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Minutes Adjourned September 2024 Meeting West Clare Municipal District

Location:  Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and via MS Teams

On:      Monday 23rd September, 2024

Time:  3pm




Rita McInerney Cathaoirleach

Ian Lynch

Michael Shannon

Shane Talty

Dinny Gould

Joe Killeen

Joe Garrihy

Bill Slattery

Gabriel Keating


Mr Jason Murphy  Director of Service

Mr John O’Malley A/Director of Service

Ms Colette Costello A/Senior Executive Officer WCMD (Kilrush LEA) & Meetings Administrator

Mr John Corry A/Senior Executive Officer WCMD (Ennistymon LEA)

Mr Tony Neville Senior Executive Engineer WCMD (Ennistymon LEA)

Mr Alan Kenneally  Senior Execuitive Engineer  WCMD (Kilrush LEA)

Ms Carmel Carey  Staff Officer WCMD (Ennistymon LEA)

Mr Steve Lahiffe  Senior Staff Officer  WCMD (Kilrush LEA)



The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Rita McInerney presided.

Item 1: Minutes of July Meeting of West Clare MD held on the 16th July, 2024

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch Cuidithe ag Cllr. Rita McInerney agus glacadh leis

Item 2: Matters Arising

Cllr. Slattery an update in regards his NOM from the July meeting in respect of traffic management at the Square in Miltown Malbay. John Corry advised that there has been positive engagement with the Road Design section and draft designs are being progressed.

Cllr. Lynch sought an update on his NOM from the July meeting in respect of a design for a traffic calming measure for the Back Road/O Gorman Street.  Alan Kenneally advised that there was presently no budget for this.  

Rural Development, Planning & Economic Development, Social, Tourism


Item 3: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Shannon agus glacadh leis That an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging point be established at the square in Carrigaholt Village.

Reply from Michael McNamara, A/Senior Executive Engineer, Roads

 In July 2022, ZEVI (Zero Emissions Vehicles Ireland) were formed by the Department of Transport as a dedicated office to support and progress the uptake of zero emissions vehicles and delivery of associated charging infrastructure. ZEVI subsequently issued instruction to LA’s for the development of strategies for CP (Charge Point) infrastructure delivery within their local authority and in doing so directed LA’s to do so on a regional basis to ensure cross border consistency across LA’s. Clare is forming part of Region 7 with Galway County Council, Mayo County Council, Sligo County Council and Donegal County Council with the latter acting as the regional lead. As lead authority, Donegal CC are presently undertaking the procurement process for the appointment of a consultant for development of the local and regional strategies for LA’s in Region 7, with local contributions from each LA for their respective jurisdictions.   Subsequent to the delivery of a local strategy, funding and delivery models shall be developed for the delivery of charging infrastructure at strategic locations throughout Clare.

Cllr. Shannon suggested that the Council should look at ways of incentivizing petrol stations to put in EV charge points.

Cllr. Lynch requested that the Physical Development SPC would present to the councillors as to where Clare is at in regards this process.

Item 4: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis

That a briefing be available on the proposed West Clare Greenway from Kilkee to Kilrush, to include an update on the present position, including the funding, preferred route and the planning submission due in October 2024.

 Reply from Gráinne Reddan, Senior Executive Engineer, Project Management Office

Current Status

Transport infrastructure Ireland (TII) is the funding authority for National and Regional Greenways, while Clare County Council is responsible for delivering these projects in compliance with ‘Transport Infrastructure Ireland’ standards and guidelines.

Currently, Clare County Council is seeking approval from the Transport infrastructure Ireland (TII) to close out Phase 2 of the project (Options Selection) and proceed to Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation).

Phase 2 saw significant amount of work completed, including;

3 rounds of public consultation ensuring community involvement and feedback.

Engineering environmental design, addressing technical and environmental challenges.

Project appraisal, which involves assessing the feasibility, costs and benefits.

Completion of the ‘Option Selection Report’, developing the preferred route for the Greenway

Next Steps

Once Transport infrastructure Ireland (TII) approves, the project will move into Phase 3, which includes participation in the ‘Voluntary Land Acquisition Process’ and preparation for the planning application stage.

