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Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting March 2024

Location:  The Park Inn by Radisson Shannon Airport, Shannon, Co. Clare.

On:    Tuesday 19th March 2024

Time:  9.45am


Councillors attending in person: 

Councillors Donna McGettigan (Cathaoirleach), John Crowe (Leas-Cathaoirleach), Michael Begley, PJ Ryan, Pat McMahon, Gerard Flynn and Pat O’Gorman.

Officials attending in person:

Alan Farrell Director of Service, Anne Griffin A/ Senior Executive Officer (Meetings Administrator), Tom Mellett Senior Executive Engineer, Cyril Feeney Senior Engineer, Brendan Boyce A/Administrative Officer, Liam O’Connor Administrative Officer, Patricia O’Neill Staff Officer, Pauline McCoy Assistant Staff Officer and Marie O’Brien Clerical Officer. 



Cathaoirleach Donna McGettigan opened the meeting, welcomed all present.

As a mark of respect on the passing of staff member Mr. Patrick Ryan, General Operative in the Shannon Municipal District and other recent deaths in  Shannon Cllr. McGettigan proposed to adjourn the meeting for 5 minutes.  This was seconded by Cllr. Michael Begley and agreed by all Members present.


Item no. 1:  Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting held on 23rd January, 2024

Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting held on 23rd January, 2024 were proposed by Cllr. PJ Ryan and seconded by Cllr. John Crowe and agreed by all.


Item no. 2: Schedule of Municipal District Works 2024 presented by Cyril Feeney, Senior Engineer (circulated previously by the Roads Department)

Mr. Cyril Feeney commenced his presentation by outline the legislative basis for the preparation of a Schedule of Municipal District Works (SMDW) for consideration and approval by the Councillors of each Municipal District as set out in the 2014 Local Government Act. 

The schedule of works to be undertaken on Non-National roads is broadly determined by the 3 year programme (2022 – 2024) submitted to the Department of Transport.  A new 3 year programme will be submitted to the Department later this year.  The Pavement Management System incorporating condition rating is also key to determining and scheduling works. 

Mr. Feeney outlined the 5 main sources of funding:  Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Department of Transport, National Transport Authority, own resources and Irish Public Bodies (IPB).  Funding levels in 2024 have increased marginally on the 2023 levels.  The IPB dividend is expended in a manner to facilitate mitigation of risk and reduce the frequency of public liability claims.  This is the last year of payment of this dividend.   

The target is to get to a level of funding which will maintain and upkeep 10% of the road network, however the total level of funding only allows an average of 5.7% of the road network. 

Mr. Feeney referenced the allocation of €500k to the N19 Shannon Airport Access Roads which will enable this project to progress to the necessary statutory consents in 2024 and the allocation of €120k to advance the Shannon Bunratty Greenway. 


In response to the above the Members raised the following:

  • Repeat repair works are being carried out to potholes in the district.  Inadequate drainage contributing to this. More focus on culverts and keeping outlets open during October to March is required.
  • The Members welcomed the allocation to progress the Shannon Bunratty Greenway.  Sixmilebridge to be included in the naming of the Greenway – Shannon Bunratty Sixmilebridge Greenway. 
  • The Members expressed dissatisfaction with the level of funding available.
  • Clarification was requested in relation to works proposed for Ballycasey Close and also on Bóthar Mór. 
  • N19 Shannon Airport Access Road is progressing at a slow rate.
  • Works on the Cappavilla and Earl Hill roads not included in the SMDW.
  • The progression of works under the Community Improvement Scheme (CIS) and Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) was highlighted as a concern.
  • Sinking manholes – a number of them throughout the MD.


Mr. Feeney responded that a letter has issued to the Department of Transport seeking additional funding.

In respect of the CIS and LIS, Liam O’Connor stated that 2 applications were received under the CIS in the Shannon MD in 2023 and 8 applications were received countywide under the LIS 2023.  There continues to be a backlog on the LIS scheme with a total of 146 applications countywide. 


Tom Mellett provided the following clarification:

-       Ballycasey Close Green Area – funding allocated is to close out the Active Travel Project and is not for the provision of additional footpaths.

-       Shannon Bunratty Limerick Greenway is the title given by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.  Mr. Mellett stated that Sixmilebridge is a key part of that project.

-       The allocation of €90k for Bóthar Mór is for the provision of a pedestrian crossing and will be tied in with the lighting. 


The 2024 SMDW was proposed by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman and seconded by Cllr. John Crowe and agreed by all. 


