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Minutes of February 2024 Adjourned Monthly Meeting of Clare County Council

Location:  Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and via MS Teams

On:      Monday 19th February 2024

Time:  3pm



Councillors, M. Howard, J. Flynn, C. Colleran Molloy, P. Murphy, P. Daly, T. O’Callaghan, J. Cooney, P. Burke, A. O’Callaghan, T. O’Brien, J. Crowe, M. Begley, P.J. Ryan, P. McMahon, G. Flynn, D. McGettigan, P. O’Gorman, J. Killeen, J. Garrihy, P.J. Kelly, G. Keating, C. Murphy, I. Lynch, R. McInerney


  • Mr. Pat Dowling, Chief Executive.
  • Ms. Ann Reynolds, Meetings Administrator.
  • Ms. Aoife Coote, Assistant Staff Officer, Corporate Services.
  • Mr. John O’Malley, A/Senior Executive Officer, West Clare MD.
  • Ms. Carmel Kirby, Director of Economic and Planning Development.
  • Mr. Jason Murphy, Director of Social Development.
  • Mr. Alan Farrell, Director of Physical Development.
  • Ms. Noeleen Fitzgerald, Director of Finance and Support Services.

Present via MS Teams:

Cllrs. A. Norton, P. Hayes, L. Grant


The Cathaoirleach, Cllr J. Cooney presided.

Item 20: Crói Cónaithe Scheme

a.      Ar moladh Cllr M. Howard Cuidithe ag Cllr A. O’Callaghan, P O’Gorman agus glacadh leis

“Clare County Council request the Department of Housing to increase the build time requirements of the Crói Cónaithe Scheme from 18 months to 24 months.” (M)

Cllr. M. Howard advised the meeting that she wished to amend the motion to reflect the change from 18 months to 13 months:

“Clare County Council request the Department of Housing to increase the build time requirements of the Crói Cónaithe Scheme from 13 months to 24 months.”

The elected members acknowledged that the Crói Cónaithe scheme is a great scheme to bring vacant and derelict buildings back into use, but the members were all in agreement that the scheme needs some modifying particularly given the length of time it can take to get work completed on older buildings, getting paperwork completed and the shortage of qualified trades people available; the current timeframe is not achievable. The members noted that of the 146 applications that have been approved only two have been drawn down and that was evidence that the timeframe is too short. The elected members agreed that this scheme is hugely beneficial to rural communities too and it shouldn’t be time barred. The members noted that if people had the option of renovating or buying a new build the easier option is to buy the new build, but it is important to try restore old buildings especially in a housing crisis.

Item 21:        Management of trees

Ar moladh Cllr. G. Flynn Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis

“I am requesting Clare County Council to revise their policy in regard to the contracting of suitably qualified people to deal with the management of trees throughout Clare. The current trends of climate change is bringing severe storms and wet weather that is leading to ground saturation. I believe that it is vital that Clare County Council are more proactive in how they are currently responding to the serious health and safety risks for the public.

Trees are laden down with Ivy and the ground is saturated which creates a situation of high risk with the frequency of storms at wintertime. What I am requesting is that a greater number of tree surgeons would to be sourced by the Council and placed on the appropriate list in order to address the serious concerns that exist when large trees are located adjacent to people’s homes and public roadways. The maintenance and management of trees throughout Clare needs some serious attention in order to reduce risk to the public.” (M)

Anne Griffin, Senior Executive Officer, Shannon Municipal District replied as follows:

“As part of the role and functioning of Municipal Districts within the local government structure in Clare, each respective M.D. manages the tree maintenance issue on publicly owned lands within their Area.  Given the high volume of trees in Ennis, Shannon and Killaloe and the unique characteristics pertaining to these districts, the MD’s appoint their own tree care maintenance contractor through a competitive tendering procurement process at the start of each year.  West Clare appoints a contractor as and when required.  Planned, reactive and emergency works are carried out to manage any potential risks to the public.

Clare County Council is not responsible for trees on private property.  The owner of land on which a tree is growing is responsible for its safety and maintenance. Currently under the Roads Act 1993 the maintenance and management of trees across the County is the responsibility of the land or property owner on which the tree is situated.  The Act requires owners or occupiers of land to take all reasonable steps to ensure that trees or other vegetation on their land are not a hazard to persons using a public road. Local authorities may issue notices to landowners requesting them to maintain or cut back trees or hedges. 