During Phase 3, Clare County Council will be permitted to formally issue an invitation to potentially affected landowners to participate in the ‘Voluntary Land Acquisition Process’. This new process, introduced as part of the ‘Code of Best Practice for National & Regional Greenways’ in 2021, is a significant change in how land is acquired for greenway projects. The most notable aspect of this new process is that all key aspects, including design and compensation must be agreed upon before a planning application is submitted. This ensures that all stakeholders, particularly landowners, are fully engaged with in advance, however it is important to note that the ‘Voluntary Land Acquisition Process’ will take a minimum of 12 months to complete, meaning it will extend into next year before process can be fully applied.

Current drawings and updates are available on

Cllr. Keating expressed his disappointment that a written response was not what he had requested.  He voiced his frustration with the level of progress on the progress comparing what Limerick had achieved. While Cllr. Lynch pointed out that situation in Limerick was not a good comparison and the greenways there were in public ownership which is not the situation in Clare.

It was agreed that an in-person briefing would be arranged for January 2025.

Item 5: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch Cuidithe ag Cllr. Rita McInerney agus glacadh leis

That the WCMD, supported relevant CCC directorates will liaise with LEO, ESB Moneypoint Station manager and others as deemed necessary to establish a working group to ensure that all relevant bodies are aware of the planned works for Moneypoint, so the appropriate arrangements can be made locally to ensure that the economic uplift for increased activity is achieve throughout West Clare.

Reply from John O’Malley, A/Director of Service Tourism & West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The West Clare MD working with colleagues from our Economic Development Directorate, Local Enterprise Office and other key staff, will liaise with senior staff from ESB Moneypoint on setting up a team to work together to ensure that the benefits of the future plans for the facility are delivered on for the West Clare area.

Cllr. Lynch pointed out that there are already 600 people working in Moneypoint but Kilrush is not seeing the benefit. Action is needed now rather than focusing on what may happen in the future.   John O’Malley accepted the point that Cllr. Lynch was making that while connections have been made, he committed to getting a formal grouping together.

Item 6: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch Cuidithe ag Cllr. Rita McInerney agus glacadh leis

I request that CCC convene a meeting of community members, An Garda Siochána and the council to consider management of illegal camping in Kilkee.

Reply from Colette Costelloe, A/Senior Executive Officer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

A meeting request has been issued to An Garda Siochána and it is hoped that an evening meeting will be facilitated over the next few weeks to address concerns of the community in advance of the 2025 season.

Item 7: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Rita McInerney

Ar moladh Cllr. Rita McInerney Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gabriel Keating agus glacadh leis

That the West Clare Municipal District conduct a survey and costings on the proposed expansion of the carpark at Doughmore Beach.

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The West Clare MD has carried out some preliminary surveys and design for an extension to the Doughmore car park – an overflow section. The car park is located close to the Carrowmore Dunes Special Area of Conservation and environmental screening is being progressed.

Cllr. Garrihy pointed to the similar situation in Fanore and how that was positively dealt with by the Ennistymon office.

Item 8: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Rita McInerney

Ar moladh Cllr. Rita McInerney Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis

That the West Clare Municipal District provides us with a report as to the current status, progress and future potential for the former Convent of Mercy complex in Kilrush. 

Reply from Carmel Greene, Senior Executive Officer Property Management Unit

The former Convent is considered to be derelict as defined by the Derelict sites Act, 1990.  In this regard, the property is now on the Derelict sites Register and this attaches certain penalties for the owner, while it continues to be in a derelict condition.  The Derelict Sites Team continue to engage with the owner in this regard.

The Clare County Development Plan supports the development and delivery of the Kilrush masterplan which will be prepared by Kilrush Town Team and Clare County Council’s Town Regeneration Officer.  The Kilrush masterplan is intended to be a framework for the future development of Kilrush and will consider the regeneration of the existing streetscape and consolidation of the town centre, enhancing connectivity and walkability between the town centre and wider area.  The following are stated objectives:

