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Extension to temporary road closure L6338 between Furroor/Sorrell Island junction

8 August 2024

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 of Clare County Council’s decision to extend the closure of the road detailed hereunder for the period stated to facilitate the installation of ESB cable ducting. 

Road to be closed:
L-6338 – Between L-2084-17 junction (Furroor) & Sorrell Island/Glenmore junction (L2048) 

Date and time of extended closure: 
From 16th August 2024 until 13th December 2024 - 24hr Closure always allowing for local and emergency access.

Alternative routes / diversions;
L2048, L6192 & L2084 – a diversion route map is attached below.

Page last updated: 08/08/24

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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