Family on the death of Vera Madden, RIP.
- The Crowley Family, on the death of Noel Crowley, Retired County Librarian, RIP.
P. Dowling, Chief Executive addressed the meeting and noted that he wished to be associated with all the votes of sympathy but in particular wanted to acknowledge Noel Crowley. Mr. Dowling noted that Mr. Crowley, retired County Librarian, was a stalwart of Clare County Council in his time and noted that Mr. Crowley was the main contributor to building the library services that are available in Co. Clare today. Mr. Dowling noted his input into the “Story of Clare and its People” and offered his condolences to Noel’s wife Mary and his children from all the staff in Clare County Council.
Cllr. M. Howard also paid tribute to Noel Crowley noting his involvement in Ennis Tidy Towns.
Item 1: Minutes of Council Meetings
a. Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard
Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Begley agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the November Meeting of Clare County Council held on 11th November 2024 be adopted and signed.”
b. Ar moladh Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Shannon agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the Statutory Budget Meeting of Clare County Council held on 28th November 2024 be adopted and signed.”
Item 2: Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Item 3: Correspondence/Comhfhreagras
The following correspondence was circulated with the agenda.
- Correspondence dated 19th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister of Transport in relation to Active Travel Funding.
- Correspondence dated 21st November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Health in relation to GP Services.
- Correspondence dated 28th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Transport in relation to grants for electrical vehicles and solar panels.
- Correspondence dated 12th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Transport in relation to a rail connection to Shannon Airport.
- Correspondence dated 7th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Transport in relation to Active Travel Infrastructure.
- Correspondence dated 2nd December 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in relation to pay in the ELC and SAC sector.
- Acknowledgement dated 22nd November 2024 from the State Examinations Commission in relation to allowances for students with disabilities.
- Acknowledgement dated 14th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Education in relation to allowances for students with disabilities.
- Acknowledgement dated 5th November 2024 from the Office of the Minister for Justice in relation to laws to protect children when purchasing electronic devices.
- Resolution dated 13th November 2024 from Kerry County Council in relation to discretionary funding for local authorities.
- Resolution dated 28th November 2024 from Leitrim County Council in relation to funding for community groups for CCTV.
- Resolution dated 11th November 2024 from Monaghan County Council in relation to Primary Medical Certificates.
- Resolution dated 7th November 2024 from Waterford City and County Council in relation to its support for United Against Gender Apartheid.
- Association of Irish Regions' Annual Training Seminar 2025 on the 5th and 6th February 2025.
Item 4: Minutes of Municipal District Meetings
a. Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard
Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the Ennis Municipal District Meeting held on the 8 October, 2024 be noted.”
b. Ar moladh Cllr. P. Hayes
Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Brien agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the Killaloe Municipal District Meeting held on the 4 September, 2024 be noted.”
c. Ar moladh Cllr. M. Begely
Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. O’Gorman agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting held on the 17 September, 2024 be noted.”
d. Ar moladh Cllr. R. Hartigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. D. Griffin agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Budget Meeting held on the 11 November, 2024 be noted.”
e. Ar moladh Cllr. I. Lynch
Cuidithe ag Cllr. B. Slattery agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the West Clare Municipal District Meeting held on the 17 September, 2024 be noted.”
f. Ar moladh Cllr. D. Gould
Cuidithe ag Cllr. G. Keating agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the West Clare Municipal District Adjourned Meeting held on the 23 September, 2024 be noted.”
g. Ar moladh Cllr. I. Lynch
Cuidithe ag Cllr. B. Slattery agus glacadh leis
“That the Minutes of the West Clare Municipal District Budget Meeting held on the 11 November, 2024 be noted.”
Item 5: Minutes of Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Meetings
(a) Ar moladh Cllr. P. Hayes
Cuidithe ag Cllr. A. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis
“That the minutes of the Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee meeting held on the 23 April, 2024 be noted.”
Item 6: Minutes of the Corporate Policy Group Meetings
The members noted the minutes of the meeting held on 4th November, 2024 as presented.
Item 7: Monthly Management Report
The monthly management report attached to the agenda included key activities in the principal service areas and was noted by the members.