  • To support the Kilrush Town Team to deliver the Kilrush masterplan within the lifetime of this plan. Compact growth and urban regeneration are key requirements of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region (RSES). The Council recognises the importance of active land management in order to aid the regeneration of Kilrush town centre and to address issues of vacancy and dereliction.
  • To work with the owners of vacant, underutilised, and derelict sites/buildings to identify new uses and promote the re-use/redevelopment of these sites/buildings. In this regard, the Council will use its powers as necessary under the Derelict Sites Act 1990 and Housing and Urban Regeneration Act 2015.
  • To promote sustainable and compact growth in the town to address issues of vacancy and dereliction;

Specifically in relation to the privately owned former Convent Building, the County Development Plan has identified it as an Opportunity Site OP2:  “This  building and site offers a wealth of opportunity given its location in the town centre, the importance of the Protected Structure (RPS 861) in the context of the town, and the adjoining uses. The Mixed Use zoning on this landmark site facilitates a myriad of potential uses such as administration, hospitality, community uses such as education and/or third level uses. The Council will proactively pursue the redevelopment of the site in a manner which is sympathetic to the Protected Structure and to adjoining land uses.”

Item 9: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Bill Slattery

Ar moladh Cllr. Bill Slattery Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

On behalf of the residents of Lus Na Si estate on the Mullagh road Miltown Malbay, I wish to seek clarification and confirmation if the green area and other lands in the estate are in full ownership of Clare County Council (Leases etc). Who is responsible for grass cutting, management and maintenance, & are there plans for further developments to take place on the excess green area of the Estate.

Reply from John Corry A/Senior Executive Officer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

I wish to advise that the green areas in question adjacent to the Lus Na Si estate on the Mullagh road Miltown Malbay, (marked 1 & 2 on the map hereunder), are not in the ownership of Clare Co Council. Accordingly therefore Clare Co Council is not responsible for the grass cutting, management & maintenance of this area. The West Clare MD can engage with the landowners & local stakeholders to investigate the potential for development of these lands , which are zoned Community (1) & Open Space (2) in the current Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029.


Item 10: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis

I call on West Clare MD to engage with all stakeholders and the community of Miltown Malbay for the purpose of developing public amenities, car parking and enhancement at the vacant site entering Lus Na Si homes Mullagh Road. Enhancement and development of this site has the potential to add significant value to the surrounding area including immediate adjoining homes and St Joseph’s Miltown Malbay National school.

Reply from John Corry A/Senior Executive Officer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

I wish to advise that the green areas in question adjacent to the Lus Na Si estate on the Mullagh road Miltown Malbay, (marked 1 & 2 on the map hereunder), are not in the ownership of Clare Co Council. Accordingly therefore Clare Co Council is not responsible for the grass cutting, management & maintenance of this area. The West Clare MD can engage with the landowners & local stakeholders to investigate the potential for development of these lands , which are zoned Community (1) & Open Space (2) in the current Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029.

 Motions 8 & 9 were dealt with together)

Cllr. Slattery sought to know who owned the sites and John Corry confirmed that they were both owned by the same local community group.

Item 11: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

I call on the West Clare MD to engage cross directorate and to present to elected members what measurable targets, actions and KPIs are being worked on to regenerate and enhance the Small Rural Towns and Villages of the MD, I particularly ask for actions and priorities within Clare Tourism Strategy , Economic development and under Town Center First guidelines and project pipeline for Rural Regeneration funding schemes relative to progress on West Clare Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024. 

Reply from John O’Malley, A/Director of Service Tourism & West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The Tourism Directorate recognize that there has been significant progress on the West Clare Strategic Plan 2019-2024. We have been and will continue to work with colleagues in the West Clare MD, Economic Development, Physical and Rural Directorates on actions and priorities within the Clare Tourism Strategy 2030, the County Development Plan 2023-2029 and Town Centre First Initiatives.

A workshop will be organized with the MD members shortly to discuss the West Clare Strategic Plan 2019-2024 and to develop and agree a new Plan for 2024-2029. As part of this review progress on the list of projects contained within the 2019-2024 Plan will be assessed and compared against the actions and priorities within the various Plans and strategies contained within all Directorates including Tourism, Economic Development, Town Centre First and Rural Regeneration areas. A key objective of this will be to determine the progress made on the existing Plan for the towns and villages in the MD and to take the learnings for the next West Clare Strategic Plan.

