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Additional information for Grant Applications for rental purposes

• Only one grant will be payable in respect of a property for rent.

• An affidavit, signed and stamped by a solicitor, must be provided to the local authority as part of the grant application process. This affidavit must confirm that:
o the applicant has not previously applied for the grant for rental purposes.
o the applicant intends to make the property available for rent once works have been completed.
o the applicant will register a tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) prior to grant drawdown.

• Proof of registration of the tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) must be provided to the local authority before drawdown of the grant.

• Evidence of annual registration of tenancy with the RTB must be submitted to the local authority which awarded the grant. Checks will be carried out by local authorities to confirm this.

• In respect of rental properties, all landlords are required by law to comply with the standards for rental housing and should ensure their properties are fully compliant with fire safety and minimum standards regulations for rental properties.

Content managed by: Property management

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