Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting November 2024
Location: The Park Inn by Radisson Shannon Airport, Shannon, Co. Clare.
On: Tuesday 19th November 2024
Time: 9.45pm
Councillors attending in person:
Councillors Pat O’Gorman (Cathaoirleach), Donna McGettigan (Leas-Cathaoirleach), Michael Begley, John Crowe and Tony Mulcahy.
Councillor attending online:
Cllr. Rachel Hartigan.
Officials attending in person:
Alan Farrell Director of Services, Suzie Clifford, Senior Executive Officer (Meetings Administrator), Tom Mellett Senior Executive Engineer, Patricia O’Neill Staff Officer and Conor Leyden Rural & Community Development Officer.
Cllr. David Griffin.
Cathaoirleach Pat O’Gorman opened the meeting and welcomed all present. A special welcome was extended to Ms. Suzie Clifford on her appointment as Senior Executive Officer to the Shannon MD and the Members expressed their thanks and appreciation to Ms. Anne Griffin for her service to the Shannon MD over the last 2 years.
Item no. 1: Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District Meeting held on 17th September 2024.
Proposed by Cllr. Michael Begley seconded by Cllr. Donna McGettigan and agreed by all.
Item no. 2: Minutes of the Shannon Municipal District draft budgetary plan meeting held on 11th November, 2024.
Proposed by Cllr. John Crowe seconded by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy and agreed by all.
Item no. 3: Section 38 Traffic Calming Measures to Support Bus Infrastructure in Shannon Town
- On the R471 Ballycasey, junction with the L7390 Ballycasey Avenue, Shannon,
Co. Clare.
- On the L3170 Smithstown Road junction with the L3172 Bóhar na Luachra, Shannon
- On the L3300 Bóhar na Luachra at Aidan Park, Shannon.
Cllr. Donna McGettigan requested more publicity for future traffic calming measures to allow for greater public input. Tom Mellett replied that he noted Cllr. McGettigan’s comments and would relay them to the Road Design Office.
Proposed measures for Smithstown road junction with the L3172 Bóhar na Luachra were discussed, and it was agreed to monitor the movement of traffic at this junction.
This Resolution was proposed by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy seconded by Cllr. Donna McGettigan and agreed by all.
Item No. 4: Declaration of Public Roads, Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended) – Ard Ratha (Phase 3), Mountievers, Sixmilebridge, Clare.
Proposed by Cllr. John Crowe, seconded by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy and agreed by all.
Item no. 5: Declaration of Public Roads, Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended) – Cratloe Cross, Cratloe, Co Clare.
Proposed by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman, seconded by Cllr. John Crowe and agreed by all.
Item no. 6: Declaration of Public Roads, Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 (as amended) – Radharc an Inbhir, Newmarket on Fergus, Co Clare.
Proposed by Cllr. John Crowe, seconded by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy and agreed by all.
Item no. 7: General Municipal Allocation (GMA) to other groups/bodies.
That in accordance with Section 66 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by the Local Government Reform Act 2014(S.I. No. 231/2014 - Local Government (Performance of Reserved Functions in Respect of Municipal District Members) Regulations 2014, Cllr. Michael Begley has nominated Clonlara Leisure & Sports Society for an allocation of funding from his GMA and Cllr. Pat O’Gorman has nominated Shannon Hibernian FC for funding under his GMA.
This was proposed by Cllr. John Crowe seconded by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy and agreed by all.
Item no. 8: Directors’ Business.
Mr. Alan Farrell, Director of Services updated the Members as follows:
- N19 Shannon Airport Access Road - The Preferred Option has now been finalised following extensive stakeholder engagement and detailed consideration of environmental surveys, transport surveys and ground investigations. The design team are also working towards the finalisation of the Statutory Documentation required as part of the proposed planning application for submission to An Bord Pleanála. Consultants for the project are engaging with the various project stakeholders such as TII Project Services departments, The Shannon Airport Group, Shannon Commercial Properties, Future Mobility Campus Ireland, etc.
- Shannon Town & Environs Flood Relief Scheme - The updated Buildability Report has been submitted by the consultant for the steering group’s review. An updated Options Report is also due to be issued this period. Coordination with the N19 project team is ongoing.
- Pride of Place Awards 2024 – 2 projects from within the Shannon MD from Bunratty and Newmarket On Fergus were nominated for consideration under these awards. The hard work and dedication which culminated in their nominations was acknowledged and it is considered that these applications lay the foundation for future entries and awards in this competition.