Reply Joan Tarmey, Town Regeneration Officer, Economic Development

 The Town Centre First Initiative is led by the Town Centre First Department in the Economic Development Directorate and there is considerable cross-directorate collaboration, in particular, with Municipal District staff and Rural & Community Development Officers. The initiative aims to tackle vacancy, combat dereliction and breathe new life into our town centres through the formation of Town Teams to deliver an holistic, place-based approach to sustainable rural development.

A Town Centre First Plan is already in place for Sixmilebridge with the Town Team focusing on delivering actions set out in this plan. The focus of the Town Centre First Department is the development of a second Town Centre First Plan for Kilrush, and also on the formation of strong Town Teams for Lisdoonvarna, Kilrush, Clarecastle and Tulla to ensure that a representative group is in place for each of the towns. A Collaborative Town Centre Health Check was undertaken in Lisdoonvarna (as well as Tulla and Clarecastle) in July this year. A report is due to be presented to the Municipal District members and the relevant Town Teams in October.

In addition, a Project Development funding Measure worth €50,000 was announced for Lisdoonvarna by the Department of Rural and Community Development for a design scheme for a wellness corridor and public realm works in the town square. It will provide a strong pipeline project for Rural Regeneration funding schemes. This considerable work base provides an essential foundation on which to regenerate our towns and will assist in delivering vibrant, viable and sustainable towns and communities that are more attractive places to live, work, visit and invest in.

Candace Ingram, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department

There are statutory obligations for the monitoring of the implementation of the Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 which includes objectives to support the sustainable regeneration and enhancement of rural towns and villages in Volume 1 Written Statement and within the specific Settlement Plans for all settlements in Volume 3 of the Development Plan.  Developments as well as other initiatives to support the enhancement and regeneration of rural settlements include two Town and Village Renewal Schemes (two allocations) that are currently being progressed for 1.  Parliament Street and 2. The Square as a result of the Ennistymon Public Realm Enhancement Plan, the Cappa Public Realm Enhancement project also under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and the Lisdoonvarna Spa Wells Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan is in preparation which is co-funded under the Historic Towns Initiative of the Heritage Council.

Cllr. Garrihy welcomed the cross-directorate reply, acknowledged the good work being done but emphasized the urgent (in addition to what is being done) need for more focus and resources for Towns & Villages.  Time is not on the side of our rural towns and villages.  Once something is gone it is very hard to get it back.

It was agreed that another Workshop would be held to outline West Clare Strategic Plan for 2024 to 2029. The members called for a broad plan with better targets and timelines with funding structures identified.

John O’Malley agreed that time is of the essence and the lessons learned from the previous strategic plan would be taken onboard

Item 12: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Shane Talty

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis

Can we get a definitive timeline for the delivery of the Monastery Lane Carpark. And a commitment that the surface will be Asphalt (Black Top) & lined up opening. This car park will be a permanent replacement for many existing spaces around the town.

Reply from John Corry A/Senior Executive Officer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

The elected members will be aware that at a Special Meeting of Clare Co Council, held on 26th July last, Part VIII was approved for Enhancement & Public Realm Works at Ennistymon.  The Chief Executive addressed the members at this meeting and acknowledged that the streetscape enhancement works were very important to the town of Ennistymon and advised that the Monastery Lane carpark was anticipated to be completed by the end of 2025. Mr. Dowling noted that the public realm works will be progressed at the earliest opportunity possible.

  I can confirm that demolition works will commence in the coming weeks at the Monastery Lane car park site with a view to the completed car park being provided within the timeline suggested by the Chief Executive. It is proposed that the completed car park will have a lined & black top finish.

 John Corry confirmed that appointment of a contractor for the demolition stage has gone to tender. He also confirmed that it is the intention that the completed car park will have a lined & black top finish.

Item 13: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

Call on Clare County Council to give an update on progress on negotiations between Clare Local Development Company, other relevant stakeholders and Council officials re the Cliffs of Moher Coastal Walk.  An update also on findings of Tobin Consultant Engineers who are working with landowners and the Community on the Coastal Walk.

