Minutes of Ennis Municipal District Meeting October 2024
Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and on MS Teams
On Tuesday 8th October 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Minutes of Ennis Municipal District Meeting October 2024
Minutes of Ennis Municipal District Meeting October 2024
Councillors attending:
Councillor C. Colleran-Molloy (Cathaoirleach)
Councillor M. Howard (Leas-Cathaoirleach)
Councillor P. Murphy
Councillor P. Daly
Councillor T. O’Callaghan
Councillor T. Guilfoyle
Councillor A. Baker Bashua
Officials attending in person:
Carmel Kirby, Director of Service
Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer
Paddy Tiernan, Acting Senior Executive Engineer
Niamh O’Connor, Administrative Officer and Meetings Administrator
Lily McInerney, Staff Officer (minutes).
As Cathaoirleach Cllr Colleran Molloy was delayed attending Meeting and available on-line only, Deputy Chair Cllr. Antoinette Baker Bashua opened the meeting welcoming all to October Meeting.
Votes of sympathy
Paddy Flannery R.I.P.
Jim Hassett R.I.P.
Peter Maher (Lahinch Road), R.I.P.
Patricia Guilfoyle R.I.P.
Della Curley R.I.P.
Item 1: Minutes of September 2024 Meeting of Ennis Municipal District
Ar moladh Councillor P. Daly Cuidithe ag Councillor M. Howard agus glacadh leis
“That the September 2024 Minutes of Ennis Municipal District be adopted.”
Item 2: Matters Arising
Cllr T. Guilfoyle raised his September Notice of Motion which requested a separate, fully accessible pedestrian footbridge at Drochaid na Gabhair. Cllr Guilfoyle requested the executive reassess this request, given the well documented safety aspect and the unanimous support of the Ennis Members. He advised the ‘Stop & Go’ system being advanced by NTA per the response, was not an adequate solution for such a key access route. Cllr P. Daly, in support, highlighted that a better solution could have been provided at Quin village than the one-way system that exists. Cllr T. O’Callaghan supported the ethos of the Notice of Motion. Cllr Murphy agreed and highlighted the high levels of pedestrians using this road. Cllr Howard agreed strongly, having herself requested consideration be given to a cantilever bridge when the bridge was being restored and that there was a need to “think outside the box” on this one. Cllr A. Baker Bashua agreed also, noting that this bridge is used as a route to traverse town. Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer added that the optimum solution at this location would be an independent pedestrian bridge but that funding, statutory consents and possible land acquisition were all challenges that had to be considered and overcome if this approach was to be advanced.
Director of Service Carmel Kirby advised that revisiting the issue may be difficult as the NTA are moving ahead with the current solution as advised in the response to the Notice of Motion in September. She advised that as Ennis Members felt so strongly about the issue, she would revert to the Road Design team to consider a briefing for Ennis Members and see if there is a sustainable solution that can be teased out. She acknowledged the proximity of the bridge to the Lees Road sports facility as well as the proposed LIHAF housing scheme but cautioned that this request would potentially delay progression of the current plans.
Cllr Guilfoyle concluded, reiterating his request, that consideration be given to developing a better long-term solution.
Item 3: Ordinary Business
(i) Declaration of Public Roads – Cluain Ros Leamhan (Phase 2), Rosslevan, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Paddy Tiernan A/Senior Executive Engineer explained that this second phase of the housing estate off the Tulla Road and adjacent to Avenue United Soccer Club, is ready to be taken in charge by the Council.
Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Murphy agus glacadh leis
“that Cluain Ros Leamhan (Phase 2), Rosslevan, Ennis, Co. Clare, is taken in charge by the Council.
(ii) Section 38 - Proposed Traffic Calming on R475 Kilrush Road, and L-4661 Ennis National School, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Paddy Tiernan briefed on the report prepared by the Active Travel Unit for this scheme. He advised one submission was received and no objections, recommending it for approval by Members.
Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Guilfoyle agus glacadh leis
“that this Section 38 be adopted by the Council”.
Item 4: GMA Allocations for Approval
Members were reminded in advance to declare any conflict of interest where applicable.
It is recorded that Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua advised of a potential conflict of interest as she is Chair of the Cloughleigh Community Centre.
