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Minutes of Ennis Municipal District Meeting January 2024

Location:  Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and via MS Teams

On:      Tuesday 6th January 2024

Time:  10:30am


Councillors attending: 

Councillor P. Daly (Cathaoirleach), Councillor J. Flynn, Councillor P. Murphy, Councillor M. Howard, Councillor C. Colleran-Molloy, Councillor T. O’Callaghan, Councillor A. Norton.


Officials attending in person:

Carmel Kirby, Director of Service, Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, Paddy Tiernan, Acting Senior Executive Engineer, Niamh O’Connor, Administrative Officer and Meetings Administrator, Lily McInerney, Staff Officer, minutes.






The Cathaoirleach, Pat Daly presided.  Cllr Daly opened the meeting wishing all a happy new year.


Carmel Kirby, Director of Service, welcomed Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer who was appointed to Ennis M.D. effective 1 January 2024.   She stated she has worked very well with Sean in the past and looks forward to doing so again.   Carmel acknowledged the immense contribution made by Leonore O’Neill, Senior Executive Officer, who is moving to take up a new position in the Ennistymon Electoral Area.  She commended Leonore’s dedication and hard work having led on the design, consultation and delivery of key infrastructural projects such as the public realm works in Parnell Street laneways and bow-ways and the planning process for the O’Connell Street phase, the feasibility study for the Ballyallia Lake enhancement scheme, management of the Ennis Covid 19 temporary mobility plan, her innovation with regard to outdoor dining and her ongoing work with retailers and the hospitality sector.


Carmel added that Leonore has worked closely with Eamon O’Dea, SEE, in ensuring the Ennis Public Bus Service remained a priority for the NTA, she engaged with the Road Design Office to bring forward Active Travel schemes and had overseen significant accessibility upgrades in Ennis which were key to the attainment of the Age Friendly Town designation.  She played an important role in ensuring support for Ennis Tidy Towns and an integral role in the internationally acclaimed Communities in Bloom category win.  Leonore’s key strength, Carmel added, was her talent for stakeholder engagement and collaboration and ensuring festivals and events were delivered to a high standard. 


Sean Lenihan thanked Carmel and stated he looked forward to the positive opportunities afforded in Ennis M.D. and he wished Leonore well in her new post.


Members joined the Chair in paying tribute to outgoing Senior Executive Officer, Leonore O’Neill, with many comments made, describing her as an outstanding official whose heart was always in the right place, a dedicated individual who was accessible and approachable and who quickly adapted to Ennis despite not being a Clare resident, a professional at all times, having worked very hard over the years for the benefit of the district.  Members also wished Sean Lenihan well in his new role.


Votes of sympathy

A vote of sympathy was extended to the following:

  • The family of the late Michael Fitzpatrick R.I.P.
  • The family of the late Tom Nestor R.I.P.
  • The family of the late Ellen Flynn R.I.P.
  • The family of the late Greta Griffin R.I.P.
  • The family of the late Pat Madden R.I.P.
  • The family of the late Rose Lahiffe R.I.P. in particular to Steve and Morgan Lahiffe.

Item 1: Minutes of December Meeting of Ennis Municipal District

a.      Ar moladh Councillor M. Howard
Cuidithe ag Councillor C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis

“That the December 2023 Minutes of Ennis Municipal District be adopted.”


Item 2: Matters Arising


Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, provided Cllr Howard with an update from the Road Design Office on the latest position regarding traffic calming at Shanaway Road junction.  A feasibility and design options report for an interim safety measure is with TII for approval since 13th December. A junction improvement layout incorporating the pedestrian crossing is being developed by the Road Design Office and detailed discussions have taken place with TII in recent weeks with a feasibility report being prepared for their approval. A lighting assessment at the junction is awaited. A funding source remains to be identified.

Paddy Tiernan provided Cllr Howard with an update regarding her proposal for Ennis Members to agree a consolidation of election posters in one site.  Paddy advised he had emailed proposed locations to all Ennis Members in early December, having identified 8 or 9 suitable sites.  Following an extensive discussion, it was agreed that the Members would discuss the matter among themselves on this issue.