Reply from John O’Malley, A/Director of Service Tourism & West Clare MD (Kilrush)

Clare County Council have been working closely with Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) and other stakeholders in relation to the Cliffs of Moher Coastal Walk. The Chief Executive and I met with CLDC last Friday to discuss the latest in relation to the Coastal Walk and agreed that continuing to work in close partnership was key to ensuring clarity and success. Both parties are working to ensure that the necessary works are completed on the walk to ensure its safe reopening as soon as possible. A Management Plan for the Coastal Walk is due to be completed in the coming weeks. If the Plan recommends that Clare County Council are best placed to manage the Coastal Walk into the future, CLDC have confirmed that they will support this provided that the landowners are in agreement.  In that scenario, CLDC will continue to have a role in communications with landowners as required and advise on the scheme, for the duration of the transition period.   

 Discussions are also ongoing with the IFA with the intention being to reach agreement acceptable to all in relation to the full coastal walk. Discussions/meetings also are ongoing with landowners outside the IFA. These discussions will continue with the intention being to agree a plan agreeable to all parties to ensure the delivery of a safe Cliffs Coastal Walk to the highest standard that is fully managed into the future.

 Following the establishment of a COM Coastal Walk working partnership between Clare County Council, CLDC, Fáilte Ireland and the Department of Rural & Community Development in early 2023, TOBIN (Consulting Engineers) were appointed in December 2023 to develop a Management Plan for the Coastal Walk, which will be sympathetic to the environment, meet the needs of the host community and address the issue of safety for the public users of the Coastal Walk. As part of this process a Draft Management Plan is due to be finalised by the end of September 2024. This Draft Plan will highlight the inadequacies of the current Model and recommend an Operational and Management Model with a clear lead management structure, maintenance plan and stakeholder role into the future. The findings of this Draft Plan will be shared with the members before agreeing on the final version with the intention that the new model will be progressed in the short term.

 John O’Malley emphasized the positive discussions CCC & CLDC are having with all the stakeholders.

Physical Development

Item 14: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Michael Shannon

Ar moladh Cllr. Michael Shannon Cuidithe ag Cllr. Rita McInerney agus glacadh leis

 I ask that the Kilrush LEA Road Design team to carry out speed and traffic assessment in Ballynacally village Regional Road R473 in conjunction with the Active Schools program.

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

I’d note that the local National School is located on the L-2154, slightly away from the R-473. However, there is a new creche in Ballynacally, located on the R-473 so the councillors fears in respect of the safety of younger pedestrians are noted.

 I will arrange for a traffic survey to be carried out in the village once the new surface is in place. The survey will count the number of vehicles using the village and will also record their speed.

 Cllr. Shannon would like to see traffic calming measures being put in place with there now being the new creche at one end of the village and the national school at the other. 

Item 15: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Michael Shannon

Ar moladh Cllr. Michael Shannon Cuidithe ag Cllr. Dinny Gould agus glacadh leis

I call on West Clare MD to provide funding for emergency works to be carried out on local road L20681 In Kilmurry McMahon.


Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The L-20681 is a local tertiary road. HGV’s regularly use the road, and this has led to damage to the road surface. We repaired the road using our velocity patcher in 2023, but this was very much a temporary repair.

 Approx 1.2 km of the road requires resurfacing. The L-20681 was not included on the 2024 Schedule of Municipal District Works. It can be considered for inclusion on future Schedules. The 3-year look ahead schedule will be compiled later this year. This may present an opportunity to include the L-20681 on a future Schedule of Municipal District Works.

 Cllr. Shannon stressed that the road needs major investment.

Item 16: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Michael Shannon

Ar moladh Cllr. Michael Shannon Cuidithe ag Cllr. Rita McInerney agus glacadh leis

I call on West Clare MD to address surface water issued at both sides of Mullagh Village townland of FINNURE MOR all on L2094:

  • replace old culvert road crossing,
  • new piping to cover the side drain on the left.

 Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

I will arrange with the local SGSS to investigate further, with a view towards repairing the problem.

 Cllr. Shannon at this juncture took the opportunity to offer his condolences to the family of Mr. Noel Moroney, Mullagh who had passed away recently. Mr. Moroney (RIP) had highlighted the issues outlined in the motion with the area office.

Item 17: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Bill Slattery

Ar moladh Cllr. Bill Slattery Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

 I am requesting that Clare County Council liaise with T.I.I. (Transport Infrastructure Ireland), to install the pedestrian crossing that existed opposite the health centre on the Ennis Road, Ennistymon.

Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

The crossing at this location is currently and always was an “uncontrolled” crossing point. As requested, we will liaise with both the Road Design Section within Clare County Council and the TII to determine the most appropriate system in accordance with current Road Safety standards.

Tony Neville advised that all agree that a “controlled” crossing is required at this location and that this is being progressed.

Item 18: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Bill Slattery

Ar moladh Cllr. Bill Slattery Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

On behalf of Pedestrians, Motorists, and Residents, I am requesting our senior roads engineers to seriously consider a plan to alleviate serious flooding that occurs on the Liscannor Road Lahinch after heavy rain, just past the entrance to Lahinch Sports field in the interest of road safety.

Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

The ground drainage system along this section of the R478 is prone to blockages due to buildup of sand and silt over time. A more reliable and permanent solution will require the co-operation of the adjacent private landowner. We hope to meet the landowner in the coming days with a view to commencing the process.

Item 19: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Dinny Gould

Ar moladh Cllr. Dinny Gould Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Shannon agus glacadh leis

Public lighting in Connolly townland Clonblooy, in the vicinity of Kearney’s Bar Connolly, extremely dangerous at night for customers and staff leaving premises.

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

Our Roads and Transportation Department have advised that, for road and traffic safety reasons, new public lighting columns are not provided outside speed-restricted areas where the maximum speed limit applies. Carney’s Bar is located along a regionally important road (R474) where the maximum speed limit applies, and so the provision of additional lighting columns in this location is not desirable.

 Cllr. Gould pointed out that he had seen it in other places, while Cllr. Lynch sought clarification on what criteria is used to decide what criteria the Roads Department use to decide this.


Item 20: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Dinny Gould

Ar moladh Cllr. Dinny Gould Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Shannon agus glacadh leis

Pedestrian Footbridge at Cree Village - previous initial funding of €20,000 secured with Clare County Council through Deputy Joe Carey, further enhanced safety measures urgently required, signage and lighting etc.

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

NTA Active Travel funding was provided to carry out a transportation assessment which included a feasibility and option selection report to examine pedestrian / cyclist permeability over the Cree bridge. This report is being finalised at present with a multicriteria analysis of options being carried out.

Any enhanced safety measures / traffic calming measures incorporated into the public road network will have to be approved and designed by the Road Design Section to ensure compliance with relevant road design standards.

 Much depends upon the final design, but for now the West Clare MD doesn’t have a budget for significant enhanced safety measures / traffic calming measures. A funding source will have to be in place before works could be considered.

 The members asked that additional signage /lighting at a minimum was needed at this location.

Item 21: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Dinny Gould

Ar moladh Cllr. Dinny Gould Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis

Enhanced Traffic Calming measures in Moyasta, main road between Kilkee and Kilrush at Moyasta Village, extreme danger passing national school on main road. 

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

Moyasta NS is located on the N67 National Secondary Road. The imprimatur of TII will have to be obtained before any traffic calming works can take place.

 Any traffic calming measures incorporated into the public road network will have to be approved and designed by our Road Design Section to ensure compliance with relevant road design standards.

 There was broad support to the motion from the members. The issue of speed in the vicinity of schools was a common complaint throughout the county. Alan Kennelly advised that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has a current list of schemes, Moyasta is currently not on this list but TII can be asked to look at including it on same.


Item 22: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating Cuidithe ag Cllr. Michael Shannon agus glacadh leis

That Clare County Council Engineers and Executive carry out an inspection of the R484-52 (Cree – Kilmihil), R484-34 (Cree – Kilmihil), R483-35 (Cree – Cooraclare & Kilmihil) & R484-23 (Cree towards Doonbeg), parts of which are gone beyond redemption and urgently in need of restoration in the interest of safety.

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The sections of the regional roads referenced were not included on the recently adopted 2024 Schedule of Municipal District Works. They can be considered for inclusion on future Schedules. The 3-year look ahead schedule will be compiled later this year. This may present an opportunity to include these sections of the regional road network on a future Schedule of Municipal District Works.