Councillor |
Beneficiary |
Amount |
Conflict of Interest Declared |
Cllr Mary Howard |
Ennis Boxing Club |
€500.00 |
Cllr Mary Howard |
CBS Squash Club |
€500.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Soccer Sisters Ennis |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Eire Óg, U14 Girls Academy - 2 sets of jerseys |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Hermitage FC |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Sláinte an Chláir |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Michael Cusack Centre, Wellness Program |
€523.78 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Banner GAA Club |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Co Clare Agricultural Show |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua |
Cloughleigh Community Centre |
€1,000.00 |
Cllr. A Baker Bashua |
Ar moladh Cllr. T. Guilfoyle Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Murphy agus glacadh leis
“that the above items be adopted by Ennis Municipal District.”
Request for reassignment of grant funding:
Grant Recipient |
Original Event |
Grant Type |
New Event |
Amount |
Ennis Chamber of Commerce |
Clare Food & Drink Fleadh |
Festival & Event Grant 2024 |
Ennis Christmas Artisan Markets |
€5,964.00 |
Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Daly agus glacadh leis
Item 5: Notice of Motion No. 1 R458 Barefield Road
Ar moladh Cllr. T. O’Callaghan Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Daly agus glacadh leis
No. 1 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. T. O’Callaghan
R458 Barefield Road
To request the extension of the existing footpath after the primary school from Curraderra to Cragard Road due to the high volume of vehicles that travel along this route. Children, walkers, joggers and cyclists currently use this road at their peril due to inadequate pedestrian facilities.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD have carried out a desktop study of the proposal as outlined within the Notice of Motion. In order to provide pedestrian connectivity between these townlands and Barefield National School a footpath extension of approximately 2.4km would be required. Whilst the proposal is constructable it poses challenges from both an engineering and financial perspective. Based on the desktop study and sparce population distribution in this area it is our opinion that such a project is not viable at this time.
In carrying out the desktop study we have also investigated alternative methods of providing safe pedestrian and cyclist connectively within this area. A viable solution we believe is on the existing service road (L-81126 & L-81125) which was constructed as part of the M18 motorway. This route is almost free from vehicular traffic and provides a safe and attractive walking and cycling route from a location just north of Barefield National School to the junction on the Ballyline side of the overpass.
However Ennis MD do recognise the need for increased pedestrian connectivity within the village of Barefield. We can confirm that we intend to apply to the Department of Transport via the Safety Improvement Scheme for a 70m section of footpath on the Ruan Road (L-4158) opposite Considine’s Bar. This section of footpath will provide the missing link in order to connect several properties on the Ruan road to the village of Barefield.
This item was seconded by Cllr. P. Daly and agreed by all Members.
Whilst acknowledging the response, Cllr O’Callaghan advised of a constant stream of vehicles during the day between the school and Cragard Road. He stated that the existing population as well as the projected growth within 20 years warrants a pedestrian crossing in addition to the footpath extension and that local residents had submitted a signed petition after taking him on a visit to the area. Cllr O’Callaghan understood that priority would be given to the footpath at Considine’s Bar as detailed in the response but he also recommended taking a longer term and multi-disciplinary approach so that the best possible outcome can be delivered for the whole area.
Cllr P. Daly seconded this Motion and, in support, added that this road is the main link between Barefield and Ruan, the village has two very popular pubs and an ever growing population and therefore the works requested are warranted.
Item 6: Notice of Motion No. 2 Barefield/Cragaweel Cross - Footpath
Ar moladh Cllr. A. Baker Bashua Cuidithe ag Cllr. P. Murphy agus glacadh leis
No. 2 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. A. Baker Bashua
Barefield / Cragaweel Cross – Extension of footpath
That a new a footpath be installed, to extend the existing footpath a further 450/500m approx. for the safe passage of pedestrians to and from Barefield village, on the road between Barefield and the Ruan Road, in the area of Cragaweel Cross.
This is a busy road with many houses, used by many residents walking to and from Barefield village, including those walking their children to the school. I proposed that the existing footpath be extended for a further 450/500m approx. to accommodate the residents living further from the village, ensuring them a safe route to/from Barefield village.
Barefield / Cragaweel Cross (behind Considine’s Bar towards Ruan Road)
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD have examined the proposals as laid out within this Notice of Motion. Similar to our response to the previous NOM we are of the opinion that priority needs to be given to completing missing footpaths links within Barefield Village above schemes within rural areas. This would provide more benefit to the public. It is our opinion the 70m footpath link as shown below should prioritised. As such, it is our intention to apply to the Department of Transport for funding for this project via the Safety Improvement Scheme. Subject to a successful funding application, Section 38 approval and landowner agreement this scheme will be delivered within 2025. The provision of the footpath further out the Ruan Road can be considered in further detail once the village connection is complete.