Cllr Howard reminded of a previous request to be provided with details of the Parnell Street ‘Canvas project’ which Experience Ennis had initiated. 

A discussion had taken place at December Meeting on the potential uses for the Market Building and it was agreed that Members would get a briefing to discuss this matter and associated options further.   Cllr Flynn requested that he receive a copy of the Operational Management Plan for the Market building in advance of the briefing.

Cllr Flynn raised the issue from a previous Notice of Motion, regarding traffic congestion and hazard at Carmody Street/Kilrush Road junction and he requested that the Executive re-examine the potential to adjust timing of traffic lights at this location.


Item 3: Declaration of Public Roads – Proposed Taking in Charge Ballymacaula View (Radhard Bailie Mhic Amhlaoidbh), Ennis, Section 11 Roads Act 1993. 


Report and maps had been circulated in advance of the Meeting.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. M. Howard agus glacadh leis

Item 4: Section 183 Extension of Leave – Mill House, Mill Road, Ennis. 


Report and maps had been circulated in advance of the Meeting.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis



Item 5: General Municipal Allocations for Approval

Ar moladh Councillor T. O’Callaghan
Cuidithe ag Councillor P. Murphy agus glacadh leis

“That the following GMA allocations be adopted”



An Garda Siochana (Young at Heart Christmas Party)


Banner GAA


Barefield National School Outdoor Play Area


Clarecastle Christmas Lights Committee


Clarecastle Day Care Centre


Clarecastle Mens Shed


Cois na hAbhna


Ennis Brass Band


Ennis Community Games


Ennis Players


Ennis Sub Aqua Club


Toonagh National School






Item 6: Notice of Motion No. 1 Quin Road Markings.

Ar moladh Cllr. Colleran-Molloy
Cuidithe ag Cllr T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis

“Quin Road Markings:

That Ennis M.D. indicate when the road markings will be applied on the Quin from Ennis as it is quite difficult to drive at night without these markings, making it quite dangerous.”

Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

Road markings were applied on the Quin Road in early December.

Cllr Colleran-Molloy welcomed the response and the obvious benefit to all road users on this stretch of road following the completion of the line marking. Cllr O’Callaghan and Cllr Flynn also supported this Motion and Cllr Flynn queried whether a full white line was applied to the hump back bridge as this would be important in such a hazardous segment of this road.  Paddy Tiernan agreed to investigate.


Item 7: Notice of Motion No. 2 St. Joseph’s Terrace Clarecastle.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy
Cuidithe ag Cllr A. Norton agus glacadh leis


“Re St. Joseph's Terrace, Clarecastle

  1. i) I am requesting proper reinstatement of the road following Water Mains Replacement.
  2. ii) That the verge of the main green area be repaired satisfactorily following Water Mains Replacement.

iii) That construction of parking bays is considered on the green area, or widening of the road to facilitate parking.

  1. iv) That a kerb be installed along the perimeter of the green area in order to protect it.”


Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

  1. i) The reinstatement of this road is the responsibility of Úisce Eireann and their appointed contractor. The Road Opening Licence associated with these works was issued by Ennis Municipal District with a condition requesting Úisce Eireann to reinstate any excavations with an asphalt surface. Subject to funding Ennis MD expects to carry out re-surfacing works within some areas of St Josephs Terrace in the summer of 2024.


  1. ii) The reinstatement of this area is the responsibility of Úisce Eireann and their appointed contractor. Ennis MD will inspect the area and ensure it is reinstated to a satisfactory standard. 

iii) Ennis MD will investigate this issue with a view to resolving same. We wish to advise that a funding source would need to be identified for such a proposal.

  1. iv) Ennis MD will investigate this issue with a view to resolving same. It is our opinion that a low timber barrier may be a better solution at this location. We wish to advise that a funding source would need to be identified for such a proposal.


