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Are you an owner of a vacant property?

Are you an owner of a vacant property?
Clare County Council are seeking to acquire suitable properties throughout Clare in areas with a housing need. More information on leasing or selling your home to Clare County Council is available here Lease or sell your home

Repair and Leasing Scheme
The Repair and Leasing Scheme is an opportunity to bring vacant houses or commercial properties back into use as homes for families and individuals on the social housing waiting list.  More information this scheme is available using the following link Repair and Leasing Scheme (RLS)

Buy and Renew Scheme
A Buy and Renew Scheme has been introduced and the focus is on purchasing older stock in urban areas with a view to reducing the number of derelict properties and improving streetscapes. If you wish to sell your property to the council under this scheme, please contact acquisitions on (065) 6846564 or (065) 6846295 or email

Bringing Back Homes - Manual for the reuse of existing buildings
As part of the government's objective of addressing vacancy and maximising the use of the existing building stock in the country, they have prepared this guidance document, Bringing Back Homes - Manual for the reuse of existing buildings. The manual was first published in 2018 and has been updated in April 2024.

The manual aims to provide advice to property owners, members of the public, local authorities and those involved in the construction industry with guidance on how to facilitate the reuse of buildings and how the current regulatory requirements apply to common and existing build types. The manual is intended to be a reference guide only and is not a substitute for compliance with legal obligations set out in various regulations and legislation.

Topics covered in the manual include planning requirements, conservation, building regulations, building control fire services, energy, performance of buildings and physical infrastructure.
More information is available using the following link Bringing Back Homes - Manual for the reuse of Existing Buildings

Content managed by: Property management

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