- Ardnacrusha Power Plant - Elected Members and staff of the Shannon MD attended a briefing with ESB engineering staff on the operations of the Ardnacrusha Power Plant. The role of Parteen Weir was discussed as well as the importance of ensuring a coordinated approach by all the relevant Agencies to flood risk management. The ESB and Shannon MD staff communicate regularly in this regard.
- Shannon Airport Sunflower Initiative - Shannon Airport hosted an event to announce they had joined the global Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative. This allows passengers with hidden disabilities to avail of a lanyard which indicates they would appreciate an offer of support from the airport team. This event was attended by Cathaoirleach Pat O’Gorman and Leas Cathaoirleach Donna McGettigan and staff from the Shannon MD.
- ISO45001 - Clare County Council has sought an extension of the internationally recognised ISO 45001 Accreditation from Clare County Fire and Rescue Service across the Physical Directorate and Housing Department and an audit assessment was recently conducted in this regard. It is an occupational health and safety standard that provides a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions. While no formal notification has been received in respect of the outcome of this assessment, initial indications are that it was positively received. Thanks was expressed to Anne Griffin and the team of the Shannon MD for their work on this audit.
- An Taisce Green Flag Award. – Shannon Town Park were successful in securing this award which acknowledges excellence in the management of green spaces which are freely open to the public.
- Clare Business Excellence Awards - Bunratty Castle and Folk Park and Craggaunowen have been named as finalists in this years Clare Business Excellence Awards for Best Tourism Experience. Bunratty Castle and Folk Park is also a finalist in the category for Best Use of Digital Marketing and Social Media. Winners will be announced in the comi.ng weeks.
- Shannon Chamber Mid-West Sustainability Conference – This event involved presentations from a number of stakeholders including Clare County Council. The conference also included a street event, where companies showcased projects that they have undertaken to help reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Staff from the Climate Action Section in Clare County Council together with staff from the Cliffs of Moher visitor experience were on hand at this street event to inform the attendees of the various innovative initiatives underway by the Council. Clare County Council’s Environmental Assessment Officer presented on the pioneering work Clare County Council are doing to continue to position the Shannon Estuary as a key enabler for economic development and predominantly maritime development associated with the Offshore Renewable Energy sector. The work currently being undertaken and led by Clare County Council delivers on a key action of the Shannon Estuary Taskforce Report.
- Rural and Community Development Officer working with Parteen Town Team
A public meeting took place in Parteen National School on 16th October with over 60 members of the community in attendance including Members from the Shannon MD. Attendees actively participated in the engagement highlighting the current and future needs of Parteen. The work of the Rural & Community Development Officer, Conor Leyden was commended.
- The Clare Age Friendly County Strategy 2024 – 2030 – A Collective Ambition was launched by Cllr. Alan O’Callaghan, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council at the Health and Wellbeing Age Expo 2024. The Strategy sets out an implementation plan, supported by the Clare Older People’s Council and the Clare Age Friendly Alliance, that aims to ensure that older people in Co Clare can thrive, participate fully in society, and live with dignity and purpose.
- Bunratty Castle and Folk Park featured on Australian travel show “Journey to Europe”, and broadcast to more than 300,000 Australians on the national TV. The host of the show, explored Bunratty’s magical grounds and met with the iconic Irish Wolfhounds, and experienced the best of Irish culture.
Mr. Farrell concluded his presentation by acknowledging the work carried out by Ms. Anne Griffin during her time in the Shannon MD, adding that Ms. Griffin has served the district very well and commended her dedication to the Shannon MD and the organisation as a whole. Mr. Farrell also welcomed Ms Suzie Clifford to the Shannon MD and looked forward to working with her in the future.
In response to the above the Members added:
- The work of the Rural Development Officer – Conor Leyden was commended.
- Feedback has been received from the residents in Fergus Drive re the planting of additional trees as part of the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road Project and a request for additional parking spaces.
Tom Mellett responded that a Traffic Calming project, separate to the N19 project, for this area will facilitate the parking in this area.
Alan Farrell added that the Consultants for the N19 project will engage further with the Shannon MD Office and Councillors in regard to the tree planting for an agreeable solution. He stated that there is a requirement under the County Development Plan to replace trees.
- The Members expressed their support for the One Shannon Hub project and its importance to Shannon Town and the district and the need to progress this project. An income and expenditure report on the sustainability of the project has been requested.
- That the ESB provide a report on the physical condition of the embankments in Ardnacrusha/Parteen.
- A timeline for the report following the Community Meeting in Parteen was requested. Conor Leyden, Rural & Community Development Officer responded that a summary report will be available to the Members before Christmas.