Cllr Murphy stated he was happy with the response.  He advised that there had been an issue re water mains replacement works but that the completion of this work allowed for the green area to be restored to a good state.  He also commented on the parking element and the prevalence of parking on the green area whenever a match was taking place, and agreed a fence would alleviate this problem.  Cllr Norton seconded the Motion and commended Paddy Tiernan’s work in this area. Cllr O’Callaghan supported the Motion stressing that the restoration of a site following upgrade works should be an integral part of that work. Cllr Murphy, in concluding, highlighted that the works had been undertaken in very poor weather conditions which had exacerbated matters.


Item 8: Notice of Motion No. 3 Ennis MD offices at Buttermarket.

Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard
Cuidithe ag Cllr C. Colleran-Molloy

“Ennis MD offices at Buttermarket Building at Waterpark House.

1 - Each other MD has their own designated MD offices. I am requesting that we provide for a public desk be available at this building for our constituents convenience - I believe it is appropriate to have a public office at this location.


2 -  If visiting this building we need to phone staff to let us in! Why do our fobs not work here, I request that we are allowed access to these offices using a fob/ swipe card.”


Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded as follows:


Regarding the first part of the Motion, Members will be aware that following the abolition of Ennis Town Council in 2014, the Ennis MD Roads office was set up in the first floor of the Buttermarket Building in Drumbiggle.  It was decided at the time that a Public Counter wasn’t required in Drumbiggle as the main public facing Customer Service queries such as Finance, Housing, Planning, etc would all be provided from Council HQ at New Road. Meetings with the Engineering staff if required were, and are, being facilitated by appointment and this system seems to be working well. Members will be further aware that the Buttermarket Building also houses the Councils Project Management Office and Climate Change Office on the ground floor of Buttermarket with the building currently at capacity and space at a premium.  Therefore, in its current format, there isn’t physically the room to accommodate a public counter within the Building.  However, to improve matters, I will examine the possibility of a shared intercom system located at the front door where people could press 1 for Ennis MD, press 2 for the PMO or press 3 for the Climate Office. This will enable the relevant staff member to either respond to the public query directly, meet with the person at the door if required or direct them to HQ if necessary.  This would be a significant improvement on what is available currently and I will keep the Members informed of further developments in this regard.


In respect of the second part of the Motion, there is absolutely no issue with granting access to the Elected Members.  All that is required is a reprogramming of Members Cards/Fobs that they currently have for the HQ Building to include access to the Buttermarket Building.  I will follow up privately with Members in the coming days to arrange for same.



Cllr Howard acknowledged the response and drew comparison with other Municipal districts which facilitate a public desk for Councillor use with post-trays and a designated meeting room.  This Motion was supported by Cllr Colleran-Molloy and Cllr Murphy who stated that a room to use to engage with the public would be beneficial. Cllrs O’Callaghan and Daly also supported, and Cllr Flynn highlighted the disadvantage to many local residents in the loss of their Town Council public counter.


Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded that the offices are now at capacity, with just one small meeting room to share between three sections.  He assured Members that the access via fobs was not an issue and would be arranged. forthwith  He highlighted that post boxes for all Members are centralised at the Aras and that he would examine the possibility of an Intercom system at the door.



Item 9: Notice of Motion No. 4 Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space Usage.

Ar moladh Cllr. T. O’Callaghan
Cuidithe ag Cllr J. Flynn


“Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space Usage. 

In recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the First Fleadh Nua in Ennis in 2024 , and subsequent Fleadh Nua events, that Ennis Municipal District Executive work with Comhaltas  if they wish to use  the  Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space for Fleadh Nua public celebration events.   Such events, if they so wish as they have done in the past, might be free public Gig Rig.”


Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded as follows:

To my knowledge, I am not aware that Comhaltas has approached Ennis MD seeking to host events in Abbey Street Carpark this year as part of the Fleadh Nua 50th Anniversary celebrations.  However, if they do, as always, we would be happy to discuss their plans and will assist where possible in accordance with the various event planning, licensing, insurance, safety, etc implications and requirements that may pertain.  I will keep the Members informed of any further developments in this regard.



