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Minutes of the Annual General of the Shannon Municipal District June 2024

Location:  The Park Inn by Radisson Shannon Airport, Shannon, Co. Clare.

On:    Tuesday 25th June 2024

Time:  9.45am


Councillors attending in person: 

Councillors Donna McGettigan (Cathaoirleach), John Crowe (Leas Cathaoirleach), Michael Begley, David Griffin, Rachel Hartigan and Pat O’Gorman

Councillor attending remotely

Councillor Tony Mulcahy.

Officials attending in person:

Alan Farrell Director of Services, Anne Griffin A/Senior Executive Officer/Meetings Administrator, Tom Mellett Senior Executive Engineer and Pauline McCoy, Assistant Staff Officer.

Item no. 1: Election of Cathaoirleach for the next 12 months

The outgoing Cathaoirleach Donna McGettigan opened the meeting and congratulated her fellow Councillors and welcomed newly elected members Cllr. David Griffin, Cllr. Rachel Hartigan and Cllr. Tony Mulcahy (remotely), wishing them well during their tenure. She acknowledged the retirement of Cllr. Pat McMahon and Cllr. Gerry Flynn and the outcome in the local election which resulted in the departure of Cllr. PJ Ryan. Cllr. McGettigan acknowledged their honourable service, hard work and commitment for the Shannon MD. She also thanked Cllr. John Crowe (Leas Cathaoirleach) for his support in fulfilling her role over the last 12 months.


Cllr McGettigan thanked Alan Farrell, Siobhan McNulty, Anne Griffin, Tom Mellett and all the staff of Shannon MD for their work and support. She referred in particular to the outdoor staff of Shannon MD and their continuous hard work. Cllr. McGettigan also paid tribute to the late Paddy Ryan (General operative) who sadly passed away during the early part of the year. She reflected on projects that were progressed and completed during her term as Cathaoirleach of the Shannon MD including the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure projects in Ballycasey and  Newmarket-on-Fergus, Town & Village Renewal Scheme in Clonlara, Bunratty and Drumgeely, the completion of Flood relief works in Springfield and the advancement of Shannon Flood Relief Scheme, the promotion and advancement of the Shannon Loop Walk project, the completion of the Sli na Slainte route and introduction of outdoor exercise equipment in Shannon town, a public consultation event was held also on the concept and design of One Shannon Hub, the successful event that was the Women’s Irish Open at Dromoland Castle and the equally successful Newmarket-on-Fergus community festival and the ongoing infrastructural improvement which included roads and footpath throughout the municipal district. Cllr. Donna McGettigan was particularly honored to host the Cathaoirleach’s Special Recognition Awards Ceremony which saw due recognition given to individuals in the community. Finally, Cllr. McGettigan thanked her family for their continuous support and encouragement.


Nominations for Cathaoirleach were invited.  On the proposal of Cllr. David Griffin and  seconded by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy, Cllr. Pat O’Gorman was unanimously elected as Cathaoirleach.  Cllr. Pat O’Gorman then took the chair for the remainder of the meeting, having been handed the chain of office by Cllr. Donna McGettigan.


Cllr. Pat O’Gorman thanked the Members for nominating him as Cathaoirleach and thanked Cllr. Donna McGettigan for all the hard work achieved in the last 12 months. He acknowledged the people also that helped him during his local election campaign and thanked former Cllr. Pat McMahon, Cllr. Gerry Flyn and Cllr. PJ Ryan for their help and support. Cllr. O’Gorman is looking forward to working with his fellow Councillors, Shannon MD Executives and staff in achieving project delivery. His key priorities for the coming year include the progression of the One Shannon Hub, the N19 upgrade and Shannon Flood Relief scheme. Other priorities include securing funding for local towns and villages to enhance amenities for communities such as the provision of the Shannon to Bunratty (and into Sixmilebridge) Greenway Project, the continued improvement of our roads and infrastructure, working closely with The Shannon Group and the newly acquired site Bunratty Castle Folk Park.

Item no. 2:  Election of Leas Cathaoirleach for the next 12 months

The Cathaoirleach invited nominations for the election of Leas Cathaoirleach.

Cllr. Begley proposed Cllr. Donna McGettigan, and this was seconded by Cllr John Crowe.

It was also unanimously agreed that Cllr John Crowe would step in if Cllr. McGettigan was unavailable.


Item no. 3:  Nominations to committees

This matter has been dealt with at County level.

Item no. 4: Approval of payment of allowances to the Cathaoirleach

The payment of allowances to the Cathaoirleach under Regulation 17 of the Local Government (Expenses of Local Authority Members) Regulations 2021 for the term was proposed by Cllr. John Crowe, seconded by Cllr.  Michael Begley and agreed by all.

Item no. 5:  Draft Schedule of Meetings for the next 12 months

Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 9:45am

Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 9:45am

Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 9:45am

Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 9:45am

Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 9:45am

Tuesday 20th May 2025 at 9:45am

Proposed by Cllr. Rachel Hartigan

Seconded by Cllr. Donna McGettigan.


It was proposed that any changes to time and date of meetings would be done so closer to the time of the meeting. It was agreed by all.


The Cathaoirleach then opened the floor.

Cllr. Michael Begley welcomed back fellow colleagues and newly elected members. He also acknowledged the departure of Cllr. Pat McMahon, Cllr. Gerry Flynn and Cllr. PJ Ryan wishing them all well. Cllr Begley also thanked the management and staff of Shannon MD.


Cllr. Donna McGettigan acknowledged the departure of Pat McMahon, Gerry Flynn and PJ Ryan and expressed her thanks for their support which she received from them.


Cllr. John Crowe welcomed the newly elected members for Shannon MD and wished them well. He acknowledged the outstanding work done by Cllr. Pat McMahon, Cllr. Gerry Flynn and Cllr. PJ Ryan. He paid tribute also to the late Cllr. Mike McKee. Finally, Cllr. Crowe thanked the management and team of Shannon MD for their continuous hard work and support and looks forward to working with them all again.


Cllr. Tony Mulcahy paid tribute to the late Cllr. Mike McKee. He congratulated Cllr. Pat O’Gorman for his appointment as Cathaoirleach and thanked Cllr. Donna McGettigan for her service in the 12 months. Cllr. Mulcahy is looking forward to working with fellow Councillors and welcomed newly elected members Cllr. Rachel Hartigan and Cllr. David Griffin.


Director of Services, Alan Farrell congratulated Cllr. Pat O’Gorman on his appointment as Cathaoirleach and looks forward to working together on delivering projects. He congratulated Cllr. Donna McGettigan on her exceptional job as Cathaoirleach in the last 12 months. He also wished re-elected and newly elected councillors all the best in their term. Furthermore, he commended the team effort approach of the elected members and all the staff (office and outdoor) of Shannon MD, emphasising the betterment of the area is everyone’s mission. Finally, Alan Farrell paid tribute to the late Paddy Ryan, outdoor staff member.


Cathaoirleach Pat O’Gorman wished to finish on a positive note “great things were achieved, and great things will be achieved”.


Meeting then concluded.




Signed:                                                 Signed:                                                 


          Cathaoirleach                                      Meetings Administrator        



Dated:                     July, 2024


Page last reviewed: 16/07/24

Content managed by: Shannon Municipal District

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