This item was seconded by Cllr P. Murphy and agreed by all Members.
Cllr A Baker Bashua acknowledged the response. She added that people think of this village as a short straight road whereas in reality the village is spread out and with so many walkers, it would clearly benefit from the safety of a footpath. Whilst the village centre is the priority for footpath completion, she would hope that this area could be given further consideration in the future.
Item 7: Notice of Motion No. 3 Speed Calming Patrick Street Clarecastle
Ar moladh Cllr. T. Guilfoyle Cuidithe ag Cllr. P.Murphy agus glacadh leis
No. 3 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle
Speed Calming Measures and Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Patrick Street, Clarecastle.
In light of ongoing safety concerns expressed by the residents of Clarecastle, I hereby call on the Ennis Municipal District to prioritize the implementation of speed calming measures on Patrick Street. As part of this initiative, I propose that the District Engineer conducts a thorough site assessment to identify the optimal location for a raised pedestrian crossing on Patrick Street. This will enhance the safety for all pedestrians, particularly vulnerable road users such as children and the elderly.
Patrick Street in Clarecastle has been highlighted by residents as an area of concern due to frequent speeding and its role as a significant thoroughfare in the community. To ensure the safety and well-being of all road users, it is essential that we address these issues promptly.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD notes the recent calls for traffic calming, pedestrian safety measures and road safety measures within Patrick Street, Claremount Road and the Lissane Road Junction. We propose to carry out a complete assessment of the area and prepare an all-encompassing Section 38 application for Elected Members approval. In order to fund this scheme it is our intention to apply to the Department of Transport for funding under the Local Improvement Scheme. Subject to approval of same it would be our intention to carry out the construction works and complete this scheme in 2025.
This item was seconded by Cllr. P. Murphy and agreed by all Members.
It was agreed to deal with this Notice together with Notice of Motion No. 4.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle highlighted that the stretch of road to Lissane will need to be addressed in the medium term but he acknowledged the ethos of the response at this time.
Cllr P. Murphy seconded the Motion and welcomed the response and the course of action proposed. Cllr P. Daly supported this Motion adding that Lissane is a busy area and it could prove advantageous to have addressed this issue in advance of any potential re investment in the Roche site. Cllr O’ Callaghan very much supported this Motion.
Item 8: Notice of Motion No. 4 Claremount Road Clarecastle
Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Guilfoyle
No. 4 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. P. Murphy
I am requesting that the bad stretch of road, between Considine's dwelling and Primrose Gardens on the Claremount Road, Clarecastle, is put forward by Ennis Municipal District for the Low Cost Safety Scheme. Road Safety for all would be greatly improved if this was addressed.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD notes the recent calls for traffic calming, pedestrian safety measures and road safety measures within Patrick Street, Claremount Road and the Lissane Road Junction. We propose to carry out a complete assessment of the area and prepare an all-encompassing Section 38 application for Elected Members approval. In order to fund this scheme it is our intention to apply to the Department of Transport for funding under the Local Improvement Scheme. Subject to approval of same it would be our intention to carry out the construction works and complete this scheme in 2025.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle and agreed by all Members.
It was agreed to deal with this Notice together with Notice of Motion No. 3.
See Notice of Motion 3 for commentary.
Item 9: Notice of Motion No. 5 Paint Scheme O’Connell Street
Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard Cuidithe ag Cllr. A. Baker Bashua agus glacadh leis
No. 5 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. M. Howard
I request that the Ennis MD Councillors and Executive staff have a discussion around setting aside considerable funds (including GMA funding) for a paint scheme be made available to all with premises - both owners and traders - that have been affected by the current public realm works.
Sean Lenihan, Senior Engineer, responded as follows:
I fully support the Motion and in fact suggested something similar at a meeting I attended in recent months with Business and Property Owners affected. At the time, a rates waiver or moratorium was being asked for. I explained why that wasn’t an option but certainly we would endeavour to support those affected in a tangible and meaningful way such as a regular window cleaning service and perhaps an end of works Paint Scheme as now suggested. The Members will be aware that there has been some funding made available in the past for painting premises as well as a scheme supported by the Paint Industry in advance of Ennis hosting the National Fleadh some years ago.