This item was dealt with in conjunction with Notice of Motion No. 5 below.


Cllr Flynn confirmed that he was satisfied with the response issued. Cllr O’Callaghan agreed adding that the 50th anniversary made this year of particular importance as a significant local cultural family occasion and that he would look forward to the support of the executive to make it a success.

Cllr Howard advised that having spoken to a member of Comhaltas, the organisation has not requested Abbey Street as a venue and instead are considering smaller locations throughout town. She added that a gig rig in Abbey Street serves to concentrate into one area a festival which is appropriate to the whole town, reducing participation by local pubs, and which is costly at €25-35,000 for staff, security, hire, crews and other health & safety costs.


Cllr Murphy highlighted what had been noted at December Meeting, that Ennis M.D. has a good relationship with Comhaltas and therefore no debate is necessary on this issue.


Cllr Flynn responded to Cllr Howard’s comments stating that Comhaltas had, last year, sought funding for a gig rig, and that they have run these in the past and got significant funding on foot of this.


Cllr Colleran-Molloy questioned why the Motion was raised as no request has been received by Comhaltas.


Cllr Flynn stated that Comhaltas had looked for funding in the prior year and for this reason this Motion seeks to make an early request for the best possible venue to be made available in advance.

Cllr Daly supported the Motion and welcomed the response from Sean Lenihan.


Sean Lenihan referred Members to his response and he assured Members that the executive would be   delighted to help out Comhaltas in any way in terms of hosting a successful event and its associated benefits to the town and Environs. Sean confirmed that the Comhaltas have not asked about hosting the Gig Rig in Ennis in 2024.


Item 10: Notice of Motion No. 5 Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space Usage.

Ar moladh Cllr. J. Flynn
Cuidithe ag Cllr T. O’Callaghan


“Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space Usage. 

In recognition of the  50th Anniversary of the First Fleadh Nua in Ennis in 2024 , and subsequent Fleadh Nua events, that Ennis Municipal District Executive work with Comhaltas  if they wish to use  the  Abbey Street Carpark Civic Space for Fleadh Nua public celebration events. Such events, if they so wish as they have done in the past,  might be  free public Gig Rig.”


Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded as follows:

To my knowledge, I am not aware that Comhaltas has approached Ennis MD seeking to host events in Abbey Street Carpark this year as part of the Fleadh Nua 50th Anniversary celebrations.  However, if they do, as always, we would be happy to discuss their plans and will assist where possible in accordance with the various event planning, licensing, insurance, safety, etc implications and requirements that may pertain.  I will keep the Members informed of any further developments in this regard.


Cllr Flynn confirmed that he was satisfied with the response issued. Cllr O’Callaghan agreed adding that the 50th anniversary made this year of particular importance as a significant local cultural family occasion and that he would look forward to the support of the executive to make it a success.

Cllr Howard advised that having spoken to a member of Comhaltas, the organisation has not requested Abbey Street as a venue and instead are considering smaller locations throughout town. She added that a gig rig in Abbey Street serves to concentrate into one area a festival which is appropriate to the whole town, reducing participation by local pubs, and which is costly at €25-35,000 for staff, security, hire, crews and other health & safety costs.


Cllr Murphy highlighted what had been noted at December Meeting, that Ennis M.D. has a good relationship with Comhaltas and therefore no debate is necessary on this issue.


Cllr Flynn responded to Cllr Howard’s comments stating that Comhaltas had, last year, sought funding for a gig rig, and that they have run these in the past and got significant funding on foot of this.


Cllr Colleran-Molloy questioned why the Motion was raised as no request has been received by Comhaltas.


Cllr Flynn stated that Comhaltas had looked for funding in the prior year and for this reason this Motion seeks to make an early request for the best possible venue to be made available in advance.

Cllr Daly supported the Motion and welcomed the response from Sean Lenihan.


