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Minutes of January 2024 Meeting West Clare Municipal District

Location: Held in the Council Chamber, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare and via MS Teams

On:     Tuesday 16 January 2024

Time: 3pm

Councillors Present

Cllr. Ian Lynch, Cathaoirleach

Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Cllr. Joe Killeen

Cllr. PJ Kelly

Cllr. Shane Talty

Cllr. Liam Grant

Cllr. Rita McInerney

Officials Present

Mr. Leonard Cleary, Director of Service

Mr. Jason Murphy, Director of Service

Mr. John O’Malley, Senior Executive Officer, WCMD & Meetings Administrator

Mr. John Corry, A/Senior Executive Officer, WCMD (Ennistymon)

Mr. Tony Neville, Senior Executive Engineer, WCMD (Ennistymon)

Mr. Alan Kenneally, Senior Executive Engineer, WCMD (Kilrush)

Mr. Steve Lahiffe, Senior Staff Office, WCMD

Ms. Carmel Carey, Staff Officer, WCMD


The Cathaoirleach Cllr. Ian Lynch presided. Cllr Lynch began by welcoming Cllr. Rita McInerney to her first West Clare MD Meeting and said that the Members were looking forward to working with her. He also welcomed from the executive Jason Muphy, John Corry, Tony Neville to the North Clare team and Ger Kett to the West Clare team.  


1: Minutes of GMA 2024 Budget Meeting held on the 14th November 2023.

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Killeen agus glacadh leis


“that the minutes of the GMA 2024 Budget Meeting be adopted”


2: Minutes of the November Meeting of West Clare MD held on the 14th November 2023.

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


“that the November 2023 Minutes of West Clare Municipal District be adopted”


3: Proposal to declare a private road to be a public road at Garraunatooha, Kilrush.

Report and maps had been circulated in advance of the Meeting.

Ar moladh Cllr. PJ Kelly

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Cillian Murphy agus glacadh leis


Rural Development, Planning & Economic Development, Social


Item no. 4: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


In advance of the busy Summer Tourist Season 2024, we call on the MD to consider and outline

  1. the timeframe
  2. the relevant parties who will be involved
  3. methods to be used to inform all stakeholders
  4. plans for public consultation at regular intervals in the development of a Mobility Strategy for North Care.

Reply from Leonard Cleary, Jason Murphy and Alan Farrell (Directors of Service)

The draft Terms of Reference for the “Integrated North Clare Transport and Traffic Plan” are currently being revised by the cross-Directorate staff team including new personnel. This project is being led by Physical Development Directorate and supported by Ennistymon Electoral Area Office, West Clare MD and Tourism Development Directorate. Fáilte Ireland are also partnering with Clare County Council on this project due to its technical complexity. This draft Terms of Reference is with a view to preparing a comprehensive tender document to engage a specialist consultant to research, consult on and produce a complex plan with recommended solutions. This draft has been presented as a briefing in recent days to Elected Members.

Upon receipt of that feedback, the draft Terms of Reference will be shared with the NCCG (North Clare Communities Group) seeking their observations. It is proposed to proceed to tender for consultants in late January subject to procurement processes. The NCCG have offered to partner with the Council in assisting the communication and consultation process, which will be led by the successful consultant. The tender contract includes plans for public consultation at regular intervals in the development of an Integrated North Clare Transport and Traffic Plan. In this regard, local knowledge is key to identifying solutions. The Council also proposes to progress “early win” projects while the plan is being prepared commencing with improved signage and other ideas suggested at recent public discussions on the issue.

Cllr. Killeen expressed his thanks for the reply and acknowledged for the first time that there will be a Transport and Traffic Plan for North Clare. A discussion was had with Members putting forward suggestions for early wins to improve road safety ahead of this year’s summer season such as one way traffic system, signage and local road improvements.  


Item no.5: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Joe Garrihy

5. Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


In the interest of regeneration and sustainability of our rural Towns and Villages and Small Business located therein I call on Clare Tourism DAC, Failte Ireland  & Cliffs of Moher to reinstate for 2024 season the shuttle bus serving the Cliffs of Moher from Lisdoonvarna , Doolin, Ennistymon  and further include Kilfenora and to engage intensively with Local Link in the delivery of a circuit bus service around the Towns and villages of North Clare to link in with this. These T&Vs and the SMEs business therein are and always have been heavily dependent on footfall and spend from tourism to sustain and survive and I seek support in ensuring this is a key priority in implementation of our Tourism strategy and Cliffs of Moher 2040 strategy / operational business model.