While not fully clear yet on the precise details or funding supports that may be available for such a scheme, I fully support the principle of the matter and certainly the concept of setting aside an element of Members GMA, as suggested, to assist with this is very welcome indeed. Moreover, I will endeavour to identify and secure other possible streams of funding, both public and private, that may be available.
A meeting with Ennis MD Councillors to discuss the options and make the necessary arrangements will be organised at a mutually suitable time in the coming weeks.
This item was seconded by Cllr A. Baker Bashua and agreed by all Members.
Cllr Howard acknowledged the response and she outlined the immense positivity generated in 2016 in advance of Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann when shop facades were dramatically transformed by the paint scheme at that time. She stressed again the need for a substantial grant to be provided to businesses after the public realm works are complete, and not limited to O’Connell Street but to cover as much of the town centre as possible. She reiterated her commitment to a significant contribution from GMA funds subject to agreement, with the aim to match the high quality outcome of the 2016 scheme. Cllr A. Baker Bashua seconded this Motion recommending that a specific grant scheme would be preferable to using GMA funds.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan supported the Motion highlighting the challenges businesses have encountered over an extended period of time. He also recommended a substantial fund be made available, and that it would be appropriate to seek national funding. He urged the executive to continue to explore opportunities to speed up the works wherever possible.
Cllr P. Murphy supported the Motion, noting the difficulty with a rates waiver. He highlighted the challenging business environment, the frustration among the business community at the speed of public realm works. He stated that it would be remiss of Ennis Members not to play a key role in helping alleviate their difficulty.
Cllr. P Daly strongly supported the Motion and was hopeful that the street and town will ultimately reap the benefits in the longer term.
Cllr. C. Colleran-Molloy wished to formally second this Motion and she posed the question as to whether the executive is happy with progress or not. She also recommended a workshop on this topic.
Sean Lenihan Senior Engineer thanked Members for their comments. He assured Members that the current public realm works would not become a ‘Childrens’ Hospital Mark 2’. He explained that a contract is in place for price and duration of works and penalties may be incurred if the works run over agreed timeframes. Unfortunately, in public works contracts, there are no bonus incentives for early completion but rather that it is in everybodys, including the contractor’s, best interest to get the works completed at the earliest juncture. The works are currently scheduled to run to end of 2025. The Project Management Office staff are in constant contact with the design team and contractor re scheduling and phasing of works and in order to expedite the programme, there has been some late evening work of late. He urged Members to appreciate, that this highly specialised work is being undertaken in a very tight footprint with many existing services and new services to be managed and protected. Paving and concrete lay need time to cure, each phase takes time to perfect. He reiterated the huge investment in Ennis and that the project and level of investment is the envy of many other towns throughout the Country.
He emphasised that the Executive are aware of the extent to which some businesses are discommoded and fully empathise with any difficulties being experienced. Within reason, the Council are available to assist where possible. Sean confirmed that the Conditions of Contract includes for the contractor to suspend works for a six week period from late November until early January to allow for business and the wider public to enjoy and benefit to the maximum over the busy Christmas period.
He thanked Cllr Howard for offering GMA funding and agreed wholeheartedly with the proposal and estimated that the level of investment will be in excess of €100,000 and that every effort will be made to seek the required funding from whatever stream may be available.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle, in support, questioned if there is a current dispute between the Council and the contractor? Sean Lenihan replied that other than the normal cut and thrust expected in Contracts of this nature, he was not aware of any particular dispute between Client and Contractor. Cllr Howard suggested, that there would be merit in dedicating GMA from one of the five years in this term to this special paint scheme.
Item 10: Notice of Motion No. 6 Toonagh Stores to Ruan Cross Road
Ar moladh Cllr. P. Daly Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis
No. 6 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. P. Daly
I ask Ennis MD to try and straighten out the bad bends on the road from Toonagh Stores to Ruan Cross (close by Ryan’s Quarry).
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
In August of this year the Department of Transport provided a circular to all local authorities nationally with regard to ‘Locations of Interest’ (LoI) on Regional and Local Roads. This circular identified particular roads where a high number of collisions have occurred. The purpose of this report was to assist and prompt local authorities to consider implementing schemes to rectify road safety issues at Locations of Interest. The R476 between Toonagh and the Ruan Cross was not identified as such a location nor were there any locations within Ennis MD which fit the criteria. Whilst it is positive that there have been no reports of a history of accidents at this location the circular from the Department limits the options available to fund any realignment of this section of road.