Sean Lenihan referred Members to his response and he assured Members that the executive would be   delighted to help out Comhaltas in any way in terms of hosting a successful event and its associated benefits to the town and Environs. Sean confirmed that the Comhaltas have not asked about hosting the Gig Rig in Ennis in 2024.



Item 11: Notice of Motion No. 6 Ballyknock Kilnamona flooding.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Daly
Cuidithe ag Cllr C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis


“I request Ennis M.D. to access lands at Ballyknock, Kilnamona (belonging to former Cllr. James Breen) very close to the main Ennis/Kilnamona road, with a view to alleviating regular flooding in that particular area.”


Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

Ennis MD will investigate this issue in order to determine the cause of the flooding. A survey and investigation of all existing culverts on the relevant section of watercourse will also be carried out. Following this we will propose a solution with a view to rectifying the problem. It is likely any proposed solution will require interaction with the TII.  A funding source will also have to be identified for such a scheme. 



Cllr Daly welcomed the positive response and especially on behalf of his former colleague Mr Breen.  Cllr Colleran-Molloy thanked Paddy Tiernan for the response and noted the difficulty re a funding source.  Cllrs Murphy and Howard also supported, Cllr Howard highlighting the prevalence of flooding in the area and whether Ennis M.D. could fund the works required. Paddy Tiernan confirmed that the culverts did tend to flood and that a planned inspection would hopefully shed light into the cause and whether major work is required.  Cllr Flynn supported the Motion and recommended that the monthly management reports reinstate updates on all drainage works.  Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, confirmed that funding has been sought via TII for an upgrade of nearby sections of the N85, Fountain to Kilnamona Road, and he was hopeful of a favourable response once the 2024 TII funding allocations are announced in the coming weeks.




Item 12: Notice of Motion No. 7 Public Seating.

Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard
Cuidithe ag Cllr C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis


“Public seating.

Over the Christmas season I have been asked on a number of occasions about public seating. 

  • 1- Can we identify appropriate locations in the town centre for seating, as what is currently available is clearly not enough.
  • 2 We request Dunnes Stores to reinstate their public seating in the mall.”


Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded as follows:

In response to the first part of the motion, our colleagues in the PMO advise that suitable locations for public seating have been foremost in their consideration and the related public consultation carried out as part of the Ennis Public Realm Project currently at construction stage.  Particularly, during the Age-Friendly and Disability Assessment completed in May 2021, the Older Persons Council and Alzheimer Society expressed that seating provision as part of Project A was a huge improvement and would like to see the same treatment extended to other parts of Ennis as part of Project B.  

Every opportunity has been taken to introduce seating where possible, notwithstanding space limitations due to the narrow streets within the historic town centre, and the need to avoid clutter or exacerbate problems associated with antisocial behaviour. For Project B, seating is focussed within the larger public spaces of O’Connell Square, Barrack Square and outside the Cathedral, but also where space permits along O’Connell Street and High Street. In most situations this has been achieved through combining raised planters with integral seating, offering options for people to pause, rest and socialise.   I will arrange for a drawing showing the proposed locations of same to be circulated to the Members.


In regard to the second part of the motion, I will raise this matter with the Management at Dunnes Stores and advise the Members of the outcome at the earliest juncture.



Cllr Howard thanked Sean for his response.  She stated that there seems to be a deficiency in outdoor seating throughout the town, noting the elderly population and Ennis’s designation as an age-friendly town. 

Cllr Colleran-Molloy supported the Motion and stressed the point that it was imperative not to allow anti-social behaviour to become a valid reason to remove municipal seating.

Cllr O’Callaghan supported the ethos of the Motion but urged caution regarding the location of such seating.

Cllr Flynn and Cllr Daly supported the Motion, Cllr Daly highlighting the popularity of the benches in Abbey Steet.


Cllr. Colleran Molloy asked if there had been an improvement with regard to anti-social behaviour since the recent re-opening of the Market Building.   Carmel Kirby, Director of Service responded that she was not aware of any problems being reported since the re-opening and that current security arrangements would be monitored over time.