Item no.6: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


I call on the West Clare MD and Tourism directorate to focus on Regenerative tourism initiatives and actions for the Towns and villages of West Clare MD as a priority objective of implementation actions and strategy going forward for Clare Tourism DAC.

Reply from Leonard Cleary Director of Service to motions no. 5 and no. 6.

Clare County Council is committed to supporting the regeneration and sustainability of our rural Towns and Villages and Small Business. This is included as a clear vision in various adopted strategies and plans of the Council. It may be useful to clarify which departments of the Council are delivering these support services and which parts are not involved directly involved.

The new Town Centre First Unit of the Economic Development Directorate has a specific remit in relation to coordinating town regeneration. This follows the Town Centre First model and national policies.

The Rural Development Directorate through the Rural Development Strategy 2030 and the various rural development grants supports capital projects that contribute to town regeneration. The Rural and Community Development Officer provide the animation support to voluntary communities with regeneration projects.

The Derelict Sites Unit within the Planning Department, Economic Development Directorate targets vacant derelict properties with a view to progressing solution for town and village regeneration.

Small businesses receive direct support through the LEO (Local Enterprise Office). The businesses also interact with various other Departments such as Planning Department, Economic Development, Revenue and Tourism Department for marketing and promotion.

The dependency of towns and villages on visitor footfall and spend from tourism to sustain businesses and communities is acknowledged. This is the reason that Clare County Council has become involved directly in marketing and promoting County Clare through the Council’s Tourism Department and as an honest broker /market intervention to directly operate seven tourism sites that would not otherwise be developed, invested in and operated. These sites, together with other private /community sector visitor attractions, generate the footfall. This creates the environment for private sector investment.

Clare County Council is in the process of preparing an “Integrated North Clare Transport and Traffic Plan”. This is a cross-Directorate project, which is being led by Physical Development Directorate and supported by Ennistymon Electoral Area Office, West Clare MD and Tourism Development Directorate. Fáilte Ireland are also partnering with Clare County Council on this project due to its technical complexity. While the objective of the research is to resolve traffic congestion and transport issues, a latent objective of the plan will be to contribute indirectly to supporting the regeneration and sustainability of our rural Towns and Villages and Small Business.

Historically Clare County Council introduced a tourism staff shuttle bus a number of years ago as a pilot experiment. The outcome of the pilot is that a different model needs to be researched beyond a staff bus to include customers /visitors. The pilot was cost prohibitive for Clare County Council. However, a different model may offer some opportunities. While a shuttle bus will be included in the research for the Integrated North Clare Transport and Traffic Plan, it would not be appropriate to put a shuttle bus service in place for the 2024 season, which has already commenced, without adequate and appropriate research, logistical planning and costing. Early indications are that the costs are very extensive.

Clare County Council works closely with Local Link. This will continue and indeed the above research will involve Local Link.

Again, a shuttle bus will be seriously considered with the appropriate transport partner and following research and tender process.

Clare Tourism Development DAC (Designated Activity Company) was established by Clare County Council for the sole function of host-employer for the employment of skilled tourism staff supporting the delivery of services to visitors at Council operated tourism sites. The DAC is essentially involved in human resources, staffing and recruitment. The company does not have a direct remit in regeneration of towns and villages albeit the hard work of the employees in welcoming and supporting tourists may indirectly benefit the area’s villages and towns. The company does not have a role in providing shuttle buses. As above, these are functions of Clare County Council departments directly or indirectly.

Fáilte Ireland does not have a direct remit in regeneration of towns and villages albeit the many projects and initiatives supported certainly benefit the area’s villages and towns. Fáilte Ireland  does not have a role in providing shuttle buses.

The Motion appears to assume and acknowledge that for commercial viability reasons the private sector transport industry has not provided a commercial shuttle bus service in the area described. It is acknowledged that the margins in transport are very tight. The Motion appears to propose an intervention by the semi-public sector to respond to public service need and economic development regeneration objectives. While such a proposal has merit, it would need to align a number of stakeholders in order to invest and subsidise such a costly initiative. This will be thoroughly researched and it is acknowledged that due to the costs there is considerable work needed to achieve this alignment of investors and stakeholders.

Cllr Garrihy expressed his thanks for the reply.   He referenced actions from the Rural Development Strategy and the crucial need to bring more footfall into towns and villages to support local businesses whose income is dependent on tourism from our main attractions.  

