Project Development Measure 3
The Town Centre First (TCF) policy is a major cross-government policy that aims to tackle vacancy, combat dereliction and breathe new life into our town centres. It supports "Our Rural Future", Ireland’s rural development policy which is integral to our national economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being. It advocates for a holistic, place-based approach to sustainable rural development.
The deadline for receipt of completed Expressions of Interest been extended to 10am on Monday 11th March 2024.
Community groups are strongly encouraged to liaise with the Town Centre First Department in advance of submitting an Expression of Interest.
Following the recent announcement of Town Centre First funding supports by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries, Clare County Council is seeking Expressions of Interest under Measure 3 (Project Development Measure) for projects identified by town teams and local communities that will assist in regenerating their towns.
This funding will further enhance the significant investment being made by the Department of Rural and Community Development in support of the Town Centre First Policy and overarching objectives of Our Rural Future Ireland's Rural development policy.
Measure 3 – Project Development Measure details:
- Under this measure, the Department of Rural and Community Development will provide funding of up to €50,000 each for two significant and well-developed projects
- A maximum grant rate of 90% and a minimum match funding rate of 10% applies
- This support will specifically target towns/villages with populations over 400 and under 10,000
- Only proposals that are capable of being delivered within a 12-18 month timeframe should be submitted
- The Expression of Interest Form available for download below must be completed in full and submitted to Clare County Council for consideration by the required deadline
- Development of projects must be undertaken in consultation with the Town Regeneration Officer, the local town/village community and business interests
- Applicants should ensure that the necessary consents/permissions are in place and that detailed costed proposals with quotations are submitted with the Expression of Interest
Project selection
- The selection of Project Development projects will be by means of a competitive process.
- Final project selection will be made by the Department on the basis of proposals submitted by Clare County Council.
Contact information
Completed Expressions of Interest should be posted/emailed to:
Town Centre First Department,
Clare County Council,
New Road,
Co. Clare
V95 DXP2
Page last reviewed: 16/02/24
Content managed by: Economic Development
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Clare County Council
Áras Contae an Chláir
New Road
Co. Clare
V95 DXP2