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Community Involvement Scheme

This scheme encourages a joint approach (on a voluntary basis) with groups of local residents and landowners for the restoration of public roads that are lightly trafficked, single lane or cul de sac roads. They are classified as local tertiary roads (yellow roads) and they are all 5 digit roads in the councils road schedule e.g. L-81401-0. As well as being cul de sacs they may also link two local primary roads or two local secondary roads.

How much can the applicant receive?

This scheme encourages a joint approach with groups of local residents and landowners for the restoration of public roads mainly local or cul de sac roads. The Community Involvement Scheme will be based on community contributions of 10%.

How does the council decide on applications?

Schemes are allocated based on:

  1. Local authorities would assess the condition of any local roads, for which they intend to apply for funds, using the recently issued Paving Rating Manual. (rating range is 1 to 10 with 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent)
  2. Local authorities would record the length, width, number of farms and dwellings along the roads under consideration.
  3. Local authorities would estimate the overall cost of each scheme taking account of material, labour, machinery and traffic management costs. The community contribution in each case could be in money or in kind (labour / machinery) or both. This would determine the percentage contribution.
  4. Taking into account the findings of points (a) to (c), councils would prioritise the roads which would be eligible.

How to apply

Applications under the Community Involvement Scheme are currently closed.  Applications for the scheme will be advertised in 2025.

Page last reviewed: 11/01/24

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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New Road
Co. Clare
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(065) 6846333
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Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with offices open through lunch. 
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