Item no. 3: Draft Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2024 – 2030 presented by Brendan Boyce, Rural Development Directorate. 

Summary of main points of the plan

  • Roadmap for collaboration in the County to support economic and community development. 
  • LECP Strategic Communication Plan – creating awareness and understanding and promoting positive perceptions.
  • Interactive process with stakeholders and elected members informed the development of the draft high-level goals and objectives.
  • Public consultation process – promotion and communication.
  • Community engagement pilot project - €40k to inform LCDC on methodologies for engagement with marginalised groups. 
  • Identified key themes such as Housing, Transport and a sense of isolation since Covid. 
  • LECP aligns with the County Development Plan, Clare Library Development plan and the Climate Action Plan. 
  • LECP process – Draft framework now complete – endorsed by LCDC & ESPC – Municipal Districts and Regional Assembly – Adoption by Elected Members in April and sent to the Minister. 

In response to the presentation the Members welcomed this plan and acknowledged the work of the Rural Directorate team.  The possibility of getting funding for the plan was also raised.  Mr. Boyce stated that Clare County Council are statutorily required to prepare a LECP and it is anticipated that this plan will leverage funding while also creating opportunities. 

The adoption of the draft LECP was proposed by Cllr. PJ Ryan and seconded by Cllr. John Crowe and agreed by all.


Item no. 4:  Shannon MD Small Community Grant Scheme 2024

Section 66 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by the Local Government Reform Act 2014(S.I. No. 231/2014 - Local Government (Performance of Reserved Functions in Respect of Municipal District Members) Regulations 2014.   

Ms. Anne Griffin outlined the legislative background to this scheme.  Funding under this scheme if provided under the General Municipal Allocation (GMA).  A total budget of €24k has been provided in this years’ scheme and is subject to maximum payment of €1,000.  Applicants can apply online and the closing date is 19th April 2024.  In 2023, 29 voluntary groups benefited from the scheme.

Under the same legislative basis Ms. Griffin stated that Cllr. Gerard Flynn has nominated 3 local community groups to be allocated funding under his GMA – Shannon Athletics Club, Shannon Handball Club and St. Senan’s RFC. 

Cllr. Flynn commented that he had funding available from his GMA and that he wanted to provide support to local groups as advised by Ms Griffin.  He said he was concerned with the process which the executive said had to be followed, and that he considered that Councillors should be able to allocate their GMA to clubs or bodies as they wanted and that he considered the executive were imposing unnecessary procedures which impacted the Councillors distribution of their GMA. 

Clarification was sought by the Members in relation to what was being proposed and how it ties in with the grant scheme put before the Members today.  A discussion ensued in relation to this matter. 

Ms. Griffin responded that similar to the grant scheme, Cllr. Flynn’s proposal, is a contribution to other community groups but separate to the community grant scheme.  In response to additional queries, she advised further on the proposed allocations.  It was clarified by Cllr Flynn that he had a significant element of GMA still available which he was now proposing to allocate.

In response to the issues raised, Mr. Alan Farrell stated that contributions to 3rd parties is a reserved function and must be put before the Members.   He advised that this has been communicated to all the MD’s from the Head of Finance.  He explained that as an organisation disbursing public funds, the Council are required to work in line with statute primarily the Local Government Act 2001 and the Local Government reform act 2014(S.I. No. 231/2014 - Local Government (Performance of Reserved Functions in Respect of Municipal District Members) Regulations 2014.   He reiterated that the relevant legislation as advised is Section 66 of the Local government Act 2001 as updated by the 2014 act sets out that the giving of a grant in funds or by completing works is a reserved function.  For clarity, he advised that where the GMA is allocated towards Council own works in roads, footpaths etc.- this falls within the Council’s works and procurement, supplier payment etc.  However, where the GMA is paid out to an outside body or works completed for an outside body, the allocation of GMA is a reserved function under the act and required Council Resolution.

The adoption of the Shannon MD Small Community Grant Scheme 2024 and Cllr. Flynn’s proposal was proposed by Donna McGettigan, seconded by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman and agreed by all.


Item no. 5: Directors’ Business – Alan Farrell

-       Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) – The Shannon MD has written to the Oireachtas Members seeking support and to help progress this project.  UL are working with the Department in relation to the specifics of what will go into the SDZ.

-       Shannon to Bunratty Greenway – It is intended that a Part 8 will be submitted in 2024 subject to landowner consent. 