Ennis MD will work with the Road Design Department of Clare County Council to assess the current condition of the road and determine what funding avenues are available should a scheme be warranted.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. O’Callaghan and agreed by all Members.
Cllr P Daly acknowledged the response, again outlining the poor state of the road and the hazardous bends between Toonagh and Ruan.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan supported this Motion as a worthy request, having himself had some representation from local residents.
Cllr M. Howard supported the Motion, highlighting the hazard of speeding traffic, especially noticeable when travelling from the quarry side. She vouched for the importance of a scheme on this road given the 100 or so school children attending Toonagh N.S.
Cllr P. Daly thanked Members for their support and would look forward to a future resolution.
Item 12: Notice of Motion No. 7 Disabled Parking Space St. Francis Credit Union
Ar moladh Cllr. T. O’Callaghan Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Guilfoyle agus glacadh leis
No. 7 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. T. O’Callaghan
Disabled Parking Space St Francis Credit Union
To request the addition of a slope from the existing footpath height to ground road level, ensuring easier mobility for the public concerned and review all Disabled spaces within the Ennis Municipal District ensuring easy access is provided.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD have recently inspected the issue at the universally accessible car parking spaces at St Francis Credit Union. It is our intention to rectify this issue in the coming weeks subject to availability of resources. Ennis MD can also confirm that, where required, existing accessible car parking spaces will be upgraded over the next few months. The majority of this upgrade work will involve the re-painting of existing accessible spaces. Where necessary additional dopped kerbs will be installed to ensure ease of access from vehicles to footpaths for those with mobility issues.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle and agreed by all Members.
Cllr T O’Callaghan welcomed the response and briefed on the value of disability parking and appropriate footpath alignment for those in a wheelchair. The review outlined was welcomed by Cllr O’Callaghan.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle was happy to second this Motion and he stated that the Council maintains high standards in relation to disability parking and right of access for those with a disability.
Cllr M. Howard welcomed the Notice of Motion and the response and reminded the Meeting that it was incumbent on Ennis, having attained the status of an “age friendly town” to fulfil all required upgrades and to seek further improvements where possible.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan concluded thanking Members for their support and thanking Paddy Tiernan for the positive response.
Item 13: Notice of Motion No. 8 Clonroad Pedestrian Crossing
Ar moladh Cllr. T. Guilfoyle Cuidithe ag Cllr. A. Baker Bashua agus glacadh leis
No. 8 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle
I am writing to request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on the Clon Road between the New Road and Lifford Road roundabouts in Ennis.
The Clon Road is a heavily trafficked thoroughfare, and the existing safe crossing zones are located at a considerable distance from the aforementioned area. Consequently, many pedestrians are forced to cross the road in an unsafe manner, posing a significant safety hazard.
I have previously raised this concern with the Ennis Municipal District and have been assigned the CRM reference number 024374. The installation of a pedestrian crossing at this location would greatly enhance road safety measures within our Capital Town.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD recognise the need for a pedestrian crossing at this location due to the long distance between existing pedestrian crossings on the Clon Road. We are also cognisant that increased pedestrian activity will occur in this area once the Ennis Town Bus Service is operational and note that a bus stop is planned between the two roundabouts near the entrance to the Fergus Lawn housing estate. As such we have expressed our desire to the NTA to deliver a pedestrian crossing at this location during the delivery of the Ennis Town Bus Service. We remain in very regular contact with the NTA in relation to the Bus Service and will reinforce the request for this pedestrian crossing at every opportunity.
This item was seconded by Cllr. A. Baker Bashua and agreed by all Members.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle stated that a number of people had raised this issue with him. He commented on the busy segment of road and the difficulty for pedestrians crossing. He noted that there is a bus stop there and an upgraded bus stop is promised, so he would very much welcome the conversation with the NTA for this pedestrian crossing.
Cllr A. Baker Bashua supported this Motion, stating her belief that this section of road would benefit from a pedestrian crossing. Cllr T. O’Callaghan supported this Motion. Cllr P. Daly supported the Motion, highlighting that this route would benefit from any traffic calming measure.