The Municipal Districts are also mindful of the provisions of the 1976 Wildlife Act, as amended by Section 46 of the Wildlife Amendment Act, 2000, wherein it is forbidden to cut or remove hedgerows or destroy other vegetation during the bird nesting season, from the 1st of March to the 31st of August each year (subject to exemptions).  The Municipal District staff work closely with the elected members and the public in dealing with any complaints or reports as they arise within this timescale. Emergency works are dealt with throughout the year.

The matter will be kept under review by the Municipal Districts.”

The elected members expressed concern over the effect climate change is having on our environment and how the increase in storms and rainfall are leading to trees potentially causing serious damage. The members acknowledged that tree felling is very expensive for private landowners. It was also stated that the Municipal Districts are finding it difficult to get contractors onboard to undertake the work of tree felling. The elected members suggested that the local authority meet with community groups to educate on the appropriate trees to plant and the maintenance of these trees. The members referred to the Wildlife Act 1976 as amended and the restriction on cutting from 1st March to 31st August every year and noted the period where you can cut is too short as most don’t start until January.

Item 22:        Acres Scheme

Ar moladh Cllr.  J. Cooney Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis

“I call on Clare County Council to request from the Minister for Agriculture an expansion to the existing Acres scheme. The existing scheme caters for 4000 applicants and should be expanded to cover all applicants who submit applications.

This is in the interest of meeting our climate targets and any farmer who is willing to help achieve these targets should be encouraged and permitted to do so to through this scheme.” (M)

The elected members acknowledged what a beneficial scheme this is for the farming community but noted that nine thousand farmers applied with only four thousand being approved for the funding. The members noted how disappointing this is for those who had applied and given it is a wildlife conservation scheme it should be open to all. The elected members noted that there has been delays in farmers receiving the payments and it is putting people off applying due to the delays. The members felt that the minister needs to review the management of the scheme and fix the issues as a matter of urgency as this is a scheme people are buying into and is in line with Irelands strategic vision.

Item 23:        Winter Maintenance Programme

Ar moladh Cllr.  C. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy agus glacadh leis

“That Clare County Council undertake a workshop with the roads department, the Municipal District offices and the elected representatives with a view to understanding the operations and constraints of the current winter maintenance and salting roads program and to discuss a solution where key strategic roads in the MD’s can be included in the winter service plan and consideration given to managing these through the area offices”. (M)

Cyril Feeney, Senior Engineer, Physical Development Directorate replied as follows:

“We can facilitate a workshop between the relevant Municipal Districts and elected representatives to discuss the various considerations and constraints in delivering the winter maintenance programme.

The current winter maintenance programme, including the salting routes, is available on the Council website at the following link:”

Winter maintenance and salting routes | Road safety | Roads and Transport | Services | Clare County Council (

The elected members welcomed the reply from the Senior Engineer and noted they looked forward to the workshop being held. The members discussed various routes in their local electoral areas that caused concern during cold weather spells and agreed that the strategic regional and local routes needed to be addressed at MD level where the local knowledge lies. The members noted that it has been five years since the maintenance programme was adopted and suggested it might be a good time to review again. The members welcomed the addition of the small gritters and suggested the introduction of community grit boxes.

P. Dowling, Chief Executive addressed the members and agreed that it was timely to have a workshop on this now in time for next winter. Mr. Dowling commended the crews working on the roads when bad weather hits and advised that the local authority addresses these matters to the best of our ability.

Item 24:        School transport routes

Ar moladh Cllr. T. O’Brien Cuidithe ag Cllrs. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis

“That Clare County Council ask the Minister for Education to instruct Bus Éireann school transport section to suspend the tendering of 20% of existing school transport routes until such time as all new routes for school transport for school year 2024/2025 are filled. Contractors who find themselves out of contract could negotiate renewed contracts without a tendering process thus ensuring a continuity of service for existing routes.” (M)

The elected members expressed concern at the tendering process currently in place and discussed examples across the county whereby parents and children were left with no transport to school for months on end. The members noted that parents depend on this service and are finding themselves in stressful situations every August trying to organise transport to school. The elected members referred to other issues such as concessionary tickets and the designation of catchment areas. The members agreed that commonsense needs to prevail to rectify this issue so that children can get the best possible education.

