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Clare Arts Office, Artists in Schools Programme Launch, 2019/2020

30 October 2019

Clare Arts Office has recently awarded a number professional artists the opportunity to undertake an Arts Space, Artist in Schools Residencies with 17 primary schools based in County Clare.


Under the Arts Space Residency initiative, residencies are offered to support projects that are innovative, unique and that foster creativity; skills development and an introduction to the language used in art making.

The scheme encourages projects that introduce children to experience the cross disciplinary nature of the arts, projects which connect ideas and art making to other subjects e.g. history, science, the environment, local, national and global cultures and traditions.

This year’s residency programme will see students of Cratloe NS working with composer/musician Fiona Linnane to compose a new song using experimental music technologies. Students from Ogonnellow NS will be skyping artist Natalie El Baba live from Barcelona to learn and see the famous mosaics of Gaudi before undertaking a mosaic project of their own! And students of Rock Mount NS will be learning music with renowned percussionist Brian Fleming and will also meet and learn about music and culture from Iraq and Ethopia from International musician’s resident with the Miltown Malbay’s Direct Provision Community. For further updates on all of this year projects please see the Clare Arts Office website and Facebook page

The Artists in Schools Programme is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and Clare County Council.

Page last reviewed: 09/04/20

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