Item 13: Notice of Motion No. 8 Ennis 2040 DAC expenditure.

Ar moladh Cllr. T. O’Callaghan
Cuidithe ag Cllr J. Flynn agus glacadh leis


“In response to requests from members of the public I ask that Ennis 2040 Designated Activity Company (DAC) provide to the elected members of Ennis Municipal District a financial report of expenditure and financial commitments made since the approval of a 10 million euro loan from Clare County Council to enable that DAC to operate.!”


Carmel Kirby, Director of Service, responded as follows:

A proposal to establish Ennis 2040 (Strategic Development) Designated Activity Company (Ennis 2040 DAC) was approved at the Clare County Council meeting on 19th October 2020. This entity Ennis 2040 DAC is a 100% owned subsidiary of Clare County Council and was incorporated on 8th Dec 2020. Under its Constitution its main objective is ‘to promote the economic development, social integration and environmental improvement of the town of Ennis and its environs in County Clare’.


On 14th June 2021 a €10m loan to finance a planned works programme for the Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy was approved by the members of Clare County Council.


As of December 2023, a total of €2.2m (from the €10m approved) has been drawn down by the entity based on loan agreements entered into between Clare County Council & Ennis 2040. The funds drawn down have been applied to the design, planning, and progression of a number of projects including ongoing operating costs and overheads on behalf of Clare County Council including:


    • Abbey Street – Retail & Office
    • Francis St – Affordable Housing
    • Harvey’s Quay – Mixed Use
    • Post Office Field – Amenity & Pedestrian Permeability


Audited Accounts for 2021 and 2022 have been prepared and filed with the Companies Registration Office (CRO). See attached accounts documents as submitted to CRO for 2021 and 2022.

The 2021 accounts relate to the establishment and operation of the company for the first 13 months up to 31 Dec 2021. In this period the accounts show that a deficit of €47,949 was recorded.


The 2022 accounts relate to the operation of Ennis 2040 for the period 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022. In this period the accounts show that a surplus of €18,304 was recorded based on billing raised to Clare County Council in respect of project work completed in this timeframe.


In respect of accounts for year ended 31st Dec 2023 these are scheduled to be prepared and audited over the course of January & February 2024, ahead of presentation to the Board of Ennis 2040.



Cllr T. O’ Callaghan stated that a cost-benefit analysis on projects to date clearly indicates that the €2.2m spend thus far does not represent value for money.  External influences such as war and refugee crisis, he stated, mean that there is a downward trajectory for retail in cities and towns and therefore a significant investment in office and retail in Abbey Street is the wrong approach.  He advised that markets change and this market is changing.  He stated that as a public representative, it was wrong that he did not have a say in what Ennis DAC is developing.  He continued that the €2.2m didn’t involve the purchase of the Francis Street site, the Ennis 2040 memorandum articles say nothing about housing.  He also highlighted an article in the accounts whereby a company can avail of exemption re disclosure of activity.  Cllr O’Callaghan issued strong concern regarding Ennis 2040 DAC disclosure exemption as a wholly owned company, and that he had sought clarification because of the initial drawdown of €10m, €2.2m of which had been spent and his concern that an elected representative did not have access to how the monies were spent.


Cllr Flynn supported this Motion noting the significant spend on design and planning. He also questioned the role of Ennis 2040 DAC operating as an approved housing body in the delivery of residential property at the Francis Street site.  The 4 projects, in his view, are only 4 of 10 projects given as credit to Ennis 2040, when there are other projects that Members of Clare County Council have voted on and funded. He voiced concern at the level of funding going into these projects.


Cllr Colleran Molloy reminded Cllr Flynn that in June 2021, he had proposed, and she herself had seconded, the approval of the €10m loan to finance Ennis 2040.  The DAC itself was approved by an overwhelming majority of Clare County Council Members, Cllr P Murphy having proposed and Cllr Norton having seconded.   This is an adopted strategy of the Council she stated.