In reply, Leonard Cleary, Director of Service confirmed that a Park and Ride Facility at Lisdoonvarna is currently subject to the planning process. Additional ground staff are also going to be employed at key junctions to re-direct traffic away from google map routes which are not suitable and work is ongoing with Transport provides Bus Eireann, Local Link Bus services and tour operators to develop a Code of Practice.


Item no.7: Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Shane Talty

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


I welcome the recently announced strengthening of the executive leadership team for the Municipal District and ask that a workshop take place as soon as practicable to integrate the new team of Staff & Members and review the agreed priority projects for the MD. 

Reply from Leonard Cleary, Jason Murphy and Alan Farrell (Directors of Service)

A facilitated Workshop will be arranged with Elected Members and the Executive to review and report on the “West Clare Plan of Priority Strategic Projects 2019-2024” with a view to a future focus at a date to be agreed at the West Clare MD Meeting. Many of the strategic projects have already been progressed with significant successes.

Following the expansion of the West Clare Municipal District executive leadership team, a handover and briefing has already been arranged between staff colleagues. This briefing can be further enhanced by the above Workshop.

Cllr. Talty welcomed the full team and the new executive approach taken to manage the MD and looked forward to a good working relationship between everyone.

It was agreed that a Workshop would take place to introduce the new team of Staff and Members and set out priority projects for the MD.


Physical Development


Item no.8: Notice of Motion from Cllr. PJ Kelly

Ar moladh Cllr. PJ Kelly

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


That Clare County Council take over the road linking house no. V95 R8E8 and 2nd in between houses to the N68 at Tobernidaun Lissycasey.

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

Clare County Council has a taking in charge policy for private roads, dated September 2015. This policy sets out the criteria for taking in charge of private roads by Clare County Council where appropriate (my emphasis). I inspected the roadway in question and it does not have a bound surface (i.e. it has not been sealed with tar, spray & chippings or equivalent). In this case I do not think that it would be appropriate to take the private road in charge.


Item No.9: Notice of Motion from Cllr. PJ Kelly

Ar moladh Cllr. PJ Kelly

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Cillian Murphy agus glacadh leis


That a public light be provided between pole no. 3 and pole no. 4 and close to the Blessed Well at Annagh Mullagh.  

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

There is an ESB pole close to the entrance to the Blessed Well at Annagh. This pole is connected to a high voltage line and is fitted with a transformer. Therefore, it is not possible to fit a public light to this pole.

It may be possible to have a mini-pillar installed near the entrance to the Blessed Well. A public light could then be installed adjacent to the mini-pillar. An application would have to be made to the ESB, and a funding source identified for the works.


Item No.10: Notice of Motion from Cllr. PJ Kelly

Ar moladh Cllr. PJ Kelly

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


That a right-hand turning lane be provided, in the interest of public safety, at the junction N68 and L2084 (locally known as Frure Cross) Lissycasey .

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

The N68 is a National Secondary Road and any alterations to the existing road layout will require the imprimatur of TII. A right-hand turning lane will require a design in compliance with current road design standards (e.g. NRA Design Manual for Roads and Bridges) and a funding source. I will forward the request to our colleagues in Roads & Transportation, who liaise directly with TII.

Cllr Kelly was supported by the Members with this motion.   Cllr. Kelly advised that there is a major issue with speed and poor visibility on the road and that something needs to be done to make the road safer in the interest of personal safety. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to TII outlining these issues.


Item No.11: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Garrihy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


I Call on the West Clare MD to resurface the heavily used North Clare roads from Wood Cross Lisdoonvarna to Doolin Church and from Ballinalacken Castle to Doolin as a matter of priority in the 2024 roadworks program as they have reached a very poor condition.

Reply from Paudie Barry Executive Engineer West Clare MD Ennistymon

Clare County Council North Clare office will  put forward this section of road when requesting for funding in the 2024 Roads work programme application.

Cllr. Garrihy welcomed the reply.  


Item No.12: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Ar moladh Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


That an assessment of the speed limit be undertaken on the N67 at the Miltown Rd entry to Kilkee and a driver feedback sign be installed. The speed at which vehicles drive into Kilkee on this residential section of road is frightening. 

Reply from Anne O’Sullivan Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

A review of the speed limit process has been carried out by the Department of Transport and the resulting “ Speed Limit Review Report “ published in September 2023 has made recommendations that will impact the setting and application of speed limits. Consequently the initiation of any such speed limit review is considered premature until such a time as the Department of Transport issues new guidance documents on the application and setting of speed limits & updated legislation. 