Item 25:        Information session regarding migrants

Ar moladh Cllr.  C. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. J. Garrihy, D. McGettigan agus glacadh leis

“While recognising the exemplary response to the challenges arising in supporting and accommodating the unprecedented humanitarian emergency situation of over 5,000 vulnerable refugees in our County over the last 2 years by Clare Communities, Clare County Council, other state agencies, NGOs, schools and SMEs we call on:

  1. a)Clare County Council to allocate specific resources from within our Integration team and in co-representatives, Community, Clare Youth Services, Clare PPN, Clare Volunteer Centre and other relevant partners, with the objective of providing the tools and factual information necessary for staff, elected representatives,  community organisations and the public to counter the disinformation and misinformation that's currently circulating around migrants and refugees, and to provide a trusted forum for their engagement at a local level. 
  2. b) The Ministers at Dept of Children, Equality, Integration and Youth and the Dept of Tourism to set up a working group that will plan for a sustainable tourism future beyond this emergency response by:

1)      Considering, in the context of the impact on the communities and economy of the areas impacted, the phasing in of a maximum percentage of beds in use in any single tourism accommodation provider for the provision of humanitarian and/or immigration purposes and

2)      The development of alternative, non-hotel based accommodation for those purposes that will add value for local communities in the long term when these crises are over and will allow positive impacts of migration to be sustainable for the future benefit of all." (M)

Jason Murphy, A/ Director of Services, Social Development and Anne Haugh, Director of Service, Rural Development replied as follows:

“This Notice of Motion is very welcome. It reflects the importance and urgency of the matter of integration and community cohesion.

At the present time County Clare is accommodating approximately 5,500 Ukrainian Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection who have fled the war in their country. We also have approximately 700 International Protection migrants from other countries living, participating, and working across our communities.

It is worth noting that the 2022 census shows our migrant community now represents 17.4% of our county population - The national average is 20% which includes members of our community from the UK, EU, Non-EU, Asia, Africa, South America etc. Our society has been diversifying for many years and our county has a long tradition of welcoming those who seek to settle here. We are enriched and better off for it. Interestingly, 64,000 people left the state in the year to April 2023 (CSO Oct. 2023): People move for many reasons and in many directions. 

Clare County Council coordinates the Community Response Forum, a subcommittee of the LCDC with 30+ agencies, Councillors’ and NGO’s meeting monthly to exchange information and identify shared solutions to local challenges as they arise. The allocation of accommodation nationally is delivered by the Department of Children & Integration (DCEDIY) and while Clare County Council continues to engage with national structures on the national discussion, there are many elements of government policy we cannot foretell. There is a national communications team established under the Department of Children & Integration.

The recent announcement of funding under the International Protection Integration Fund 2024 presents an opportunity for the Integration Team with Rural and Community Development and our partner agencies to work together to identify the scope, initiative, tools and structures appropriate to address the concerns raised in relation to misinformation and disinformation – It is critical for success that any program of work sits within the correct structures to formally enable collaborative, agreed and sustainable working. Some of these structures in Clare include the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and the Joint Policing Committee while other stakeholders may include agencies from outside the County.

The newly established Local Authority Integration Team Will engage with all stakeholders at a local level to identify blockages and challenges and to foster a whole of county response utilising the existing structures and community development practices.”

The elected members acknowledged that there is a lot of misinformation being circulated online and the members felt that government aren’t doing enough to tackle this. The members noted that Ireland and Irish people are very welcoming and that there are half a million migrants working in Ireland and we should not allow an atmosphere of division. The members noted that without migrants some of our services such as healthcare would collapse. The members stated that government need to address issues around tourist accommodation as a matter of urgency.

Item 26:        War in Ukraine and Israel

Ar moladh Cllr.  J. Garrihy Cuidithe ag P.J. Ryan agus glacadh leis

“Mindful of the critical importance to the US, and to this region of US troop transfers through Shannon Airport, that Clare County Council urges the government to redouble its efforts to have both the UN and the US pressure Israel to desist from further aggression in response to the October 7th massacre and urges additional diplomatic initiatives to end Russia’s occupation of Ukraine & Crimea.” (M)

The elected members welcomed the recent announcement that Ireland was funding €20 million in support of the UN Relief and Works Agency for its work providing assistance to Palestinian refugees in Gaza. The members noted that Ireland is a small but powerful Country and with all of our highest-level politicians travelling stateside in a few weeks for St. Patricks Day celebrations we should be in a good position to guide the US to call for a ceasefire. The members also acknowledged that Shannon airport has been very accommodating to the US military over the years in allowing them landing and refuelling facilities.