Item 14: Notice of Motion No. 9 Ballybeg Road Traffic Calming
Ar moladh Cllr. P. Murphy Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Guilfoyle
No. 9 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. P. Murphy
I continue to receive representations regarding excessive speeding by motorists on the Ballybeg road, particularly along the stretch from the Woods entrance to the Water Tower, and also along the straight stretch on the approach to Ballybeg Bridge. I am requesting that appropriate traffic calming be installed and that this Notice of Motion be forwarded to An Gardai Siochana for their attention and response.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD notes that the recently installed footpaths at the upper end of Ballybeg were expected to result in reduced vehicular speeds due to the narrowing of the carriageway. We also note that the posted speed limit on this road is 50kph. Due to the concerns raised Ennis MD will carry out a speed survey in this area to determine the nature of speeding in this area. The results of this survey will determine our next course of action.
We also wish to advise that a Section 38 was recently submitted for the lower end of Ballybeg Road and we expect this process will conclude shortly following additional non statutory consultation with nearby residents. This scheme involves traffic calming measures on the approach to Ballybeg Bridge and will result in a speed reduction of vehicular traffic on this section of Ballybeg Road.
Ennis MD will also forward this Notice of Motion to An Garda Síochána and request a response.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle and agreed by all Members.
Cllr P. Murphy thanked Paddy Tiernan for the response expressing disappointment that speeding is becoming an issue. He recommended requesting a regular Garda presence as a deterrent.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan seconded this Motion adding that there are many hills also in this route and visibility not good. He also considered that the area would benefit from the new vehicle recognition technology to track and fine offenders.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle supported the Motion, praising the continued upgrade of this area which has resulted in much leisure activity, walking, running, cycling etc and he noted the advantage of the hill in slowing down traffic. He welcomed the response.
Cllr P. Daly supported the Motion and mentioned that a pedestrian bridge may be the best solution.
Cllr C. Colleran Molloy supported this Motion, lamenting the inappropriate speeding and stating that it is incumbent on Ennis M.D. to do all within its powers to assist those living in the area.
Paddy Tiernan briefed Members on his recent contact with An Garda Siochana, the existence of an application process required to secure designation of a “speedvan” and that he had provided statistics on the most recent speeding survey in support of this application.
Cllr P. Murphy in conclusion thanked Paddy Tiernan for making representations to the Gardai, adding that this 1½ km stretch would benefit from the presence of a Garda speedvan in order to change driver behaviour.
Item 15: Notice of Motion No. 10 Temporary Traffic Management Plan
Ar moladh Cllr. A. Baker Bashua Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. Guilfoyle agus glacadh leis
No. 10 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. A. Baker Bashua
Temporary Traffic Management Plan for Ennis
That temporary traffic management measures be undertaken to alleviate the traffic congestion in Ennis whilst the town works are underway.
The increasing difficulty of driving around Ennis town, particularly in the mornings and afternoons during school times, is leading to frequent gridlock. As an example, traffic from both the Abbey Street and Parnell St./Woodquay car parks, feeding onto Bindon Street and then onto Harmony Row, is causing significant congestion. At the end of Bindon Street, drivers are dependent on the flow of traffic to enable them turn right onto Harmony Row, but during peak times, this results in long delays and the build-up of traffic.
I request that the Council review the existing measures and implements an alternative temporary traffic management plan to alleviate these issues around the town. This will further enhance the town capability to attract customers and footfall into town, and especially over the busy Christmas and New Year period.
Paddy Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis, like most other large towns, experiences traffic congestion issues, most notably at school drop off and pick up times, particularly in the Harmony Row and New Road areas due to the large number of pupils (in excess of 2000) attending the various schools located there. This results in a significantly large number of traffic movements and by extension, traffic congestion.
The long-term solution to resolving congestion will involve a number of factors. These include a modal shift to walking and cycling, greater update of existing public transport and possible the reconfiguration of existing roads, junctions, and roundabouts. The Ennis Town Bus Service which is expected to come on-line in 2025 will certainly provide huge benefit to the town and will result in less vehicles on our town centre roads. Members will also be aware that an Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) is also being prepared as part of the Local Area Plan (LAP) for Ennis. The ABTA will also play an important role in offering targeted long-term solutions to traffic issues within Ennis.
With respect to the particular issue, location(s) referenced within the Notice of Motion Ennis MD will examine what options are available and will work with Elected Members and our colleagues in the Transportation Department to see if any interim measures can be put in place to provide some relief on Bindon St and Harmony Row. There are very limited options available and it would be a concern that a solution for this location may push the problem to another part of Ennis. Initial but unverified assessments suggest that capacity issues at the Maid of Erin roundabout is the major contributing factor to the issues as raised within this Notice of Motion. Whilst we acknowledge the public realm works is contributing to the traffic issues being experienced, we believe the actual impact of these closures isn’t the primary cause as outlined above.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. Guilfoyle and agreed by all Members.