Your request for an assessment of the speed limit on the N67 at the Miltown Rd entry to Kilkee will be considered as part of the next speed limit review.

If it is considered that the speed limits at this location are not set in accordance with the relevant guidance at the time of adoption a member of the public can submit a formal request for Speed Limit Appeal at this location.

The provision of driver feedback signage at this location will be reviewed by the Road Design Office and will be raised with TII.

Cllr Murphy advised the meeting that there is an issues with excessive speed entering this part of Kilkee which is a built up residential area with children. He asked if it were possible as a traffic calming measure to install driver feedback signs at this location similar to another part of the town and if contact could be made with the Housing Department to see if anything could be done in conjunction with the planning of a the new social housing scheme for the area.  


Item No.13: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Ar moladh Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Gabriel Keating agus glacadh leis


That remedial works be undertaken on the road and footpaths at West Street in Carrigaholt to rectify the uneven surfaces on both that are causing significant issues for local community members, especially older persons. 

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

West Clare MD carried out footpath upgrade works in West Street in recent years. These works were funded by Active Travel. I am aware that additional works are required to some footpaths in West Street, and I hope to schedule these works for 2024.

The road surface at West Street is beginning to show signs of deterioration. It was previously surfaced with a thin overlay and so the next resurfacing works should probably be planning of the existing surface followed by a full depth surface overlay. This is a very expensive process and given the width of West Street overall cost is likely to be a six-figure sum – probably not beginning with 1.

As per previous replies to your elected colleague, West Street is one of a number of Streets in the West Clare MD that we would like to resurface. We are actively seeking funding for a number of overlay projects but have not secured sufficient funding to date. I am unable to give a timeline for the resurfacing of West Street.

Cllr Murphy acknowledged that there was a significant piece of work required here but asked if it is possible to carry out works in the short-term adding that it is not good enough to expect people to walk on an un even surface prone to pools at water.  


Item No.14: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Ar moladh Cllr. Cillian Murphy

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


That a series of pull in locations be developed in the L-6052-0 and the L-6052-15 Road at Tarmon East .

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

The L-6052 is a narrow local secondary road. It is used, surprisingly frequently by HGV’s and large agricultural machinery. The provision of pull-in lay-by’s on the road would enhance road and traffic safety and protect existing roadside drainage. The West Clare MD will examine the road with a view to placing lay-bys in feasible locations.

Cllr. Murphy appreciated the reply. He advised that this was a narrow road well travelled containing a number of houses. At times, two vehicles struggle to pass and he requested if some safe areas of spaces could be identified to pull in.


Item No.15: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Cillian Murphy agus glacadh leis


Can I receive an update on the planned review of street lighting within Kilrush with a specific view to up grade and enhance the ambient lighting at all pedestrian crossings

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

A lighting survey will be undertaken in Kilrush town as part of the Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project (PLEEP). PLEEP will retrofit all public lights in Kilrush (& all of County Clare) to LED. Once completed it is anticipated that PLEEP will deliver greater than 50% energy savings, reduce maintenance costs and improve ambient lighting and the visual environment, reduce light pollution and thus enhance public safety. Retrofitting of public lighting under PLEEP has begun in Kilrush but has not yet been completed. I assume that the lighting survey will commence once retrofitting works have been completed.

If there is an issue with lighting at a particular pedestrian crossing following the completion of retrofitting works, we can look at erecting LED spotlights at any problematic pedestrian crossings. A funding source will have to be identified for such works.

Cllr. Lynch said that this was a retrofitting project for upgrading lights that is not suitable stating that poor decorate lighting is a problem in winter when there can be dark spots. He asked if additional light could be provided starting with the pedestrian crossing.  


Item No.16: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Cillian Murphy agus glacadh leis


Can I receive and update in the resurfacing the R483 through Cooraclare.

Reply from Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

I believe that Cooraclare has been included in the “Rural wastewater collection and treatment scheme” recently announced by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The provision of a new treatment plant in Cooraclare will probably involve the installation of a sewage collection network of pipes, most likely to be laid under the public road.

In these circumstances it would be better to delay the surfacing of public roads in Cooraclare until after the sewerage scheme is completed.

Cllr Murphy requested if a meeting could be arranged with the local Community Group to update them on terms of reference for this scheme.


Item No.17: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Ian Lynch

Ar moladh Cllr. Ian Lynch

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis


That Clare Co Council Roads Department request the TII to a structural and condition survey of the N68 as a matter of urgency from Lissycasey to Kilrush  The poor structure condition of the road is resulting in extremely dangerous driving conditions for drivers.