Item 27:        Think Before You Park Campaign

Ar moladh Cllr.  P. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy agus glacadh leis

“I am proposing that Clare County Council sign up to the "Think Before You Park Campaign" that was jointly launched by Limerick City and County Council, and An Garda Síochana in a bid to stop people parking vehicles on footpaths and thereby severely impacting people that have limited mobility and poor sight”. (M)

Cyril Feeney, Senior Engineer, Physical Development Directorate replied as follows:

“The initiative highlights the obstructions and hazards caused by improper parking and emphasises the impact this has on fellow road and footpath users. The aim of the initiative is to bring awareness to motorists on the repercussions of obstructive parking. Obstructive parking may take the form of impeding footpaths, bus corridors, cycle lanes, or access points. In addition, badly parked vehicles can pose challenges for various road users including mobility impaired people, cyclists, parents pushing buggies and other pedestrians. Obstructive parking affects the flow of our transport services and leads to traffic congestion.  

We will discuss the initiative with An Garda Siochana/J.P.C. to see if they can support this worthy endeavour and hopefully develop a similar campaign to bring awareness to this issue.”

The elected members agreed that the motion is calling for respect of those using footpaths and that it is unfair on vulnerable footpath users if faced with having to put themselves into dangerous situations to move around the illegally parked cars.  The members noted that it is called a “footpath” for a reason and that it should be a safe space for pedestrians and people with disabilities. The members suggested that people who illegally park on footpaths be fined and that a QR sticker be handed out to educate drivers on how their actions will affect others.

It was also raised by a number of the elected members that they believe there is a deficit of parking in Ennis town centre and that this may lead to people illegally parking on footpaths. It was also suggested that more disabled parking spots be made available.

Item 28:        Emergency Calls

Ar moladh Cllr.  I. Lynch Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran Molloy agus glacadh leis

“To ask the Taoiseach and the Minister for Mental Health and Older people to include mental health services as part of the emergency 999/112 services.

This would allow the operator to talk to the caller directly while connecting them with a manned metal health provider.” (M)

The elected members agreed that this was a sensible and practical but very effective motion if put in place. The members expressed concern for those people who find themselves feeling lost and needing to speak to someone but if no one answers the call then they might choose to take their own lives and the members felt that if there was the option to call 112/999 that the operator could keep the person talking until they could direct them to the appropriate service. The members noted that suicide is an illness and when you are seriously ill you call emergency services.

 Item 29:       Ennis Dog Pound

Ar moladh Cllr.  J. Flynn

I ask the Chief Executive for a report on: 

1) The outcome of the recent tender process for operation of the Clare County (Ennis) dog pound including the veterinary supervision

2) Animal welfare improvements and investments at the pound over the last decade.

3) Confirmation that the methods of euthanising of dogs meets the best standards of animal welfare

4) Analysis of the annual figures for euthanising of dogs at the Clare Council pound for the last decade. (Q)

Cyril Feeney, Senior Engineer, Physical Development Directorate replied as follows:

  1. “The outcome of the recent tender process for operation of the Clare County (Ennis) Dog Pound including the veterinary supervision . We are currently evaluating the submission from the most economically advantageous tenderer for the operation and management of the dog shelter and the provision of the Dog Warden Service in Co. Clare. As part of this assessment, the tenderer will be required to provide a written submission demonstrating their ability to provide this service while prioritising animal welfare, including the provision of appropriate veterinary care.  This will include access to 24-hour emergency veterinary care when required.
  2. Animal welfare improvements and investments at the Pound over the last decade. Over the last decade, there has been significant improvements and investments at the Clare Dog Shelter.  Standard operating procedures are in place by the Service Provider relating to animal welfare, including the day-to-day care of dogs, feeding, exercise, socialising, etc.   Procedures are also in place for hygiene and disease control and prevention.  Regular inspections take place by Council staff to ensure that the Shelter is being managed to the highest standards.  Veterinary care is provided for all dogs in the Shelter and access to 24-hour emergency veterinary care is available when required.  