Cllr A. Baker Bashua briefed on the ongoing issue of traffic congestion throughout the town and the numerous complaints she receives, adding that it serves as a deterrent to people choosing to come in to Ennis.
Cllr T. Guilfoyle welcomed the Notice of Motion, having just spoken on local radio regarding traffic congestion around schools. He added the public realm works would appear to have compounded the problem.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan, in support of the Motion, added that traffic congestion is a daily occurrence and is set to deteriorate further as the Christmas season approaches.
Cllr P. Daly supported the Motion but acknowledged that solutions are limited and it would be beneficial to have an increased Garda presence at peak times to alleviate delays.
Cllr M. Howard supported the Motion and acknowledged that it is a difficult one to resolve and she hoped that the upcoming bus service might help in the longer term. She stressed that this highlights the crucial piece of infrastructure that is, the Gort Road to Tulla Road outer relief link, to mitigate unnecessary traffic through town.
Carmel Kirby addressed the Meeting and was delighted to brief the Meeting on an item she intended to raise under AOB. Further to recent budget announcements, the Government has confirmed that the funding for Ennis Bus Service is provided for in the upcoming budget and we are now progressing at pace with the intention of commencing our Town Bus Service in 2025. She advised that Sean Lenihan is leading on this issue with Eamon O’Dea, Senior Executive Engineer with the Team currently progressing suitable locations for Park and Ride/Bus Depot to support the service.
Sean Lenihan Senior Engineer added that there is regular contact with An Garda Siochana on the traffic issue and every opportunity is being taken to talk to schools about the Bike to School schemes and we are looking at creating more bike parking spaces. He added that there are in excess of 2,000 students attending the various Second Level schools in the New Road/Harmony Row area and that this is generating significant numbers of car movements at peak drop off and pick up times.
He highlighted the need for parents and schools to engage in how they could assist by walking, cycling, carpooling, etc rather than the multiple single passenger car journeys and that the upcoming Ennis Town Bus service will have an immense positive impact.
Cllr A. Baker Bashua thanked Members for the support and whilst acknowledging the difficulties she would continue to hope that solutions can be found in the near future.
Item 16: Notice of Motion No. 11 Standard for Ennis Shop Fronts
Ar moladh Cllr. M. Howard Cuidithe ag Cllr. T. O’Callaghan agus glacadh leis
No. 11 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. M. Howard
In Ennis Town Council we had a document written by Richard Cronin that gave recommendations for shops fronts. This document as far as I can remember dealt with design criteria for shop fronts when they were being constructed, renovated/refurbished or new builds within the town centre.
I request that we have a workshop with the Clare County Heritage Office -John Tracey to examine how we go forward, plus it is important to engage during this process with the chamber, Clare Roots Society, businesses and other stake holders.
Candace Ingram, Senior Executive Planner, responded as follows:
County Clare has a variety of both traditional and contemporary shop fronts within its towns and villages which reflect and complement their character. The importance of the quality of design of shop fronts and signage is recognised in the Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 with a specific objective in relation to shopfronts CDP 7.14 which encourages the appropriate use of traditional shop front designs, materials and signs, and that new shopfronts should display unity in their scale and proportion of existing shopfronts and streetscape. The historical importance of maintaining the aesthetic and character of Ennis, particularly in the designated Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs), is also supported in objective CDP16.5 by ensuring that any developments, including changes to shopfronts, preserve the architectural and historical character of Ennis and are sympathetic to the unique features of the town. Changes to the design, materials, or dimensions of shopfronts; installation of new signage and alterations to the external finishes of buildings, such as plastering, stone cladding, or rendering may require planning permission and advice should always be sought in relation to any proposed changes to shopfronts in advance of any works taking place. Shopfront draft design guidance for Ennis is in preparation and it is the intention that upon the appointment of a new Architectural Conservation Officer this work will be progressed to completion, which will incorporate engagement with the Elected Members of Ennis Municipal District and local stakeholders.
This item was seconded by Cllr. T. O’Callaghan and agreed by all Members.