Reply Alan Kennelly Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Kilrush

The current contract will remediate seven large defects on the N68. The carriageway of the N68 has subsided quite noticeably in these seven areas, due to a poor road foundation and inadequate side support to the road.

The West Clare MD is aware that additional surface defects have formed since the contract was awarded. We will make our colleagues in Roads & Transportation aware of the issue, with a view towards making another application for remedial funding to TII.

A number of members spoke in support of this motion advocating that the N68 needs serious attention and investment because it is not safe to drive on in its present condition. They suggested that a strongly worded letter be issued to TII and Oireachtas Members to request upgrading works to ensure that all parts of West Clare are accessible.  


Item No.18: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Garrihy agus glacadh leis


We call on Clare County Council to install public lighting on the entrance/exit to Toonvaghera Church in the interest of health and safety.


Reply from Michael McNamara A/Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

Any public lighting to be installed on single carriageway National Roads is required to be assessed under Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) “Design of Road Lighting for the National Road Network” and shall require a Departure from Standards.  As per outlined in this document, all areas outside of urban settings on National Roads should remain unlit”.

Cllr. Killeen outlined that this Church has no car park resulting in mass goers parking on the side of a busy road and causing safety issues for the public.


Item No.19: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Joe Killeen

Ar moladh Cllr. Joe Killeen

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


That Clare County Council carry out an assessment and undertake necessary remediation work on the cracked pavement sections of the Inagh Miltown Malbay road.

Reply from Paudie Barry Executive Engineer West Clare MD Ennistymon

Clare County Council have carried out emergency repair works at three locations on the R460 Inagh to Milltown Malbay Road.

Cllr Killeen expressed thanks for the reply.


Item No.20: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Liam Grant

Ar moladh Cllr. Liam Grant

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


Call for a new bus stop and shelter in Miltown Malbay. 

Reply from Anne O’Sullivan Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

There are two existing official bus stops on Main Street , Miltown Malbay. The Road Design Office will   review the suitability of locations for the upgrading of bus stop facilities in Miltown Malbay.

The provision of bus stops and bus shelters is a statutory function of the NTA, and the Road Design Office will liaise with the NTA team in relation to this request.

The NTA works closely with local authorities to coordinate the development and implementation of bus shelter programmes at county level rather than through piecemeal arrangements. This collaborative process is necessary as the installation of a bus shelter will frequently require preparatory works such as the upgrading of footpaths and / or roads as well as the relocation of underground services.

Cllr Grant appreciated the reply and said he was delighted with the local link service from Miltown Malbay to Ennis.   He emphasized the importance of building infrastructure like bus shelters which are not only for people to wait at but also a source of information for bus timetables.


Item No.21: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Liam Grant

Ar moladh Cllr. Liam Grant

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Shane Talty agus glacadh leis


Call on the West Clare MD to draw up designs for a pedestrian crossing on the main street in Lahinch and put them out for public consultation. 

Reply from Anne O’Sullivan Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

There are presently two pedestrian crossings in Lahinch, one situated on the N67 Church St and the other on the R478 adjacent to the Golf Club.

The Road Design Office will investigate the feasibility of the provision of a pedestrian crossing on the N67 Main Street , Lahinch and will liaise with TII regarding same.

Cllr Grant acknowledged the response and put forward the suggestion that an addition pedestrian crossing at Main Street is required as people especially the elderly find it difficult to safely cross the road. The Members also supported the motion saying that it would slow down traffic and allow safe footfall to services and businesses in the town.    


Item No.22: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Shane Talty

Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


Winter Maintenance Routes. Where additional Gritter Trucks are adding capacity to the winter schedule of treated roads, can we ensure the R478 Lahinch/Liscannor on to Doolin is added. What other routes will be added in North Clare

Reply from Tony Neville Senior Executive Engineer West Clare MD Ennistymon

The R478/R479 Lahinch/Liscannor/Doolin route is not included in the current Winter Maintenance Plan. Any alterations will have to be considered centrally in conjunction with our Transportation Department.

Cllr Talty expressed thanks for the reply and asked for the route to be considered for the Schedule of Municipal District Works in 2024.


Item No.23: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Shane Talty


Ar moladh Cllr. Shane Talty

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Joe Killeen agus glacadh leis


Ask that additional street lighting be provided around Clouna Church & carpark. 

Reply from Michael McNamara A/Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

At present there is existing public lighting present at the Eastern and Western extents of the carpark in addition to existing exterior lighting present on the Church Building Facade. It is deemed that any additional lighting requirements for the carpark could be accommodated by upgrading the existing exterior lighting on the church building.