Cllr. T. O’Brien referred to public lighting and noted concerns. Cllr. O’Brien referred to a housing estate in Killaloe that has no lighting and given the time of year it needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
Cllr. O’Brien thanked the Director of Service for Physical Development for the site visit to Killaloe with the MD Members and noted that the bridge and bypass will be a fantastic addition. He noted that there are serious concerns with regard to road infrastructure during the construction of the project.
Cllr. O’Brien acknowledged the success of the twinning committee’s trip to Birmingham in November.
P. Dowling, Chief Executive referred to public lighting and noted that this has been raised more than once and the local authority were endeavouring to address concerns. Mr. Dowling stated that given the time of year progress needs to be made on this and black spots need to be identified.
Mr. Dowling advised in relation to the upcoming Killaloe site visit that Tipperary County Council will also be present and that the Killaloe-Ballina Mobility Plan will be launched which will present economic opportunities for both Killaloe and Ballina.
A. Farrell, Director of Service, Physical Development Directorate advised that a case will be made in relation to additional funding for roads infrastructure negatively impacted during the construction. Mr. Farrell noted that he and his team held a workshop with the Members and key issues including public lighting were discussed. He advised that it had been agreed that any case that wasn’t being addressed within a reasonable timeframe should be brought to the attention of the Executive Engineer in Transport/Machinery Yard and that details of the issues would be ascertained and communicated to the Members. He said that in most cases that are protracted there are specific reasons that can be complicated, and he confirmed that staff would work with the Members to address concerns.
Item 8: Disposal of derelict site at Main Street, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000.
Report from Carmel Greene, Senior Executive Officer, Economic Development Directorate was circulated with the agenda together with map. The report states that it is proposed to dispose of derelict site at Main Street, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 20th November 2024.
Ar moladh Cllr. G. Keating
Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Mulcahy agus glacadh leis
“Notice having been served pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, Clare County Council approves pursuant to the powers vested on it at Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 as amended, of disposal of derelict site at Main Street, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 20th November 2024.”
Item 9: Proposed lease of Kilkee Dive Centre Building, Kilkee, Co. Clare pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000.
Report from Carmel Greene, Senior Executive Officer, Economic Development Directorate was circulated with the agenda together with map. The report states that it is proposed to offer a new Lease Agreement on Kilkee Dive Centre subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 22nd November 2024.
Ar moladh Cllr. I. Lynch
Cuidithe ag Cllr. D. Gould agus glacadh leis
“Notice having been served pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, Clare County Council approves pursuant to the powers vested on it at Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 as amended, of disposal of property (by lease) at Kilkee Dive Centre Building, Kilkee, Co. Clare subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 22nd November 2024.”
Item 10: Disposal of land at 33 Clancy Park, Ennis, Co. Clare pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000.
Report from Carmel Greene, Senior Executive Officer, Economic Development Directorate was circulated with the agenda together with map. The report states that it is proposed to dispose of land adjacent to 33 Clancy Park, Ennis, Co. Clare subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 22nd November 2024.
Ar moladh Cllr. A. Baker Bashua
Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Murphy agus glacadh leis
“Notice having been served pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001, Clare County Council approves pursuant to the powers vested on it at Section 211 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 as amended, of disposal of land adjacent to 33 Clancy Park, Ennis, Co. Clare subject to the conditions as set out in the notice served on the members dated 22nd November 2024.”
Item 11: Report in accordance with Part XI, Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and Part VIII, Article 80 and 81 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended, for the proposed extension (62 spaces) to the existing public car park, Gort Road Industrial Estate, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Chief Executive Report dated 3rd December, 2024 from Helen Quinn, Senior Planner, Planning & Economic Development was circulated with the agenda (including Clare County Council’s appropriate assessment and determination).
The proposed development consists of:
- Removal and realignment of existing kerb line for the provision of 62 No. macadam based parking spaces (2.Sm x Sm)
- Provision of road manholes, gullies, drainage pipework, and ancillary site services.
- Provision of a petrol interceptor/separator tank.
- Provision of signing and road markings.
- All associated and ancillary site works.
As the Chief Executive’s report had been duly considered by the members, in accordance with Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and Part VIII, Article 80 and 81 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended, and as there was no proposal to vary or modify the development, and as there was no proposal to refuse the development, accordingly, the development can proceed as outlined.