Alan Farrell added that the One Shannon Hub Project comes within the remit of the Economic Development Directorate and the Members comments, in particular the request for an income and expenditure report on the sustainability of the project will be convey to the Ms. Carmel Kirby, Director of Economic Development.
In regard to a report on the embankments from the ESB, Tom Mellett will follow up on this.
Item no. 9: Roads – update by Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer.
- Ongoing tree maintenance / hedge cutting in Shannon town, Sixmilebridge, Westbury, Newmarket on Fergus, Clonlara
- General maintenance works throughout the municipal district
- Jetting/cleaning out sections of the drainage network in Westbury, Shannon Banks, Ardnacrusha completed in early November
- Jetting/cleaning out sections of the drainage network in Shannon Industrial Estate
- Clearing of overgrowth in the open storm drains in the vicinity of Illaunamanagh graveyard and in the Shannon Industrial Estate is ongoing
- Grass cutting completed in early November
- Grass maintenance and hedge cutting on the dual carriageway between the Raddison roundabout and the Limerick/Clare boundary completed in early November
- Installation of a new pedestrian crossing on Bealach Buí, Shannon, currently waiting for ESB Networks to connect the lights
- Installation of a new pedestrian crossing and associated works on R-471 Bothar Mór, Ballycasey, Shannon, waiting on ESB Networks to connect the lights
- Upgrade work to 2 new pedestrian crossings and associated works on Bothar na Loiste, Ballycasey, Shannon, waiting the installation of ramps and road markings
- Installation of 30km/hr Children At Play new safety road sign to housing estates in Shannon
- Installation of 200m of a new section of footpath on the R462 & L-3166 Cratloe
- Installation of a new pedestrian crossing on the L-3166 Cratloe, waiting on the ESB Networks to connect the lights
In response to the above the Members raised the following:
- The progress on the bridge repairs at Mountcatherine was queried. Waterways Ireland have completed their design and internal processes. Tom Mellett to request an update.
- Request for a pedestrian crossing in Tardaree. Tom Mellett stated that an upgrade was carried out and raised tables were not part of this upgrade.
- Request for a pilot project for solar bins in Shannon town
- Update on proposals for traffic management in Sixmilebridge due to the congestion of traffic in the village. Tom Mellett stated that approval has been granted to Sixmilebridge Town Team for project development measures to advance a pedestrian bridge. Figures from proposed retail development within the village will be considered in the context of this junction.
Item no. 10 – 12 Notice of Motions submitted by Cllr. David Griffin
Cllr. David Griffin had requested that his Notice of Motions be deferred to the next meeting of the Shannon MD which will take place in January 2025 (items 10 to 12). This was agreed by the Members.
Item no. 13: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Ar molagh Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:
That this Council would immediately put in place a programme to repair the houses in Cul Na Greine that have been damaged by damp and water/moisture accessing the walls through the roofs and insulation. A number of houses are very badly cracked and have moss grown out of the cracks. This is preventing residents for painting their properties. I am seriously concerned about the health and safety of our residents .
I am also requesting that a copy of any reports/investigations carried out are submitted to the Shannon MD Elected Members .
Adrian Headd, Senior Engineer, Social Development replied as follows:
The Housing Dept. of Clare County Council acknowledges receipt of this notice of motion and the concerns raised. We ask that the relevant property numbers to which these concerns relate be provided to Mr. Aidan O’Rourke, Senior Executive Engineer within the Housing Dept. Thereafter our Dept. will investigate the matter and revert with the outcome of our investigations as requested.
Mr. Alan Farrell recommended that direct contact be made with the Housing Department in respect of this matter.
Item no. 14: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Ar molagh Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:
That public lighting and a pathway be put on the roadway leading from Radhairc Na Doire to McDonalds or Circle K entrance to allow residents access to the town centre crossing safely for now and to plan for a crossing from Circle K to the cottage to be considered as soon as possible .
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
The grant of planning permission for the Radharc na Doire housing estate included a condition requiring a special contribution for the widening of this road.
This Office will seek to utilise this funding to improve the pedestrian situation.
Item no. 15: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Ar molagh Cllr. Tony Mulcahy
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:
That the broken equipment in the Inis Ealga playground be repaired, replaced and or upgraded as soon as possible.
Suzie Clifford, Senior Executive Officer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
Clare County Council’s Rural and Community Development Officer for the Shannon MD Area will work proactively with the local residents in the area to establish a Playground Committee who will in turn seek appropriate funding through various grant streams to improve and enhance the existing playground offering at this location. Playgrounds offer many benefits including a unique, safe and secure environment for children to build many essential skills as is the case at the Tír na nÓg and Town Park playgrounds, both of which are located in the heart of Shannon town.