-       Town Centre First – Town Centre Plans including the Sixmilebridge plan was recently launched in Adare.  Members of Sixmilebridge Town Team Plan attended. Supports were also announced for Town Teams along with a Project Development Measures that will assist community groups in moving projects towards being shovel-ready.

-       One Shannon Hub – stakeholder engagement is continuing and project development is being progressed by the Economic Directorate – it is anticipated that a call for URDF funding will be announced in May. 

-       Twinning arrangements with Birmingham – A recent visit to Clare by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham to explore the establishment of economic links between Birmingham and the Shannon area.  The itinerary included Shannon Chamber lunch which was addressed by Minister Darragh O’Brien and a visit to the Cliffs of Moher.

-       N19 Shannon Airport Access road -  Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) is currently ongoing with Phase 4 (Statutory Consent) to be submitted in 2024.  Phase 5 (Enabling and Procurement) & Phase 6 (Construction) will progress thereafter subject to timely consents, no legal challenge and funding. 

-       Shannon Town and Environs Flood Relief – EIA Screening report has issued for consideration by Clare County Council. The PMO continues to liaise with statutory bodies including the Marine Area Regulatory Authority. 

-       Increased Cost of Business Grant -The grant is intended to aid businesses but is not intended to directly compensate for all increases in wages, or other costs.  Eligible businesses will receive a once-off grant payment. The amount of the grant payable to eligible businesses is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill the business received in 2023. Closing date is 1st May 2024.


At this stage of the meeting it was proposed by Cllr. John Crowe to suspend the Standing Orders in order to proceed with the business of the meeting.  This was seconded by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman and agreed by all. 

The following was raised by the Members:

-       In regard to the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road, concern was expressed on the slow progress of this scheme and if an accident happened on this single carriageway that this would result in closing the road and consequently closing down the airport.  The possibility of an alternative designated entry and exit was also discussed. 

-       The Twinning arrangement with Birmingham was welcomed. 

-       Congratulations was also expressed to Mr. Leonard Cleary, Director of Service on his new role as Chief Executive of Galway City Council. 

-       Footpaths in front of Drumgeely are in a bad state and in need of urgent repair.  Concern was expressed about the length of time it would take for this footpath to be repaired if part of the N19 upgrade works.

Mr. Farrell replied in regard to the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road, the PMO are working with the consultants and meeting regularly.  A briefing can be arranged separately for the Members.    

Mr. Tom Mellett added that in the event of a major accident on the N19 access road the Major Emergency Plan will be implemented.  Measures and protocols are in place for such emergencies. 


Item no. 6:  Roads – update by Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer.

-       The crew are carrying out preparation work for the commencement of works under the Schedule of MD Works. 

-       Grass cutting - first cut of the season took place last week – ground conditions were poor in locations. 

-       Tree maintenance contractor is carrying out works on trees that are causing an obstruction and hazard.

-       Installation of outdoor equipment has been completed.

-       Verge and hedge clearance in Cratloe in preparation for the footpath project later in the year.

-       Road sweeper will be rolled out throughout the district.


In response to the above the Members raised the following:

-       Service trucks unable to negotiate the turning circles in Drumgeely and near the green area at Mary Immaculate Church

-       A request for an update on the Meelick to O’Connell Quarries road.

-       Meelick footpath project to Ballycannon.

-       The hedge cutting work carried out in the district was commended.

-       Edging of footpaths to be carried out.

-       Cratloe footpath, funding is in place and the importance of delivering this project as soon as possible was highlighted.   

-       Double yellow lines in Rossbracken – cars parking on double yellow lines, can the MD do anything. Request the Gardaí to action this.

-       Road signage is in a poor state and needs to be cleaned. 

-       Giant hogweed in Shannon Banks to be treated.


Mr. Tom Mellett replied:

-       Turing circles referred to will be discussed further with Cllr. Flynn.  Driver behaviour is also an issue.

-       Discussion will have to be had with the Killaloe MD with regard to the road to O’Connell Quarries.

-       Meelick footpath to Ballycannon - shovel ready and will continue to seek active travel funding.

-       Edging of footpaths – the new mini road sweeper has an attachment for edging footpaths.  Its functionality is being examined and will be deployed throughout the MD.

-       Cratloe footpaths – funding is in place and currently working with the TII in finalising design. Section 38 for this project will go before the Members at the next MD Meeting.

-       Parking on double yellow lines is a driver behaviour issue. Road markings in Rossbracken were enhanced in 2023.  The MD will speak with the Gardaí on this matter.