This was approved by the members present having been proposed by Cllr. M. Howard, seconded by Cllr. P. Murphy and agreed by the members present.
Item 12: Corporate Plan 2024 - 2029.
Report dated 2nd December 2024 from Ann Reynolds, Acting Director of Service, Rural Development Directorate circulated with the agenda together with a copy of the Corporate Plan. The report states that the Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2029 has been prepared following a number of workshops and consultations which included, council members, Corporate Policy Group, management, staff, Public Participation Network, and business sector representatives. The Draft Plan was also on public display at Council offices and on the Council’s ‘have your say’ online engagement portal from Tuesday 29th October to Friday 15th November 2024.
The report notes that four submissions/comments were received via the online portal, one submission was received via email and a further three submissions were received from staff members. All submissions were reviewed and considered, and the Draft Plan was further updated.
Ar moladh Cllr. I. Lynch
Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Shannon agus glacadh leis
“That pursuant to Section 134 (9) of the Local Government Act, 2001, the Clare County Council Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2029 be adopted as circulated.”
Item 13: SPC Membership 2024 – 2029
Report from Ann Reynolds, Acting Director of Service, Rural Development Directorate circulated with the agenda. The report states that following adoption of the Strategic Policy Scheme at the September Council meeting, nominations were sought from the National Pillars and PPN in accordance with the scheme.
The report outlined the councillor and sectoral nominations received for each SPC:
Social SPC |
Name of SPC Member |
Members (6) |
1. Chair |
John Crowe |
2. Councillor |
Tony Mulcahy |
3. Councillor |
Tommy Guilfoyle |
4. Councillor |
Antoinette Baker Bashua |
5. Councillor |
Tony O’Brien |
6. Councillor |
David Griffin |
Sectors (4) |
Development/ Construction (1) |
Pat Keogh |
Trade Unions (1) |
Andrew Clune |
Community/ Voluntary (1) |
Tommy Molloy |
Social Inclusion (1) |
Ria Wolfe |
Economic SPC |
Name of SPC Member |
Members (6) |
1. Chair |
Pat Daly |
2. Councillor |
Paul Murphy |
3. Councillor |
Bill Slattery |
4. Councillor |
Michael Begley |
5. Councillor |
Tom O’Callaghan |
6. Councillor |
Michael Shannon |
Sectors (5) |
Agriculture & Farming (1) |
Liam Williams |
Environment/ Conservation (1) |
Alex Whyatt |
Development/ Construction (1) |
Shane Joyce |
Business/ Commercial (1) |
Pat Morris |
Trade Unions (1) |
Vincent Coleman |
Physical SPC |
Name of SPC Member |
Members (6) |
1. Chair |
Pat Burke |
2. Councillor |
Joe Cooney |
3. Councillor |
Ian Lynch |
4. Councillor |
Alan O’Callaghan |
5. Councillor |
Rachel Hartigan |
6. Councillor |
Rita McInerney |
Sectors (5) |
Agriculture & Farming (1) |
Thomas Burke |
Environment/ Conservation (1) |
Tom Spillane |
Development/ Construction (1) |
Lorchan Hoyne |
Community/ Voluntary (1) |
Maurice O'Sullivan |
Social Inclusion (1) |
Veerle Claeys |
Rural SPC |
Name of SPC Member |
Members (5) |
1. Chair |
Pat Hayes |
2. Councillor |
Gabirel Keating |
3. Councillor |
Dinny Gould |
4. Councillor |
Joe Killeen |
5. Councillor |
Pat O’Gorman |
Sectors (4) |
Agriculture & Farming (1) |
Denis Tuohy |
Environment/ Conservation (1) |
Criosdoir King |
Community/ Voluntary (1) |
Mary Coffey |
Social Inclusion (1) |
Damon Matthew Wise Au |
Tourism SPC |
Name of SPC Member |
Members (5) |
1. Chair |
Shane Talty |
2. Councillor |
Mary Howard |
3. Councillor |
Joe Garrihy |
4. Councillor |
Donna McGettigan |
5. Councillor |
Claire Colleran Molloy |
Sectors (4) |
Agriculture & Farming (1) |
Tom Lane |
Development/ Construction (1) |
Awaiting confirmation |
Business/ Commercial (1) |
Helen Downes |
Community/ Voluntary (1) |
Andy Lambert |
The members noted the report as presented having been proposed by Cllr. I. Lynch seconded by Cllr. P. O’Gorman and agreed by the members present.