 The R-484-34 & the R-484-52 (from the junction of the R-484 & R-483 near Cree – Kilmihil). The roads are approx. 5km. Not all the road sections are in poor condition. Sections have deformed. We plan to carry out resurfacing works on the R-484-34 in 2025, and road strengthening & resurfacing works (probably a surface overlay) on the R-484-52 in 2025. It will depend on the level of funding received in 2025. The Pavement Surface Condition Index (PSCI) rating for the R-484-34 section is greater than 7. The PSCI rating for the R-484-52 is predominantly greater than 7, with some short stretches where the PSCI rating is between 5 & 6.

 The R-483-25 is approx. 1km. The section between the junction of the R-484 & R-483 near Cree to Cree bridge is in good condition. There are one or two sections of the road in Cree village in need of repair, but other than those the road surface in the village is okay. The PSCI rating for this section of road is greater than 7.

 The R-484-23 is approx. 4km. Not all of the road is in poor condition. Sections of the road are bog rampart and / or founded on poorer ground. These sections have deformed. Repairing the road will involve road recycling and resurfacing. This is a relatively expensive method of repair, and resurfacing will depend on the level of funding available. The PSCI rating for this section of road is greater than 7.

 There has been some issues with the public watermain along these sections of the regional road, particularly between Cree & Cooraclare. In recent times there have been a number of bursts on the watermain, and the sections of road damaged by the necessary emergency repairs have not been resurfaced to the required standard. However Uisce Éireann have assured us that these “patches” will be resurfaced properly.

 Cllr. Keating called on the Engineers and the Executive to seek the funding required.     Cllr. Shannon stated that there is a serious need for additional funding. The elected members agreed that the roads were in a bad way. Cllr. McInerney highlighted that more money from central funds was required. Cllr. Lynch suggested that a special meeting would be held, and Clare’s TDs would be invited to attend.

Item 23: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis

In the Interest of road safety that the WCMD would trial a number of 30kph Speed limits in the following areas:

  • Crawford St/ John Paul Estate to Wilson Road Junction
  • Burton St
  • Shanakyle Road/ O Gorman St to the Back Road roundabout

Reply from Alan Kennelly, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Kilrush)

The 2023 Speed Limit Review will be implemented shortly.

 The Review recommends reducing default speed limits on a number of roads -

default speed limit on national secondary roads to reduce from 100 kmh-1 to 80 kmh-1

default speed limit for the network of local and rural roads throughout the country to reduce from 80 kmh-1 to 60 kmh-1

default speed limit on urban roads, which include built up areas as well as housing estates and town centres, to reduce to 30 kmh-1

 I believe that the Speed Limit Review process will provide an opportunity for the speed limit in the vicinity of the roads referenced by the elected member to be reduced to 30 kmh-1. The requested trial may be premature pending the implementation of the 2023 Speed Limit Review.

 Cllr. Lynch asked that this would be looked at again in January 2025 and action taken if the speed limit review has not been implemented by then.

Cllr. Killeen asked for an update on the traffic calming measure at Bellharbour. John Corry advised that he would come back to Cllr. Killeen with an update.

Item 24: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Rita McInerney

Ar moladh Cllr. Rita McInerney Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis

That the West Clare Municipal District requests an update in relation to the funding and timescale for the Rural Wastewater Collection and Treatment Scheme for Cooraclare Village.

Reply from Cyril Feeney, Senior Engineer Physical Development

Clare County Council were officially notified of our successful applications for both Broadford and Cooraclare under Measure A8 of the Rural Water Programme in February 2024. The funding allocation for Cooraclare was €5.52m. Since then we have had a number of meetings with both the Department and Uisce Eireann to develop a pathway for the delivery of the projects. As per the original terms of the Measure A8 programme Uisce Eireann have a vital role to play in both the delivery and as the ultimate end user of the wastewater treatment plants and sewer networks. Uisce Eireann have developed robust systems and procedures for the delivery of such capital projects and have ongoing active engagement with a broad range of stakeholders and contractors who bring their expertise in project delivery. They have already delivered significant wastewater infrastructure in County Clare in recent years including new plants in Kilrush, Liscannor, Kilfenora and works are ongoing on a new plant in Ballyvaughan.

 Uisce Eireann have now committed to working with Clare County Council to provide an up to date cost analysis for the schemes at the end of Q4 2024 which will give a better certainty of the financial commitment required for the delivery of the project. This in turn will also inform the expected delivery timeline.

