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Dubai Duty Free Irish Open Best Dressed Window Competition

9 April 2019

Submission deadline: Tuesday June 4, 2019

Best dressed window, shop front & building competition 2019

The Dubai Duty Free Irish Open will be held in Lahinch from 3rd to 7th July 2019.  Businesses and community organisations in the following areas are invited to enter the competition:  Lahinch, Ennistymon, Liscannor, Miltown Malbay and Inagh.

How to enter

You must register your interest in the competition by Tuesday, 4th June 2019 by emailing,providing your business/organisation name, address, email address and phone number.  Further information on the competition will then be sent to you re key dates for submission of entries, packs available for collection and judging date. 

Prizes - All courtesy of Dubai Duty Free

  • 1st - €1,500
  • 2nd - €1,000
  • 3rd - €500

The lucky winner and guest will also be treated to full corporate hospitality on Thursday 4th July in Dubai Duty Free’s own private pavilion located on the 18th green at Lahinch Golf Club.

Closing Date

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Page last updated: 10/04/19

Content managed by: Rural and Community

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