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November meeting 2011


  • Michael Hehir, Local Resident

Committee members

  • Brian Fitzgerald, Local Resident
  • John Longe, Local Resident
  • John O’Loughlin, Local Resident
  • Martin Queally, Inagh IFA
  • Michael Mahony, Cloonaha N.S.
  • Patrick O’Halloran, Local Resident
  • Perry Long, Local Resident
  • Tom Long, Local Resident


  • Dominic Keating, Inagh Development Co. Ltd
  • Martin Queally, Inagh IFA
  • Katie Lewis, (Apologies)
  • Sheila McTigue, Mike McTigue Community Centre (Apologies)
  • Cllrs, Joe Arkins, Michael Hillery, Richard Nagle & Michael Kelly, Bill Slattery Clare County Council

Council officials

  • Paul Moroney
  • James Keane
  • Maeve Ryan
  • Maria Hayes

Main points

Minutes of meeting held on 7th September 2011

  • Proposed by Patrick O’Halloran
  • Seconded by John O’Loughlin

Michael Hehir asked if there were any objections to Michael Mahony remaining on the Committee as he had missed the last two meetings. No objections were given. Michael Mahoney informed those present that a letter had to be issued from the Bord of Management of St. Flannan’s National School indicating if he would remain on the committee or not.

Matters arising from minutes

Perry Long asked if a closure date for the facility was given and Paul Moroney replied that the closure date was 25th November 2011.  Perry long asked if the EPA approved the engineering works to which Paul Moroney replied that no reply was received back yet.  The point was made about the cold weather and if this was the only impediment to capping of the cell.  Paul Moroney informed members that lining is to proceed as soon as possible once cell is full it is hoped to finish this before Christmas and secure the capping.  Perry Long enquired if there was any update on the CCTV cameras and the possibility of illegal dumping happening around the Central Waste Management Facility when the site closes.  Paul Moroney indicated that CCTV cameras were at various locations throughout the site and he advised that if necessary the CCTV gate cameras could be upgraded.

Odour management

Maeve Ryan informed the committee that OMI (Odour Management Ireland) were on site today (9/11/2011) and that all locations except the active cell were clear of emissions. Maeve Ryan said that she is waiting for map/report to issue back on same.  Maeve explained that the temporary flare was put in place on 6th of October and has been in continuous use since then. She also said that drillers will be on site to install five additional wells before capping commences. Michael Mahony asked where the temporary flare was located and Maeve informed him where it was located and the reasons it is in place.

Perry Long said that the odour had been very bad on Friday (30th Sept) and Saturday (1st October) both a gas and waste odour present. John O’Loughlin indicated that a bad odour was present on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (4th, 5th and 6th of November).  Brian Fitzgerald said that he felt the odour had become worse since the temporary flare was installed and said that gas odour was present last Saturday (5th November).  Maeve Ryan said as soon as the survey map is received from OMI, any problem areas identified in the active cell will be investigated.   Paul Moroney informed members that the landfill would be monitored for approximately 15 years. John O’Loughlin queried if the cell could collapse over time to which Paul Moroney replied that if problems occur Clare County Council will endeavor to repair and weld all cells. Maeve Ryan said that the pipes are currently checked each week by staff on site and that monitoring and OMI surveys have indicated that there are no problems in capped cells. Paul Moroney said that all ordinary municipal waste sites will be stable after 15/20 years and Clare County Council is committed to looking after this site.


Perry Long queried the EPA monitoring results dated 18th October. Maeve Ryan clarified that the results were for EPA monitoring of surface water and groundwater around the site. The EPA results were similar to the results obtained by the Council's monitoring consultants.

Perry Long queried correspondence dated 12th Sept (point 6/7) which was clarified by Maeve Ryan.

Perry Long also queried the proposed irrigation system and wondered if it was the same as leachate circulation. Maeve explained that the irrigation system provides for the future wetting of waste below the liner with rainwater. This may be required if the cell is seen to dry out as dry waste won't biodegrade.

Any other business

Perry Long asked that when the site is operating as a Transfer Station will waste be held on site. Paul Moroney said that the site would continue to accept waste from domestic customers similar to Lisdeen/Scarriff Transfer Stations. The domestic customer will then be charged appropriately. Paul Moroney explained that in future customers could be required to avail of bin collection service on a particular route this is currently in operation in Limerick Co. Co.  John Longe enquired if this was a law coming from Europe and was informed that it was, and related to the “Polluter Pays Principal” saying the more you use the more you pay. Perry Long felt that the producers of goods should be targeted and Paul Moroney agreed fully that they should pay and have responsibility.

Maeve Ryan indicated that at the moment she was unsure of the number of times per week the container at the site would be emptied but it would be sealed fully and Paul Moroney indicated that Clean Ireland would be on hand to switch containers when and if required. Maeve Ryan added that no waste tipping facility will be available for customers after landfill closure. Perry Long queried the costs on electrical disposal charges to which Maeve Ryan informed those present that all WEEE, Textiles and Florescent tubes are free of charge.

Perry Long wondered if there would be some solution to the odour/birds. Maeve Ryan indicated that the bird control contractor would be on site until the facility closes and Paul Moroney said a site manager would be assigned to the site.  John Longe said that he felt that the facility would be privatized and no manager would be over the site. Paul Moroney informed members that the CLMC meetings were not necessary according to the licence and the decision may be made not to hold any more meetings however, he would liaise with residents accordingly.

Date for next meeting

The date for the next meeting is the 7th December 2011 at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting concluded at 7:40 p.m.

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