 Cllr. McInerney welcomed the reply but does it mean there is further funding required?

Suspension of standing orders was proposed by Cllr. Talty and agreed, to allow the meeting to continue.

Item 25: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis

I call on Ennistymon Area office of West Clare MD to undertake repair/remedial works on the Lisdoonvarna to Doolin road from the Wood Cross to Doolin Church at particular areas where continual road sinkage is occurring due to poorly laid watermains.

Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

Our plan is to initiate a remedial works programme over the coming winter months to deal with the failed watermain surround at localised spots and carry out temporary repairs where there is road subsidence. This will be in conjunction with Uisce Eireann who are ultimately responsible for the watermain.

Affected sections of the L-1036 road will be included in our next Multi-Annual Roadworks Programme which is due to cover 2025 to 2027.

Item 26: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Shane Talty

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty Cuidithe ag Cllr. Bill Slattery agus glacadh leis

Request reinstatement works to take place along a local road in Carrowmanagh, Kilshanny from 52.983254, -9.315005 to 52.996481, -9.311893.The road has been badly damaged from timber trucks clearing local forestry. The road will need to be included in the 2025 SMDW.

Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

Repair and maintenance works to the worst sections along the L-5104 will commence as soon as possible and will continue for the duration of the felling/haulage contract. Once we determine this completion date, the road will be included in the following years Roadworks Programme.

Item 27: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Shane Talty

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Killeen agus glacadh leis

Again, request that the Ballard Road Estate in Miltown have drainage works & resurfacing done urgently.

 Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

Following an application for funding under Public Realm Works to Existing Council Estates 2025, we have secured part funding (approx. 60%) for drainage and resurfacing works at Ballard Road, Miltown Malbay.  We have explored alternative funding sources to complete the full estate and are confident this will be forthcoming.  

Item 28: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis

We call on Clare County Council to undertake an assessment and carry out necessary hedge control on the road between Carron Pitch and Carron Village.

 Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)

We are aware of a number of pinch points along the L-1014, primarily due to hedge growth.

Considering the proximity within the Burren National Park any works undertaken will be in conjunction with the NPWS, who we have been communicating with on this matter.

Item 29: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis

We call on Road Section to put signage on both ends of the link road between the Lemenagh Ballyvaughan Road (four crossroad intersection) and Carron Village which is an unapproved road. 

Reply from Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD (Ennistymon)The L-1042 links Carron village with the R480 Regional Road. The road is narrow and not suitable for heavy volumes of traffic. We are aware that Satellite Navigation Systems such as Google Maps encourages traffic to use this road as it is considered the “fastest route”.

The effectiveness of signage is questionable but we are open to consideration.

We are continuing to highlight at Local and National level the Road Safety Issues generated by Sat Nav Systems when they encourage traffic onto unsuitable roads.

Item 30: Correspondence

  1. Response from Irish Water to WCMD request to visit WWTP's in North Clare (attached).
  2. Response from Irish Water to WCMD request for update on Kilmihil WWTP (attached).
  3. Response from Minister Eamon Ryan to letter from WCMD expressing disappointment to allocation and amount of Active Travel funding.

Item 31: Any other Business

  1. Cllr. Slattery raised the issue of Public Lighting needing urgent attention, John Corry advised that this will be a topic discussed at a workshop being held by Roads in October.
  2. Cllr. Talty raised the ongoing issue of hedge-cutting ad the vast network of roads where cutting is required. John O’Malley advised that it is a line item to be discussed at budget meeting.
  3. Cllr. Shannon also expressed his frustration with hedge cutting , the current strategy is not working and would like to see a adequate budget for hedge cutting.
  4. Cllr. Garrihy asked for an update when the NOM Register would be ready? John Corry advised that it is inputted into now and is ready.
  5. Cllr. Garrihy highlighted his disappointment at Minister Ryan’s response and cannot be accepted.


The meeting then concluded.

Signed: __________________________              

             Cllr. Rita McInerney


Signed: __________________________             

            John Corry

            Meetings Administrator

Date:   __________________________











Page last reviewed: 24/05/24

Content managed by: West Clare Municipal District

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