In 2018, major improvements were undertaken which involved the re-design of the internal layout of the Shelter to include the following:

  • Pumped Cavity wall insulation
  • Attic insulation to building standards
  • New double glazed window installation
  • 10 indoor kennels with stainless steel and toughened glass doors replacing the historical barred gates,
  • A dedicated veterinary treatment space
  • Provision of additional storage space
  • A complete floor resurfacing upgrade
  • Staff welfare facilities
  • Facility repainted
  • Overall general maintenance work and the installation of portcullis kennel access. 

In addition, each indoor kennel now provides a raised bed for dogs with infra-red heat laps, rubber matting and the provision of upgraded bedding.   Outdoor kennels are also available.  Dogs have access to the outdoor yard to ensure they get sufficient physical activity in a safe environment. In 2023, capital funding in the amount of €59,739 was provided to Clare Co. Council under the Dog Control Support Initiative 2023 from the Department of Rural and Community Development. Further upgrades will take place later this year which will provide additional improvements to the current infrastructure.

  1. Confirmation that the methods of euthanising of dogs meets the best standards of animal welfare.  The current Service Provider, Midland Animal Control Ltd, endeavours wherever possible to ensure the rehoming of un-claimed/surrendered dogs through their network of rescue charities. Dogs have been rehomed not only in Ireland but also across Europe through these organisations. Euthanasia is used only as a last resort where a dog is in a state of severe pain or end of life condition, the dog is unsuitable for rehoming and finally if all efforts to re-home have proved unsuccessful.  Euthanasia only occurs on foot of veterinary advice and all dogs are sedated prior to euthanasia.   Euthanasia is administered by a qualified veterinary practitioner, registered with the Veterinary Council of Ireland and the Council can confirm that the methods of euthanising dogs meets the highest standards of animal welfare.
  2. Analysis of the annual figures for euthanising of dogs at the Council Pound for the last decade


Number of dogs euthanised
























The number of dogs euthanised had fallen dramatically up to 2017 but has unfortunately started to show an increase in the last 2 years as we exit the Covid 19 pandemic. This trend is not unique to Clare and other local authorities and charitable organisations have also seen this increase. The increase is being attributed to dog owners returning full time to the workplace where previously they may have worked from home during the pandemic and are therefore not able to provide appropriate care for their dog. It is an unfortunate consequence of the pandemic but highlights the fact that pets and dogs in particular are potentially a 12–15 year commitment and one that should not be undertaken lightly.”

Cllr. J. Flynn referred to the report from the Senior Engineer and noted that he became aware in 2016 that there were 30 dogs per month being euthanised but that it was good to see the numbers reducing dramatically. Cllr. Flynn acknowledged the Executive investing €100,000 into the facility but noted his concern that the tender process was being considered for the most economically advantageous tenderer. Cllr. Flynn welcomed the regular inspections from the local authority and the 24-hour veterinary care for the animals and commended staff in the Clare Dog Shelter.

Item 30:        Motorway Service Area

Ar moladh Cllr.  P.J. Ryan Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Begley agus glacadh leis

“That this council would request the TII - Transport Infrastructure Ireland - to identify a suitable site for a service area with commercial parking on the section of the M18 that passes through Co Clare.” (M)

The members noted that there is no service facility on the M18 between Birdhill and Tuam and that there are signs on the motorway noting that “Tiredness Kills” but there are no stops for people to pull over to rest and get refreshments. The members acknowledged how dependent we are on Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) to transport goods and services around the country and county and that the drivers need somewhere they can pull in to rest and use facilities. The members referred to plans to open a service station plaza near junction 12 on the M18 but Cllr. P. Daly advised that this is now under judicial review. Cllr. R. McInerney noted that she was in favour of a commercial service area where HGV’s could pull into but not a plaza for general public use as the location and other matters in the proposal were not favourable.

Item 31:        Sporting Facilities in Clare

Ar moladh Cllr.  C. Colleran Molloy Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Hayes, Cllr. P. Murphy, Cllr. A. Norton agus glacadh leis

“In light of the growing cultural diversity and the ensuing diversity of sporting facilities being requested (such as cricket, basketball, hockey, etc.) in our county, that the Council undertake an audit of the existing facilities and devise a plan for future sports facilities in our county.” (M)

Jason Murphy, A/ Director of Services, Social Development replied as follows:

“This Motion is welcomed in the context of the increasing diversity in our community, our widening sporting interests through media channels and the impact that restricted movement had upon our sporting outlook during the pandemic. As a society we are increasingly aware of the importance of inclusion and participation in sport from all aspects of life.