Cllr. M Howard briefed the Meeting on an issue which is often brought to her attention. In the old Town Council days, there used to be clear rules and guidelines on what a business owner/occupier was permitted to use in terms of materials and typeface for trade name display. This is an opportune time to ensure adherence to a good standard in advance of the public realm works coming to completion. Many shop fronts are presented to a high standard, but not all and there is some unfortunate use of neon and chrome. It would be helpful to have guidelines/rules around this activity and we could consider a grant for this very purpose.
Cllr T. O’Callaghan supported the Motion stating that he had always embraced the traditional styles which give a town its own identity. He added that he understands from a retailer’s perspective that restrictions and planning requirements can be burdensome.
Cllr P. Daly supported the Motion, recalling a Members’ excursion to Kilkenny to see what lessons could be learned for Ennis. He confirmed that there is a condition attached to the planning application with regard to materials which are permissible for a traditional shop front.
Cllr M. Howard thanked Members for the support, adding that the genesis of the Motion was to maintain the old shop fronts in keeping with the historical town image – where hand painted signs or wooden letters was the norm and noting that this standard had slipped somewhat in recent years.
Sean Lenihan suggested there may be potential to invite a contact from Westport (who featured on the TV programme Nationwide) to Ennis to provide some guidance and advice in this area.
Item 17: Notice of Motion No. 12 Cornmarket – Double Yellow Lines
Ar moladh Cllr. P. Daly Cuidithe ag Cllr. A. Baker Bashua agus glacadh leis
No. 12 Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. P. Daly
I ask Ennis MD for an update on the proposed double yellow lines at the left-hand side of Cornmarket on the way to Hermitage.
Patrick Tiernan, A/Senior Executive Engineer, responded as follows:
Ennis MD have made contact with our line marking contractor and have added the installation of these double yellow lines to the work schedule. We can confirm that this issue will be rectified in the coming weeks.
This item was seconded by Cllr. A. Baker Bashua and agreed by all Members.
Cllr P. Daly acknowledged the response to the Notice of Motion, adding that this area can be chaotic at times and the double-yellow lines would help.
Cllr A. Baker Bashua seconded the Motion having already broached the subject with the Senior Executive Engineer.
Item 18: Correspondence
Item 19: Any Other Business
Paddy Tiernan briefed Members on the issue raised at the September Meeting regarding the Corovorrin stream and whether there was a risk of flooding from debris in the river.
Any potential flood risk is taken very seriously by the executive, and an inspection was arranged with Inland Fisheries. The outcome was very positive and Inland Fisheries confirmed there is very little wrong and nothing which would contribute to flooding. Half a bag of rubbish, a tree down but not unusual, overgrowth which is natural. We will clear all we can from the river. In their report Inland Fisheries highlighted gravel in the riverbed which is deemed ideal, and there is no threat in terms of flooding to be concerned about.
Cllr P. Daly thanked Paddy and Inland Fisheries for the site visit to river. He was still of the view however that the river needs to be cleaned up and asked that this would still be an action point for the team. Paddy explained that the good news is that there is no imminent flood risk and that a remedial cleanup is all that is warranted.
Cllr M. Howard wished to compliment the team for the works being undertaken for the Friars Walk Safe Routes to School scheme as a member of the Board of Management she was happy to confirm that the school is delighted with the work. Also the overlay works carried out on Cusack Road are to be commended, with the new surface smooth and notably improved.
Paddy Tiernan updated Members on upcoming overlay works in various areas around town so that Members would be aware of ongoing works:
- Cusack Road, line marking.
- Millbank, Roslevan, now complete.
- Gort Road, overlay currently being done at night.
- Bank Place, overlay to be completed at night.
- Circular Road near Hermitage, some ramps etc.
- Back of Steeles Terrace, overlay.
- Friars Walk Safe Routes to School. Cllr P. Murphy acknowledged the work of Ennis MD Staff in cutting back hedges in the public car parking spaces on the Kildysart Road adjacent to the Irish Water compound, allowing for cars to park away from the road and footpath.
Members joined Cllr. M. Howard in offering sympathy to the families of :
- Paddy Flannery R.I.P.
- Jim Hassett R.I.P.
- Peter Maher (Lahinch Road), R.I.P.
- Patricia Guilfoyle R.I.P.
- Della Curley R.I.P.
The meeting ended at 16:20 hrs.
Signed: ____________________________ Riarthóir Cruinnithe
Signed: _____________________________ Cathaoirleach
Date: _____________________________
Page last reviewed: 12/11/24
Content managed by: Ennis Municipal District
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