Item 14: Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 - 2029
Report dated 6th November 2024 from Pádraig MacCormaic, A/Senior Executive Officer, Social Development Directorate was circulated with the agenda along with draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 - 2029.
The report states that the draft Traveller Accommodation Programme was put on public display from the 26th July, 2024 until the 27th September, 2024. Fourteen submissions were received within the closing date. Clare County Council reviewed and subsequently discussed the submissions at a meeting between staff of Clare County Council and Clare Traveller Community Development Program. It was acknowledged that challenges of homelessness within the Traveller community are rising and need to be monitored through incoming Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee [LTACC] and that this committee will work with Clare Homeless Action team and other agencies in addressing issues arising.
The report noted that an extensive needs analysis carried out as part of the preparatory work for this proposed TAP identified 492 traveller households in the county of which approx. 40 are seeking traveller specific accommodation. Many of these households are on existing sites and so planned upgrades/ extensions/ refurbishments will help meet some of the need.
The progress and stages for adoption of Clare County Councils Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 -2029 are also set out in the report.
The report states that the Minister has directed, under section 17(1) of the 1998 Act, that a review of the programme should be carried out no later than the 30th June, 2027.
Ar moladh Cllr. J. Crowe
Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Brien agus glacadh leis
“That the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2025 – 2029 be adopted pursuant to Section 7 of the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998.”
Item 15: Clare Local Area Grant Scheme 2025.
Report dated 4th December, 2024 from Bernadette Haugh, Senior Executive Officer, Rural Development Directorate was circulated with the agenda together with Clare Local Area Grants Scheme 2024 guidelines for applicants (previously known as the Community Support Scheme).
The report states that the Budget for the 2025 scheme is €690,000. The new Scheme for 2025 and the allocations across the grant categories were approved by the members of the Working Group for the Action Plan for Rural Ireland on the 3rd December 2024.
The following are the approved grant categories for 2025
- Support Scheme for Public Realm Initiatives and Amenity Projects
- Support Scheme for Maintenance of Open Spaces in Private Housing Developments
- Support Scheme for Community Playgrounds
- Support Scheme for Burial Ground Maintenance, Boundary Repairs (New in 2025) and Provision
- Support Scheme for Christmas Lighting
- Support Scheme for the Maintenance and Upkeep of Local Authority Estates
- Support Scheme for the Arts
- Scéim Deontais na Gaeilge/Support Scheme for the Irish Language
- Support Scheme for Tourism Marketing & Promotion
- Support Scheme for Sustainable Tourism
- Support Scheme for Community Project Development
- Support Scheme for Age Friendly Initiatives (New in 2025)
The 2025 Clare Local Area Grant Scheme was approved having been proposed by Cllr. P. Murphy, seconded by Cllr. P. Hayes and agreed by the members present.
Item 16: Clare County Council submission on the ‘Independent review to inform decision-making around the design and delivery of urgent and emergency healthcare services in the mid-west region of Ireland August 2024”.
Joint submission on behalf of the Elected Members and the Executive of Clare County Council on the ‘Independent review to inform decision-making around the design and delivery of urgent and emergency healthcare services in the mid-west region of Ireland’ was circulated with the agenda. The submission welcomes the Minister’s current review of the health care system in the mid-west. The submission states that the elected members and officials are acutely aware of the resulting impact of the long running overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick and are calling on the new Government to revisit decisions previously made to close the 24-hour A&E services in Ennis. The letter notes that the Council is calling on HIQA to consider the merit of developing a new ED in Ennis that would help address deficiencies in health services within the wider mid-west region.
The submission notes the relevance of recommendations number 9, 15 and 16 from the HSE commissioned review by former Chief Justice Frank Clarke.
The submission concludes that having considered existing services available within the mid-west region, population location, demographic profiling, Government plan led policy, travel times to the nearest ED and the absence of a private hospital in Co. Clare the Council is strongly of the view that Ennis is the most appropriate location for a new emergency department to be developed.
