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Advertising and temporary signage

In accordance with the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended, any sign that is erected on lands without the permission of the landowner is considered litter, and will be subject to enforcement action by Clare County Council.

It is the policy of Clare County Council not to permit any signage on public areas, such as along roadways, roundabouts and footpaths. This would typically include, but not limited to, advertising, promotional or directional signage for businesses, and any signs relating to the sale or rental of property or land.

Any such signage found in public areas shall be removed and each individual sign shall be subject to a €150 litter fine, in accordance with the Litter Pollution Act 1997.

Temporary signs can generally be defined as signs constructed of lightweight materials with a limited life expectancy, such as paper, corri-board, timber or light plastic.

Examples of unauthorised advertising signage include:

  • Advertisement signs tied, nailed or pasted to existing signs or poles
  • Sandwich board signs or other similar signs
  • Signs mounted on trailers or on motorised vehicles (as they are only in one position for a short time)
  • Banners
  • Cars for sale

Should a business or commercial entity wish to erect a permanent sign to advertise or provide direction to a business, such signage would require planning permission, and a person/company should contact the planning department for further information.

Temporary signs on public land

It is the policy of Clare County Council to not allow for temporary signs to be the erected on areas of public land, unless prior consent has been granted by Clare County Council.

Public land can be defined as any part of a public road or street including grass verges, footpaths, hard shoulders, lay-bys, roundabout islands, public car-parks, public right of ways or any location that is deemed by the local authority to be a public area.

Organisations or persons involved in one-off community or charitable events, may apply to Clare County Council for permission to erect temporary signage promoting the event. The types of events referred to equate to those events specified in Part 2, Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001.The temporary signage permit is a means of informing organisers of the restrictions relating to temporary advertising signage. There is no charge for the application or permission to erect temporary signage.

Application for permission to erect temporary signage

Completed application forms should be submitted a minimum of 10 working days before any proposes signage is to be erected. In any event, advertising/temporary signage should not be erected without the consent of the Environment section. Any such signage erected without permission shall be assumed to be litter and liable to the penalties set out below.

Queries regarding temporary signage can be made through emailing or calling (065) 6846331.

Offences and sanctions

Any advertising sign to be erected on public property or visible from a public place, which does not have permission as outlined above, shall be considered litter in accordance with Section 19 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended, and may be subject to a €150 litter fine and removal of the sign by council staff.

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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