Cllr Flynn responded that Ennis 2040 is a guidance or aspirational document, adding that while the setting up of the DAC and funding was welcome, the problem is with implementation.


Cllr O’Callaghan strongly stated that as an elected representative, he had a duty of care to his constituents and had a right to question the developments being undertaken and he was confident that most retailers were not in favour of it.  He added that public representatives were on the Board and he has a difficulty with this, wondering if it is the right approach.


Carmel Kirby, Director of Service, thanked all Members saying she was happy to stand over the €2.2m funding expended on projects being undertaken by Ennis 2040 to date.  She advised there were nine transformational sites incorporated into the Clare County Development Plan.  Works to be undertaken do require detailed design and planning, and the costs are commensurate with work.  Plans for various projects will be unveiled shortly to Councillors and to public, she stated, and that she could not imagine any retailer being opposed to additional retail offerings as it only leads to increased footfall.  Regarding retailers having concerns, expert advice shows that the greater the variety within the core centre, the better for the future success of the town centre. 


Cllr O’Callaghan concluded that there was also the issue of loss of car parking and he was very concerned about the future of Abbey Street and could consideration be given to looking at an alternative location for the development.


Cllr Daly welcomed the delivery of housing in Francis Street but stated that the Post Office Field was overdue a pedestrian crossing; he added that his views on Abbey Street have already been well stated.


Item 14: Notice of Motion No. 9 Material Storage Yard Clarecastle.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy
Cuidithe ag Cllr C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis


“I'm requesting an update regarding any progress on sourcing/purchasing ground for a new material storage yard that would serve Clarecastle and the Southern side of Ennis, thus closing the temporary arrangement that currently exists at the derelict site at the end of Main Street, Clarecastle, formerly known as De Vine's.”


Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

In October 2023 Ennis MD removed a large stockpile of material from the Clarecastle site in preparation for demobilisation from same. We can also advise that we are currently in negotiations with a landowner regarding a potential site for an alternative storage yard. However, we are yet to finalise any agreements with regard to same but hope to make progress in the coming weeks. We will keep members updated on this matter.


Cllr Murphy highlighted the many groups such as the Mens Shed who make representations on this issue and whilst he acknowledged the response, the derelict appearance of the site continues to be a source of grave concern for the community and needs to be acted on at the earliest opportunity.

Cllr Colleran-Molloy supported the Motion and agreed that a remedy was warranted and she commended Cllr Murphy for his ongoing attention to this matter.

Cllrs O’Callaghan, Daly and Flynn also supported this Motion, Cllr Daly recommending that an alternative storage area is warranted.




Item 15: Notice of Motion No. 10 Cahercalla Estate Traffic Calming Clarecastle.

Ar moladh Cllr. J. Flynn
Cuidithe ag Cllr T. O’ Callaghan agus glacadh leis



“In the interest of health and safety of residents I request that Ennis Municipal District install traffic calming in the Cahercalla Estate starting with Cahercalla Heights. “

Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

Ennis MD will investigate the issue and if justified will propose a suitable traffic calming measure for this area. A speed survey will be carried out to determine the extent of the speeding. We wish to advise that Section 38 approval is required for traffic calming measures. A funding source will also have to be identified for such a scheme. 



Cllr Flynn acknowledged the response and outlined his concern for safety of residents, many of whom are young families moving back into the estates, and the many vulnerable road users affected. 

Cllr O’Callaghan supported this motion stating that traffic calming is essential in these locations, protecting children, and he hoped funding would not be a deterrent.

Cllr Colleran-Molloy also supported this Motion, having had a similar one for Clancy Park and she again highlighted the difficulty regarding securing funding.

Cllr Howard also voiced her support and that she had visited Cahercalla residents and it was clear that the 30km speed limit needs to be adhered to.

Cllr Daly supported the Motion and agreed that this hugely populated estate was in need of traffic calming for the benefit of residents and visitors.