Item no. 16: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe
Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
That this MD include the Fir Hill Estate, Parteen in the 2025 Road Works Programme for resurfacing and drainage.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This estate was overlayed in 2019. It would not meet the criteria to be included in the 2025 programme. This Office does intend to complete footpath improvements here in 2025.
Item no. 17: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe
Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:
I urgently request this MD to install traffic calming measures on the Wood Road L3102, from Cratloe Cross to the end of the 50km speed zone. This is a residential area with a Church and School and is extremely busy.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
In 2023 this Office completed a Pedestrian Crossing on the Wood Rd between the National School and Church carpark. This functions as a Traffic Calming measure at the eastern edge of the village.
An assessment of traffic behaviour on the rest of the road will be undertaken to determine if additional measures are required.
Cllr. Crowe stated due to the volume of traffic going through Cratloe that an overall look is required.
Item no. 18: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. John Crowe
Ar molagh Cllr. John Crowe
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:
That the continuation of the improvement works to footpaths be included in the footpaths programme for 2025 from Church Street to the National School, from Main Street and to include around the Church to the Courthouse in Sixmilebridge.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
As part of Clare County Council’s commitment to continual improvements in Sixmilebridge these locations will be assessed for inclusion in this Offices footpath repair program for 2025.
Item no. 19: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Tony Mulcahy agus glacadh leis:
That a comprehensive safety plan for the main Smithstown Road is looked at.
This Safety Plan should consider pedestrian crossings and safety at junctions.
If we could work with all Bodies to bring these safety measures into this area, it would be great for both pedestrians and drivers alike.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This Office and our colleagues in the Road Design Office have engaged with the National Transport Authority with a focus on improved safety measures on this road arising from the Bus Connects programme. These will include junction and pedestrian facility upgrades. Initial designs have been completed.
Once approved by each authority the measures will be subject of a Section 38 of the Roads Traffic Act process for approval.
Item no. 20: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Tony Mulcahy agus glacadh leis:
Can we look for funding to get the plans over the line for Bóthar na Sioda.
This road is extremely busy with speeding occurring on it, double parking during times of sporting games, we had a plan for this but need to push for this funding , while it is fantastic having all these sporting facilities, we need to have safe access for all participants and residents.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This piece of infrastructure has been identified as an urban secondary route in the NTAs Cycle Connects document that was out at publication consultation last month.
There has been some preliminary work carried out on this project by the Active Travel Team however an allocation was not provided in 2024. An application will be made to the NTA for an allocation in 2025 to support inhouse design of this project.
Pending the outcome of this application the Municipal District Office will consider alternative funding streams as necessary. As an interim measure road markings will be improved and incorporate warning messages.
Item no. 21: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Donna McGettigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
Asking for a pedestrian crossing to be put in at the entrance to the Old Shannon Banks to the bus stop across the road.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
Route 1A serves the route from Shannon Banks to the University Hospital. This route has four stops within the Shannon Banks estate and so the need to cross the Athlunkard road (R463) should be limited.
There is a Pedestrian crossing adjacent to the petrol station which facilitates crossings.
Clare County Council is in regular contact with the Bus Connects team and will request an assessment of the current bus stop arrangements to determine if the area is being adequately serviced.
Tom Mellett added that the bus stops within Shannon Banks will service the city and commuters do not need to avail of the bus stop across from the entrance to Shannon Banks.
Item no. 22: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley
Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley
Cuidithe ag Cllr. John Crowe agus glacadh leis:
That the L-70481 – Cappavilla, Clonlara, be included in the 2025 Roads Programme.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This Office will consider the L-70481 for improvements as part of the 2025 programme.
Item no. 23: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley
Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:
That this MD would include the provision of street lighting from the Co-Op to Connor’s Cross, Parteen, in the 2025 Roads Programme.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
A design for this lighting has been requested. Funding will need to be sought for implementation.
Item no. 24: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Michael Begley
Ar molagh Cllr. Michael Begley
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Pat O’Gorman agus glacadh leis:
That tree topping/limbing be carried out in the Ballykeelaun Estate, Parteen.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This location has been passed to our contractor for attention.
Item no. 25: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
The footpath outside of Newark Grove in Westbury is in dire need of replacement. Can this be prioritised?
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This footpath will be assessed for our 2025 footpath improvement contract.
