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July meeting 2011
Vice chairperson:
- Dominic Keating, Inagh Development Co Ltd
Committee members:
- John Longe, Local Resident (Apologies)
- John O’Loughlin, Local Resident
- Katie Lewis, Inagh N.S.
- Patrick O’Halloran, Local Resident
- Perry Long, Local Resident
- Tom Long, Local Resident
Council officials:
- Paul Moroney
- James Keane
- Frances Mc Namara
- Brian Fitzgerald, Local Resident
- Martin Queally, Local Resident
- Michael Hehir, Chairperson & Local Resident (Apologies)
- Michael Mahony, Cloonanaha NS
- Sheila Mc Tigue, Mike Mc Tigue Community Centre (Apologies)
- Maeve Ryan, Council Official
- Cllrs, Joe Arkins, Michael Hillery, Richard Nagle & Michael Kelly, Bill Slattery Clare County Council.
Main points:
Minutes of meeting held on 4th May 2011:
- Proposed by Patrick O’Halloran
- Seconded by John O’Loughlin
Dominic Keating gave apologies on behalf of Michael Hehir who was unable to attend the meeting. Apologies were also given on behalf of Sheila Mc Tigue who had to go to the USA urgently. Dominic Keating, Vice Chairperson then chaired the meeting.
Matters arising from minutes:
Perry Long asked if the Clare County Council’s Gardening Section had given any advice on the progress of trees on the embankment area. James Keane said that Brendan Keogh from the Gardening Section had recommended the removal of the plastic stakes which were tied to the trees which should result in an improvement to the growth of the trees. Perry Long added that the trees in the present state were not providing any screening. Paul Moroney said that the issue of the trees would be considered in the context of the Closure, Restoration and Aftercare Management Plan (CRAMP) and that other planting and infill would be provided if necessary. John Longe said that this was Clare County Council’s third or fourth attempt to do something in relation to the trees and that the Council had not listened to the views of local residents in the past. He said that the soil was unsuitable for growing these trees. Paul Moroney replied that he was undertaking to address this issue in the context of CRAMP which is a requirement of the EPA Licence.
Odour management:
Perry Long asked if Cell 12 was capped. James Keane replied that the Cell was fully capped. Perry Long said that there had been odour issues especially in early mornings when the breeze was from an easterly direction. Ms. Long added that there was a gas odour from the 11th to the 20th June. James Keane replied that IBSL were on site for a full week from the 25th May 2011. They carried out a lot of work on the gas network, converting the main gas line to a ring main system and installing a new type of horizontal wells in the active cell.
Paul Moroney said that since the last meeting that the facility is now closed on Mondays. Despite this the amount of waste to the facility has maintained at the same level and it is hoped that Cell 13 will be full by the end October / mid November 2011. Capping and lining of this cell will commence when the cell is full and it is anticipated that the final cap will be completed in March 2012.
Perry Long queried the position of the acceptance of recyclable material after the facility closes as a landfill. Paul Moroney said that the situation will be similar to that which operates in Scariff and Lisdeen - the material will be stored in closed sealed containers and then removed for landfilling to another facility. Perry Long expressed concern that customers with a business interest may use the facility as a means of disposing of their waste. Paul Moroney replied that the staff in Scariff and Lisdeen frequently turn away customers that they believe have a business interest. Also, the scale of charges would not encourage business customers to use this method as a means of waste disposal.
John Longe said that any future changes to the facility after landfilling ceases should not have any negative impact on local residents. Paul Moroney said that the landfill will remain under licence and will be closely monitored by the EPA. Any amendments to the Licence will require the approval of the EPA.
Perry Long queried the Topographical Report sent to the EPA on the 19th May 2011. James Keane said that this survey is prepared by Clare County Council staff and relates to the height of the landfill from different locations. This report is sent annually to the EPA.
Any other business:
Perry Long questioned the type of waste Barna Waste delivered to the facility on Tuesday mornings. James Keane replied that this was general municipal waste similar to the waste stream deposited by Barna Waste on other days.
Date for next meeting:
The date for the next meeting is the 7th September 2011 at 7.00 pm. The meeting concluded at 7.40 pm.
Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 09/09/11
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