Paddy Tiernan, upon request by Cllr Colleran-Molloy, listed the estates which are the subject of requests for traffic calming measures, being Bramble Lane, Clancy Park, village of Clarecastle laneway, Cahercalla estates, Gaurus, Doora village, Manusmore road into Clarecastle, as well as private requests, eg. access road to a soccer field.  Traffic calming, he continued, it not cheap and there are differing categories of speed ramps.  Some larger ones may qualify for NTA funding but for smaller works, funding is a real challenge for the Municipal District.




Item 16: Notice of Motion No. 11 Footpaths Rockmount to Edenvale.

Ar moladh Cllr. P. Daly
Cuidithe ag Cllr C. Colleran-Molloy agus glacadh leis



“I request Ennis M.D. to complete the footpaths on the main Kilrush Road by continuing them on from Rockmount Cross to the two-storey house on the hill at Edenvale.


Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:

Any new footpaths along the N68 would require approval from the TII. Ennis MD will investigate and design a suitable scheme to link the Edenvale housing estate with the existing footpaths at Rockmount Cross. We will then liaise with the TII with a view to getting approval for same. A funding source will also have to be identified for such a scheme. 



Cllr Daly welcomed the response stating that the proposed works would be of huge benefit to this locality as there would be a continuous footpath from town all the way to Edenvale.

Cllr Colleran-Molloy seconded this Motion welcoming the response and looks forward to works being undertaken, noting that it is currently unwise to walk the area, and she hopes the funding will be forthcoming.  Cllr Murphy supported this motion adding that the path also links to Ballybeg so is worthy of consideration for connectivity purposes.  Cllr O’Callaghan supported adding that footpaths are essential for public safety. 

Cllr Howard, in support, highlighted that footpaths and safety measures formed the main genesis of today’s Notice of Motions and that as custodians of the citizens of Ennis, members quite rightly lobby for the safety of residents in what is a great locality for walkers and runners, so it is imperative to keep roadways safe.  Cllr Flynn supported and commended this Notion of Motion.  Cllr Daly concluded thanking Paddy for the positive response.



Item 17: Correspondence

There was none.

Item 18: Any Other Business


  • (i) Cllr Howard referenced the latest IBAL results which ranked Ennis, 12th,  a drop from 1st place 6 years ago which she stated does not reflect the Tidy Towns ranking. She complimented the outdoor crews and the Tidy Towns volunteers and highlighted that Ennis is “very clean overall” but is let down by the train station on this occasion and she requested a letter issue from the M.D. to management at the train station.
  • (ii) Cllr Colleran-Molloy thanked Pat Lynch for efforts to get various lighting issues resolved in recent times and she welcomed the much anticipated installment of public lighting in Ballybeg. She complimented the crews involved in the construction of fencing at bottom of cul de sac. Paddy Tiernan confirmed that the completion of the footpath was designated priority 1 with NTA.


  • (iii) Members joined Cllr Murphy in extending condolences to Stephen and Morgan Lahiffe on the passing of their mother Rose Lahiffe R.I.P., and the family of Pat Madden R.I.P. of Manusmore, formerly of Clare County Council.
  • (iv) Cllr Flynn acknowledged the diligent roads crews for gritting during the past number of days, maintaining safety for the public.
  • (v) Cllr Flynn highlighted the recent prevalence of potholes.  He also wished to issue a reminder of the importance of signage and social media publication, ahead of and during the closure of O Connell Street for current works.
  • (vi) Cllr P Daly requested Members meet regarding site for election posters.  Secondly, he will look for a meeting regarding the use of the Market Building.
  • (vii) Cllr Howard, with reference to potential uses of the Market Building, confirmed that individual applicants using Limerick’s Milk Market are not required to have separate insurance, so this should be the case also for Ennis.  Sean Lenihan undertook to follow up with IPB on this particular matter.



The meeting ended at 12:30p.m.

Signed: ____________________________
Riarthóir Cruinnithe

Signed: _____________________________

Date:               _____________________________

Page last reviewed: 06/02/24

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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