The submission to HIQA was approved having been proposed by Cllr. M. Shannon, seconded by Cllr. A. Baker Bashua and agreed by the members present.
Item 17: Casual Vacancies on the Council.
Report dated 2nd December, 2024 from A. Reynolds, A/Director of Service, Rural Development Directorate circulated with the agenda. The report states that following the election of Donna Mc Gettigan and Joe Cooney to Dáil Éireann with effect from 1st December 2024, two causal vacancies arise in the Council.
The report states that the vacancies will be filled by co-option in accordance with Section 19 of the Local Government Act 2001, i.e. the vacancy will be filled by a nomination from the respective political parties, i.e. Sinn Féin and Fine Gael.
The report acknowledges Donna’s and Joe’s contributions to the Council over the course of their terms as Council members and wished them well in their future political careers in Dáil Éireann.
The casual vacancy report was noted by the members as presented.
Item 18: Lung Cancer Screening
Ar moladh Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. J. Crowe agus glacadh leis
“In the circumstances where the Irish Cancer Society claim that screening could save “One Life a Day” and where Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in Ireland, accounting for 1083 deaths annually between 2018 and 2020, and where the majority of cases of this type of cancer are usually at an advanced stage when diagnosed, that the Minister for Health, implement Lung Cancer screening to detect the cancer at early stage.” (M)
The elected members acknowledged that lung cancer needs to be detected sooner. The members stated that screening can save one life a day and noted that lung cancer has the worst survival rate amongst all cancer related illnesses. The members noted that early detection is key and that Ireland should adopt similar programs that have been in introduced in the U.K. and Scotland.
Item 19: Olympian plaque
Ar moladh Cllr. T. Guilfoyle
Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy agus glacadh leis
“Clare County Council agrees to erect an Olympian plaque in John O'Sullivan Park, Lees Road, Ennis. This plaque will serve as a tribute to Clare-born or trained/clubbed Olympians, commemorating their achievements and contributions to the world of sports.
Clare County Council will appoint a competent team to undertake research to identify these individuals and ensure that their names are remembered on a fitting plaque at a prominent location within the park.
Clare County Council will make every effort to contact the living Olympians and invite them to the official unveiling of the plaque.
This initiative aims to recognise and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of our local Olympians, inspiring future generations and fostering a sense of pride in our community.” (M)
A. Reynolds, A/Director of Service, Rural Development Directorate replied as follows:
“It is recognised by the Council that Memorials offer opportunities for the Council, Communities, and families to celebrate, honour or remember a person, group of persons or event of significance. It allows the Council to integrate important aspects of the County's past culture and society into the present day and to raise awareness of the subject being commemorated among the public.
The Council has a memorial policy in place to ensure that the memorial process is managed and regulated for the mutual benefit of all.
With regard to this request for an Olympian plaque in John O'Sullivan Park an application with the relevant details should be submitted to the Secretary of the Memorial Committee for consideration by committee members. It will be necessary to identify a source of funding for this proposed civic memorial before preparatory works commences and to consult with Active Ennis, in developing the proposal further. Subject to the application being approved by the Committee, it can then be brought to a statutory meeting of the Council for final approval.”
Cllr. T. Guilfoyle noted that the most recent Olympic games was a joyous event for the country. The members acknowledged that the athletes commitment to training deserves to be honoured and they referred to John O’Sullivan Park, Lees Road as the location for the plaque noting that it is fitting as it is the birthplace for future Olympians.
Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy noted that this was a positive motion, but that research and specifics would need to be undertaken before submitting an application to the memorial committee.
Item 20: Hospitality Sector Grant Scheme
Ar moladh Cllr. I. Lynch
Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis
“That Clare County Council request the Taoiseach and the Minister for Finance to establish a grant scheme for the hospitality sector to upgrade toilets to provide disability access facilities, ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not excluded from participating in social interactions.” (M)
Cllr. I. Lynch informed the members of a girl who is in a wheelchair who was going out with friends to celebrate getting a job, when she called for a taxi, there were no accessible taxis available and when she made it to the venue she had to go home early as the venue had no accessible toilet facilities. The elected members noted that the hospitality sector is under pressure currently with the increase in VAT rate and that the government need to consider a scheme to assist with retrofitting their premises with accessible facilities. The members acknowledged how able-bodied people take for granted ordering a taxi and the use of facilities but that for someone who is wheelchair bound these can be massive hurdles to overcome. The members noted that everybody should be treated equally and the importance of fighting for those with disabilities.