Exercise is a key driver of good health and there are strategies and initiatives in place nationally to promote this aim. The key objectives of the National Sports Policy, 2018-2027, are to:

Increase number of adults regularly playing sport (excluding recreational walking) from 43% in 2017 to 60% by 2027 (National Sports Policy)

Increase the number of children regularly playing sport from 13% in 2018

To achieve this aim each Local Authority is now being asked to develop a County Sports Plan.

Clare County Council has recently been included in a national pilot project to deliver a Sports Plan for Clare, one of the outputs of which will be to inform the development of a national template which can be replicated across other counties. This pilot, led by Sport Ireland, involves four counties: Clare, Cavan, Laois and Carlow.

The project will allow us to develop an inventory of our county facilities and, drawing from community surveys, thematic workshops and interviews, we will be able to identify our sporting infrastructural strengths and the opportunities/needs that exist.

We will draw on the insights from our clubs and wider community with input from our own cross-directorate teams, councillors and Clare Sports Partnership and CLDC. We are as eager to hear from those who are not normally involved or active in sport so as to further understand the opportunity.

It is anticipated that the formal steps in the development of this plan will be communicated in the coming weeks.”

The elected members welcomed the news that Clare County Council has been included in a pilot project to deliver a sports plan for Clare. The members noted that over 10% of residents in Clare are non-nationals and are looking for other facilities such as cricket, basketball and hockey to name a few. The members acknowledged that a couple of clubs in Clare have their home venues in Limerick due to not having the appropriate facilities in County Clare. The members noted the development of new facilities should become multi-use disciplinaries that cater to the whole county. The members acknowledged the importance of sport for young and old and how beneficial it is for mental health.

Item 32:        Local Link Bus Service

Ar moladh Cllr.  C. Colleran Molloy Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan  agus glacadh leis

“That the Council request a report on the roll out of the Local Link Bus service in County Clare, to include passenger numbers & value of the public funds that is subsidising this service, and the impact that this is having on the taxi services.” (M) 

The elected members supported the use of public transport but noted that taxi services have been the only 24 hour a day public service Ennis has had for 20 years and that it is a service and livelihood to be protected. The members noted that the local link bus service is extremely successful in rural areas where there are no taxi facilities and noted how important they are for connectivity in rural Clare.


Reports on Seminars/Conferences attended.

With regard to seminars/conferences attended, reports completed in accordance with Section 142 of the Local Government Act 2001 were made available at the meeting.

LAMA Spring Seminar “Building For Success”, taking place in Abbey Hotel, Donegal Town, County Donegal, on 19th – 20th January 2024.

The Meetings Administrator informed the Members that the estimated average cost per Councillor attending this Conference was €718.06 including conference fee of €160.00.

It was agreed that Cllrs M. Howard, C. Colleran Molloy, P. Murphy, P. Daly,       A. Norton, P. O’Gorman, J. Killeen, A. O’Callaghan, P.J. Kelly, G. Keating,       C. Murphy, J. Crowe, M. Begley, P.J. Ryan, P. McMahon attend this conference.

AILG Training Programme Module 1 “Elected Members Briefing: Annual Declarations, Donations, Code of Conduct, and Local Representation Allowance Update” taking place in The Fairways Hotel, Dundalk, on 25th January 2024.

The Meetings Administrator informed the Members that the estimated average cost per Councillor attending this Conference was €303.12 including conference fee of €85.00.

It was agreed that Cllr C. Colleran Molloy attend this conference.

AILG Annual Training Conference, taking place in the Arklow Bay Hotel, Arklow, County Wicklow, on 14th – 15th February 2024.

The Meetings Administrator informed the Members that the estimated average cost per Councillor attending this Conference was €767.14 including conference fee of €170.00.

It was agreed that Cllrs P. Burke, T. O’Brien, A. O’Callaghan, M. Begley,          C. Colleran Molloy, J. Crowe, P. Daly, M. Howard, G. Keating, P.J. Kelly,          P. Murphy, C. Murphy, A. Norton, T. O’Callaghan, P.J. Ryan attend this conference.


The meeting then concluded.

Signed: ____________________________ Riarthóir Cruinnithe

Signed: _____________________________ Cathaoirleach

Date:               _____________________________

Page last reviewed: 11/03/24

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