-       Signs on roads – this is work that is carried out annually.

-       Hogweed – A contractor has been engaged to carry out treatment of hogweed over number of years and has treated hogweed in the Shannon Banks area.  This area will be included for future treatment. 


Item no. 7: Notice of motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley

Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gerard Flynn agus glacadh leis:

That roadside drainage problems on the road leading to the headrace canal opposite St. Senan’s church (locally known as “Gales road”), be corrected.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

The Office will carry out an assessment of the drainage issues along this road. Remedial action will follow on from this.


Item no. 8: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley

Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:

That the “tiger teeth” road markings on the many traffic calming speed bumps in the Shannon Banks estate be re-painted as they are difficult to see, particularly at night.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

This work will be included in our works schedule for 2024.


Item no. 9:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley

Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gerard Flynn agus glacadh leis:

That provision for footpath repairs in Parteen be included in the 2024 Roads Programme.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

A contract has been awarded for footpath repairs throughout the M.D. Footpaths in Parteen have been included in this contract. The Office anticipates a further contract will be advertised during the summer which will also include footpaths in Parteen.

When preparing our contracts we take account of the condition of existing footpaths, their location, and impairments to mobility.

The Office in conjunction with our colleagues in the General Design Office are also continuing to advance a project to deliver a new footpath on School Road.


Item no. 10:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. PJ Ryan

Ar molagh Cllr. PJ Ryan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. John Crowe agus glacadh leis:

That this MD would install a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures at the Ministers cross Sixmilebridge to Shannon Road (R471).

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Following consultation with our Road Design Office, this location is suitable for a Low Cost Safety Scheme and will be nominated by the Shannon Municipal District Office for the 2025 programme.


Item no. 11: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. PJ Ryan

Ar molagh Cllr. PJ Ryan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. John Crowe agus glacadh leis:

That this MD would install drainage and cleaning of trenches to prevent flooding on the road between Sixmilebridge and Cratloe (R462).

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

The Office continues to carryout drainage works throughout the District. The R462 has had drainage works carried out to ensure that water can run freely to off-road drains. We will continue with these works throughout the year with an intensification of our efforts during the winter months.


Item no. 12:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. PJ Ryan

Ar molagh Cllr. PJ Ryan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:

That this MD would install traffic calming measures on Phayers Road Meelick L3110 and also request that the speed limit be reduced there at the next speed limit review. 

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

A review of the speed limit process has been carried out by the Department of Transport and the resulting “Speed Limit Review Report“ published in September 2023 has made recommendations that will impact the setting and application of speed limits. Consequently, the initiation of any such speed limit review is considered premature until such a time as the Department of Transport issues new guidance documents on the application and setting of speed limits & updated legislation.  These are expected some time this year.

If it is considered that the speed limit at a particular location is not set in accordance with the relevant guidance at the time a member of the public can submit a Speed Limit Appeal.

Pending the outcome of the speed review a design for traffic calming will be prepared.

If residents have a concern that the speed limit is being breached, they should contact An Garda Siochána.


Item no. 13:  Notice of Motions submitted by Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Ar molagh Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:

I am calling on Clare County Council to re-instate footpath connectivity from Mary Immaculate Church and the Oasis Garden area of Drumgeely to Shannon’s River Walk. The recent development adjacent to Shannon Handball Club that was facilitated by Clare County Council has compromised the existing connections to the river walk and from a health and safety concern I would expect Clare County Council to re-instate safe access for the public in Shannon to the river walk amenity.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Shannon Tidy Towns was granted permission to develop a Depot at this location in 2023. The Planning File P23-416, contains correspondence from Shannon Tidy Towns giving a commitment to partially relocate the footpath while retaining the access to surrounding paths.


Item no. 14:  Notice of Motions submitted by Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Ar molagh Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Cuidithe ag Cllr.Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:

I am calling on Clare County Council to expedite the work on the improved design measures for Bóthar na Rinne in Shannon Town that includes off road parking, installation of speed cushions, additional pedestrian crossings and additional signage. 

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Following approval of a S38 of the Roads Traffic Act submission in January 2024, additional Traffic calming works on this road have been scheduled for Q2 of this year.