Item No.24: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Cillian Murphy agus glacadh leis


Listed below are the local roads which have been the subject of many motions to Clare Co Council. The roads in question require to be strengthened and sealed and as a follow up surface dressing. In order to complete this work an additional allocation of funding is required so I am now calling on Clare Co Council to apply to Government for additional monies otherwise these roads will be “gone beyond redemption”.

Local Road Number   Local Area

L6086                          Tullaher

L6070                          Caherlean

L6046                          Kilferagh

L6044                          Tullaroe          

L6008                          Tullig, Cross

L20301                        Derryard, Doonbeg

L6052                          Tarmon East

L2036                          Monmore Lower

L6036-0                       Querrin/Doonaha

L2006-0                       Doonaha/Carrigaholt

To progress the objective of this motion we need to enlist the support of our Oireachtas members.  

Reply from Michael McNamara A/Senior Engineer Roads & Transportation

Clare County Council is currently awaits its allocation from the Department of Transport for the 2024 Roadworks Programme. On receipt of same there shall then be an allocation for each Municipal District which shall allow them to form their schedule of works, of which Restoration Maintenance forms part of. To allow for the inclusion of the referenced Local Roads, these should be brought to the attention of the Municipal District for inclusion on the Restoration Maintenance Programme.

The Members all agreed to write to the Oireachtas Members to enlist their support to source additional funding to upgrade these roads.


Item No.25: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


What plans have Clare Co. Council to provide additional charging points for electric vehicles for our residents and the huge influx of tourists to our county.

Reply from Michael McNamara A/Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

ZEVI – Zero Emissions Vehicles Ireland, set up by the Department of Transport in July 2022 have tasked Local Authorities with the delivery of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Strategy for each LA. As part of the delivery of this strategy and subsequent delivery of EV charging points, ZEVI have instructed that strategies are formed through regions with Clare County Council forming part of Region 7 in association with Donegal County Council, Sligo Conty Council, Mayo County Council and Galway County Council.

Each LA will work on the development of a strategy, in accordance with the regional strategy, that will be evidence based and working towards delivery of charge points at both destination and neighbourhood locations across the county whilst also engaging with both private and public stakeholders. This project is currently at Stage 1 – Strategy Development.”

The Members requested that a briefing on the Strategy be arranged before the end of February. All were agreed that there is not enough charging facilities in the County to cater for residents and visitors.  

Cllr Shane Talty propose suspending standing orders which was seconded by Cllr. Ian Lynch


Item No.26: Notice of Motion from Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Ar moladh Cllr. Gabriel Keating

Cuidithe ag Cllr. Ian Lynch agus glacadh leis


That Clare Co Council provide a progress report on the upgrading and maintenance of the N68 which is deteriorating at a fast pace and the N67 water connection for Doonbeg Village to football field.

Reply from Michael McNamara A/Senior Executive Engineer Roads & Transportation

Clare County Council, through the Kilrush Office of the West Clare Municipal District applied for funding to the TII under the Defects Management System for the repair to defects on the N68 at various locations west of Lissycasey. The application was successful with a total of €200,000 to address the defects presenting. Repair works which were originally scheduled to take place in advance of Christmas 2023 by the appointed contractor are now due to be completed in Mid / End January.

In respect of the mains rehabilitation works on the N67 to the west of Doonbeg Village, this has recently been the subject of an application for a T1 Road Opening License to Clare County Council by the contractor on behalf of Uisce Eireann. Any further queries should be directed to Uisce Eireann as the National Water Services Utility and funder of this project.

Cllr Keating welcomed the investment stating that the road was deteriorating at an alarming rate. Cllr McInerney noted that there was 12 water outages in the last 3 months which was a serious issue effecting a lot of people in the Village.


Any other business

  • Cllr. Murphy sought the support of the Members to put forward Carrigaholt for a Waste Water Treatment Scheme which was agreed. In addition Doolin was nominated for a Waste Water Treatment Scheme from North Clare
  • Cllr. McInerney thanked her fellow Members and the Executive Leonard, John and Steve for their warm welcome and support and said she looked forward to working with the staff in the various departments and committees that she will be part of.


The meeting then concluded.



Signed :           _________________________

                        Cllr. Ian Lynch



Signed:            ___________________________     

                        John O’Malley

                        Meetings Administrator


Dated this _____ March , 2024






Page last reviewed: 05/03/24

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