Item 21: Medical Cards for Critical Illnesses
Ar moladh Cllr. A. Baker Bashua
Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Howard agus glacadh leis
“That the HSE revises its current policy for granting medical cards to patients diagnosed with critical illnesses. These patients should have access to a fast-track system to ensure that medical cards are issued without unnecessary delays. Waiting weeks or even months for medical cards places undue stress on individuals and their families during an already challenging time. A streamlined and efficient process must be implemented to prioritise and expedite medical card approvals for critically ill patients, ensuring they receive timely access to essential medical care and support.” (M)
The elected members acknowledged the hardship that people suffer when faced with a serious illness and noted that they shouldn’t also have to face financial worries during this time too. The members stated that there needs to be a fast-tracked system in place to accommodate people who are suddenly faced with these issues. The members noted that with the new TD’s now in place these issues need to be raised with them.
Item 22: Emergency Communication Policy
Ar moladh Cllr. J. Garrihy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. I. Lynch agus glacadh leis
“I call on Clare County Council to outline emergency communications policy to the public, community groups and elected representatives during emergency situations, and adverse weather events and to review this with a view to any possible improvements to ensure best possible information, advice and updates are available through a central and trusted forum.” (M)
A. Reynolds, A/Director of Service, Rural Development Directorate replied as follows:
“Clare County Council has a Severe Weather Plan which is a sub plan of the Clare County Council Major Emergency Plan.
The Council’s Severe Weather Assessment Team (SWAT) takes direction from the National Crisis Management Team of the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management (NDFEM), this includes Met Éireann, Government Departments and all affected Local Authorities in terms of appropriate actions and guidance on communications to ensure national consistency of public messaging across the affected areas in times of severe weather events.
Our Communications Policy for such events is outlined in the Clare County Council Severe Weather Plan.
Effective communication with the public and the media is vital to the successful handling of Severe weather Incidents. The key objective is to deliver accurate, clear and timely advice to the public and the media at speed so that the public can feel confident, safe and well informed during an incident.
Clare County Council informs the public through the following outlets as appropriate:
- Local Radio, Clare FM, this includes press releases and interviews
- National media as required
- Clarecoco.ie website
- Clare County Social Media channels
- MapAlerter
Other agencies generally will be informing the public during severe weather incidents, this information is often shared among the media channels, examples include: AA Roadwatch, Met Éireann, ESB Power Check, An Garda Siochána, Irish Coast Guard.
The Council continues to review its procedures with regard to severe weather events.”
The elected members complimented all the emergency services staff that worked through Storm Darragh the previous weekend and acknowledged that they are risking their lives. The members referred to how effectively the emergency services crews communicated with each other. The members discussed the impact of social media in emergency situations but noted that the priority must be to report issues to the emergency services and not onto social media. The members did however acknowledge that young people are more likely to refer to social media for updates so communications training might be worthwhile for the elected members.
P. Dowling, Chief Executive noted that there is a tried and tested major emergency plan in the country. Mr. Dowling noted that there is a multi-agency approach in place and he acknowledged that the current system is successful but noted that the protection of life is paramount.
Item 23: Protection of Irish Farm Incomes
Ar moladh Cllr. J. Killeen
Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Hayes agus glacadh leis
“We call on the Minister with the Department of Agriculture to resist and oppose the introduction of the Mercosur Deal to protect Irish farm incomes into the future.” (M)
The elected members noted the devastating effect the Mercosur deal would have on the agricultural sector in Ireland. The members advised that the production systems in Europe are completely different to those in South America. The members noted that the deal will flood the market with Beef that isn’t regulated as stringently as it is here in Ireland, they stated that this deal would undermine the fabric of rural Ireland for short term corporate gains.