Item no. 15:  Notice of Motions submitted by Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Ar molagh Cllr. Gerard Flynn

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:

I am calling on Clare County Council to give some information and clarification on the additional public lights on the section of road from Ballycasey roundabout to the junction of Bóthar na Loiste. This small section of public road approaching Shannon Town on Bóthar Mór (N19) was excluded when the public lighting network was installed in Shannon Town and presents a health and safety concern for the public using this access road. I am calling on the Local Authority to have this work carried out urgently.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Having consulted with my colleagues in Transportation I can confirm that they have committed to assisting in terms of an assessment of the existing public lighting provision on the R471 Bóthar Mor, from Ballycasey Roundabout to Bóthar na Loiste, and provide a lighting design and cost estimate for additional lighting should the assessment identify deficiencies.

Funding for these works have been secured by the Shannon Municipal District Office.  Should the funding available not cover the cost estimate we will investigate additional funding streams.


Item no. 16:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat McMahon

Ar molagh Cllr. Pat McMahon

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

Due to the increase in population in the surrounding areas of Newmarket On Fergus I am requesting that Bus Éireann provide a bus stop in Lisduff, Newmarket On Fergus area.

It was agreed that the Shannon MD Office will write to Bus Éireann on this matter.


Item no. 17:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat McMahon

Ar molagh Cllr. Pat McMahon

Cuidithe ag Cllr. John Crowe agus glacadh leis:

I am requesting Clare County Council to carry out road widening works on the R472 at Urlan Beg, Newmarket On Fergus.  The area referred to is past the entrance to Carrigoran House, where the road is significantly narrow and considered a health & safety issue for motorist and pedestrians. 

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

There is currently no proposal to upgrade this road. It is a candidate for improved pedestrian infrastructure, however at present is not part of a designated project. The Shannon Municipal District Office will consult with colleagues and other stakeholders to identify an appropriate project development measure.

The District Office does carry out maintenance on this road which includes hedge cutting in order to keep sightlines open.


Item no. 18:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat McMahon

Ar molagh Cllr. Pat McMahon

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

I am requesting the Council carry out the following works within the village of Newmarket on Fergus in order to improve accessibility for people with varying mobility.  To extend the footpath from the new housing development Radharc an Óir to Halpins Garage; to provide public seating in the vicinity of the Church car park and also to include a disabled car parking space in the vicinity of the Church car park. 

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

This Office has commenced design on each of these measures. It is our intention to complete the works in the second half of the year, which should lead to the centre of the town becoming more accessible.


Item no. 19:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

 Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:

I request this MD to provide traffic calming measures at the opposite end of the road in and around house number 88, Riverdale, Westbury, as this is a through road and can be accessed from both ends.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

The Office installed four speed cushions in Riverdale during 2023. We intend to tighten the junction at the estate entrance, adjacent to house no. 90, in due course.


Item no. 20:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

I request Clare County Council to remove the grass verges at both sides of the entrance road at Ballycannon Cemetery and replace with a surface that visitors to the cemetery can park on and also pass each other upon entry and exit.

Tomás Prenderville, A/Senior Executive Architect, Rural Development Directorate replied as follows:

Shannon MD will review the Notice of Motion in conjunction with the Burial Grounds Unit. The Burial Grounds Unit undertook works at Ballycannon Cemetery in 2024, including maintenance of trees and foliage at burial ground and surrounding entrance road and carpark. Existing pathways were upgraded and new pathways were constructed within the Burial Ground.


Item no. 21:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

I request this MD to investigate the boundary wall between the footpath and Cratloe GAA grounds on the main Cratloe to Sixmilebridge Road in the interest of safety.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

This wall is private property and as such is the responsibility of the landowner to maintain. This is similar to the situation on infrastructure projects where boundaries run along public roads or paths.


Item no. 22: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gerard Flynn agus glacadh leis:

That a bench is named in Drumgeely in honour of Mick O’Neill as one of the old shopkeepers in Drumgeely.  This will tie the old with the new.  Residents approached me on this matter and all would love to see this happening. 

Liam O’Connor, Administrative Officer, Transportation replied as follows:

An application for a memorial bench can be considered by the Memorial Committee on receipt of the relevant details. In order to bring the proposal to the committee a site location map and dimensional drawing & wording of the proposed plaque are required.

If the proposal is approved by the memorial committee it will be brought to a monthly meeting of Clare County Council for formal approval.


Cllr. Gerard Flynn added that Terry & Carmel Neylon who were also business owners in Drumgeely may be included in this application. 


Item no. 23:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gerard Flynn agus glacadh leis:

That a speed survey is set up on Corrib Drive, the Gort Road and Bóthar na Luachra.

These three roads have been brought to my attention for speeding, so I believe a speed survey needs to be done in order to decide on future safety measures if needed.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

A traffic and speed survey on Gort Road has been completed and the results are currently being analysed. Similar surveys will follow for both Bóthar na Luachra and Corrib Drive.