Item no. 26: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
Can additional streetlights be put in place along the riverside walk in Shannon Banks and towards the front of the estate facing Athlunkard Avenue?
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
Introduction of streetlights along this walk will require significant consideration due to its designation as a Special Area of Conservation. It is this Offices ambition to extend the walk beyond its current boundaries. It Is through this measure that we are most likely to be able to achieve this aim.
Following a discussion on this motion, Tom Mellett added that public consultation will take place as part of any proposed project for this area.
Item no. 27: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Ar molagh Cllr. Rachel Hartigan
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
There is an ongoing issue with the weeds, briars, wall, and the footpath from Athlunkard bridge to the entrance to Shannon Banks, the surface is crumbling. Can this be addressed?
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
Clare County Council has attended to this location during the Summer. A crew will be dispatched to continue this work.
Cllr. Hartigan requested if the wall going into the estate could be fixed. Tom Mellett replied that the wall is structurally sound and the roads crew have carried out works in this area and will continue to include this area in the schedule of works.
Item no. 28: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Donna McGettigan agus glacadh leis:
I am calling on this MD to look at putting a traffic management and pedestrian plan in place for the junction (petrol station) at Bunratty as to slow traffic in this area in the interest of safety. Also to provide a footpath to connect the petrol station/shop to the village.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
The junction opposite the Petrol station is within the remit of Transport infrastructure Ireland. Carrying out works here would require their consent.
We have recently completed a footpath upgrade from the petrol station to Roadstone and introduced traffic calming measures and pedestrian crossing points from JP Clarke’s into the village.
It is desirable to introduce a footpath from the petrol station into the village on the northern side of the road. This Office has commenced discussions with the local community as to how to achieve this.
Item no. 29: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Begley agus glacadh leis:
I request the Clare County Council along with TII and the RSA to come together to put a plan in place to address the dangers of the slip roads leading onto the dual carriageways in our local Municipal District areas.
Suzie Clifford, Senior Executive Officer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This matter will be referred to the TII for their attention.
This motion received the full support of all the Members. Mr. Alan Farrell added that he has noted the concerns raised by the Members and is due to meet with the TII and will reiterate the concerns of the Members.
Item No. 30: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Ar molagh Cllr. Pat O’Gorman
Cuidithe ag Cllr. John Crowe agus glacadh leis:
I ask the MD to include the road at Brickhill West in the Road Works Programme in 2025. Also, that a proper drainage system be put in place to avoid any chance of water run off to the lower houses on that road.
Tom Mellett, Senior Executive Engineer, Shannon MD replied as follows:
This Office has included the road L-71181 in our Climate Change 2025 funding application which will allow for drainage improvements. If successful, this will then enable us to include the road in a subsequent road surface improvement programme.
Item no.31: Correspondence
- Response to Notice of Motion no. 8 - Cllr. David Griffin at the September meeting of the Shannon MD from An Bord Pleanála re Wastewater Treatment Plant for Newmarket On Fergus.
Notice of Motion – “That the Shannon MD contact An Bord Pleanála to seek an update on the overdue planning decision in relation to the wastewater treatment plant for Newmarket-on-Fergus”.
This response was noted by the Members
- Response to Notice of Motion no. 18 - Cllr. Donna McGettigan at the September meeting of the Shannon MD from the Community Welfare Services (Department of Social Protection) re the Community Welfare Service in Shannon.
Notice of Motion - “Can we call on the Department of Social Protection to have a Community Welfare Officer in the Town for 2 or more days of the week. Some people in dire need are not aware of how to access their CWO and have to travel to Ennis in order to avail of this service, some may not have transport or funds for the bus journey. Shannon is a large town and this would be an invaluable service that is badly needed”.
Cllr. McGettigan expressed her disappointment to the response to this Motion, stating that face to face meetings need to happen with the Community Welfare Officer and this service needs to be brought back into Shannon.
Cllr. Mulcahy supported the comments of Cllr. McGettigan.
Item no. 32: AOB
Cllr. O’Gorman informed the meeting that the turning on of the Christmas lights in Shannon Town Park will take place on Monday 2nd Dec. The event will include festive music, carol singing and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Cllr. O’Gorman along with his fellow Councillors wished Cllr. McGettigan best wishes in the forthcoming general election.
Cllr. O’Gorman wished all a very Happy Christmas and New Year and also thanked the media for their coverage of meetings throughout the year.
This concluded the meeting.
Meetings Administration Cathaoirleach
Dated: January, 2025
Page last reviewed: 21/01/25
Content managed by: Shannon Municipal District
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