Item 24: Autism and Sensory Friendly Spaces
Ar moladh Cllr. D. Griffin
Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis
“That Clare County Council conduct an audit of Council owned property to assess for autism and sensory friendly spaces.” (M)
C. Greene, Senior Executive Officer, Property Management Unit, Helen Walsh, County Librarian and Padraic MacCormaic, A/Senior Executive Officer, Social Development Directorate replied as follows:
“Clare County Council has many properties, some of which are public offices for provision of services and some are not open to the public, such as Fire Stations, Digital Hubs and Depots. In particular, we have some buildings that are open to all public such as libraries and cultural spaces. In addition, outdoor spaces and playgrounds form an important element which would need to be considered in the context of this motion.
In replying to this motion, it is important that the provision of space is one element of the provision of services but that the provision of services by staff is also a key element as well as the provision of specific programmes for people with autism.
In particular, the Clare Library Service Libraries have a number of initiatives supporting autism and those who are neuro-divergent.
- The new DeValera library has a Cubbie which is an immersive sensory space that helps regulate sensory stress through professional (OT backed) tailor made programmes. Also, anyone can benefit from it if feeling anxious or depressed. It is advisable to book at the library desk.
- Ennistymon Library has a sensory room – bookable on request. The sensory room contains a range of supports such as toys, seating, lighting and equipment suitable for adults and children who have additional needs. The room is available for use to members of the public, teachers and special needs assistants. With Creative Ireland funding a number of Maia Purposeful play for family events suitable for those between 0-4 are available in Ennistymon and Milltown Libraries.
- The Toy and Sensory Resource Collection (TSRC) is for children with complex needs and held in Shannon Library (with 70 toys and aids) specific to developmental growth – items can be requested for supply to any branch library for loan purposes. This is an invaluable aid to parents who can test a toy or aid before considering purchase or continue to borrow whichever works best. Toys and aids are not for sale from the library but supplier details can be requested. The library also has a small room that can be used for sensory purposes.
- A number of branches have sensory gardens adjacent to each library – Shannon, Kilrush and Ennistymon.
- All library staff have been trained in autism awareness and as a result of this “social stories” have been posted online for each branch library and the new Art Gallery (Súil) – a social story is a short written account explaining what to expect when visiting the library/art gallery – this helps to lessen any anxieties about going into a new space and is designed specifically for adults and children with autism.
Staff Training
In the area of service provision, Clare County Council hosted Autism Awareness training sessions for staff, led by Dr. Susan Crawford in May 2023. This was found to be extremely helpful and will be further encouraged.
This was followed by an in-person workshop and four additional webinars aimed at parents, professionals, businesses and community groups.
Housing Services
The Housing Department also support some families in their provision of sensory rooms in their homes through our Adaptation grants scheme and are specific to the needs of the family in question.
In conclusion, an audit of public buildings and public spaces can be considered and a priority plan for such an audit will be prepared.”
The elected members welcomed the reply and noted that the local authority is very proactive and progressive in regard to autism and sensory friendly spaces. The members noted that training in autism awareness is very important and that other public building such as shopping centres need to be more cognisant of these conditions.
Cllr. M. Begley acknowledged and congratulated the Truagh Clonlara Camogie team on their progress to their first ever All-Ireland Senior Club Final and requested support from the local authority for the Truagh Clonlara Club fundraising campaign.
P. Dowling, Chief Executive stated that the request would be given consideration.
Cllr. T. O’Callaghan wished Pat Dowling best of luck in his retirement as it was his last Council meeting.
Cllr. R. McInerney requested that a searchable database for the Council motions be made available to the elected members.
Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan noted the request.
Cathaoirleach, Cllr. A. O’Callaghan wished everybody a peaceful Christmas and New Year.
Reports on Seminars/Conferences attended.
With regard to seminars/conferences attended, reports completed in accordance with Section 142 of the Local Government Act 2001 were made available at the meeting.
Celtic Conference “Corporate Governance” held in O’Donovan’s Hotel, Clonakilty, County Cork on the 22nd to 24th November 2024.
The Meetings Administrator informed the Members that the estimated average cost per Councillor attending this Conference was €699.30 including conference fee of €130.00.
It was agreed that Cllrs. D. Gould and B. Slattery attend this conference.
The meeting then concluded.
Signed: ____________________________
Riarthóir Cruinnithe
Signed: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________
Page last reviewed: 13/01/25
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