Should speeding be shown to be an issue on any of these roads the Office will commence a design process and pursue funding to deliver an appropriate outcome.


Item no. 24: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:

In accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Schedule 14A of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 performance of reserved functions at Municipal District level, that Shannon MD holds a small civic function where each MD Councillor has nominated 2 people (either individuals or on behalf of a group) to be recognised for their contribution to their communities. 

I believe this will be a positive end to this Council term.



Anne Griffin, A/Senior Executive Officer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Shannon Municipal District will be honoured to host a small function in recognition of individuals that have positively impacted on their communities.  The function will be held in the coming months and the precise date will be confirmed in due course. Each Councillor may submit the names of 2 recipients.  It will be an opportunity to reflect on the positive contribution made by individuals within our communities who work tirelessly behind the scenes often without seeking recognition. 


Item no. 25:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe

Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

I suggest that this MD would examine/head a project to recognise the importance of the Smithtown Industrial Estate to both the Shannon and Mid-West Region. Both industrial estates play a huge role in promoting employment and contribute to the economic success of the area.

Anne Griffin, A/Senior Executive Officer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

Smithstown/East Park industrial zone is recognised as a key enabler of economic activity for Clare and the wider region. Most of the companies located there are local indigenous businesses creating valued employment and many have been supported on their growth journey by the Local Enterprise Office. It is proposed to engage with various stakeholders, including businesses located in Smithstown/East Park, to establish a consensus around how to recognise the contribution those businesses make to our local economy. Shannon MD will have an initial engagement with the Local Enterprise Office to seek their support in this initiative.


Item no. 26: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe

Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

To erect a new footpath that runs along the Shannon road linking the Garda Station to Rossmanagher Cross which ties in with the new pedestrian crossing.

This is extremely busy area, as the Bridge United Soccer Club grounds is located along this stretch. It is a very busy successful club with a lot of patrons using the facilities on a daily basis. This is currently a health and safety issue as there is no safe passage for pedestrian and wheelchair users.

Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:

A design for this path has been completed and a S38 of the Roads Traffic Act has been advertised. A Report on this process will be presented to the members at the next meeting for consideration.


Item no. 27: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe

Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe

Cuidithe ag Cllr. PJ Ryan agus glacadh leis:

I am asking for a street light erected at the Shannon Road housing estate adjacent to house no 32 as this is a very dark area for the community. There is already cable and ducting at this location for a street light.

I am also requesting an additional street light from Mt Ivers Estate to the Doctor’s cross as this is a long stretch with only two lights at present. This footpath runs adjacent to the main Sixmilebridge/Tulla road with a lot of motor traffic. The footpath is used considerably by walkers and residents in Sixmilebridge and will aid safety.

Michael G McNamara,A/Senior Executive Engineer,Roads & Transportation replied as follows:

The Public Lighting Section shall assess the lighting provision at the 2 no. locations as requested above and shall allow for the preparation of a cost estimate for the provision of additional lighting at both locations if deemed necessary.  However, given that we do not possess a funding allocation for the provision of new lighting, we shall not be in a position to install any additional lighting. Cost Estimates shall be furnished to the Shannon MD to allow for pursuance of a funding source.


Item no. 28: Correspondence

-       Response dated 8th March from TII in relation to Notice of Motion no. 24 on the Agenda of the Shannon MD Meeting held on 23rd January from Cllr. John Crowe.

Cllr. John Crowe acknowledged this reply.

-       Correspondence received from Shannon Chamber, requesting a meeting with the Shannon MD Members was circulated at the meeting.  It was agreed that a meeting with Shannon Chamber would be organised.


Item no. 29:  AOB

-       May Meeting of the Shannon MD will take place on Tuesday 21st May, 2024

-       Cllr. PJ Ryan expressed concern following the recent closure of the rail line from Ennis to Limerick due to flooding in Ballycar, which could remain closed for a further 8 weeks and the disruption this will cause to all rail users of this line.  Cllrs. Ryan’s sentiments were also echoed by all the Members which has been highlighted on a number of occasions in the past, with little progress to date.  It was requested that the Chief Executive of Iarnród Éireann attend a meeting of the MD . 


This concluded the business of the Meeting.





                 Cathaoirleach                                          Meetings Administrator


Dated:                              May, 2024.

Page last reviewed: 19/03/24

Content managed by: Shannon Municipal District

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