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Creative Ireland project awards 2020

13 December 2019

Submission deadline: Friday January 17, 2020

Creative Ireland is the Government's Legacy Programme for Ireland 2016 - a five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy.

As part of Clare's 2020 Creative Ireland programme, Clare County Council invite applications for project awards that will develop bodies of work with a public interface/engagement.  Funding may be used to support events/projects that focus on cultural activity involving the arts, creative industries, heritage, film and animation. Projects /events as Gaeilge are welcome

We envisage that a series of awards will be granted in the region of €1,000-€2,000.We invite individuals and groups to make applications to creatively explore the following themes through any format:

  • Well-being of communities (geographical or communities of interest)
  • Cultural Heritage and Traditions
  • Sense of placeHeritage(which may include historical exploration)
  • STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics)

A project which combines two or more themes is desirable but one principal theme is also acceptable. Projects can be submitted through any format e.g. visual art, film, music, theatre, dance, etc. and may cover the arts and heritage sector.  Projects can either be new initiatives or, in the case of projects/programmes of activity currently underway, they should be able to show a marked development in how this award would impact on the local community, in terms of scale or scope of the project.

Please refer to the Clare Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 for further information on Creative Clare –

Application forms and details are available to download below

Creative Ireland Project Awards, Clare County Library, Mill Road, Ennis, Co Clare V95 FX32. 

Email:  or Tel.: 065 6899082

Closing date for applications is Friday 17th January 2020 at 12:00 noon. Late applications will not be considered.

Closing Date

Friday January 17, 2020

Page last updated: 13/12/19

Content managed by: Library Service

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