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September meeting 2012


  • Michael Hehir, Local Resident

Committee members

  • Alan Foudy, Cloonanaha
  • Martin Queally, Local Resident (Apologies)
  • Patrick O’Halloran, Local Resident
  • Perry Long, Local Resident
  • Sheila Mc Tigue, Mike Mc Tigue Community Centre
  • Tom Long, Local Resident

Council officials

  • Paul Moroney
  • Maeve Ryan
  • James Keane
  • Frances Mc Namara


  • Brian Fitzgerald, Local Resident
  • Dominic Keating, Inagh Development Ltd.
  • John Longe, Local Resident
  • John O’Loughlin, Local Resident
  • Cllrs Joe Arkins, Michael Hillery, Richard Nagle & Michael Kelly, Bill Slattery Clare County Council.

The Chairperson opened the meeting by reading an e-mail received from Katie Lewis (St. Flannan’s NS representative) informing the Committee that she would no longer be attending the Community Liaison Monitoring Committee Meetings as her children had completed their primary education.

Main points

Minutes of meeting held on the 5th September 2012

  • Proposed by Alan Foudy
  • Seconded by Patrick O'Halloran

Matters arising from minutes

Perry Long asked if there was an update on the recycling rates over the summer period as discussed at the last meeting. Paul Moroney replied that the recycling rates had remained the same, with no obvious increase or decrease during the season. He advised that as preparations began for the forthcoming budget that it would be Clare County Councils intention to maintain services in the Recycling Centres and Transfer Stations including the Central Waste Management Facility as currently operated.   

Odour management

Perry Long noted that there had been a waste odour on Saturday 18th August. Maeve Ryan said that it would be of benefit if a telephone call could be made to the facility when odours were detected. She said that even if it was an out of hour’s complaint that a message could be left giving details of the odour as the answering machine is checked regularly. Maeve advised that no odours have been detected on site or offsite and that waste is completely sealed at the end of each workday, including on Saturday afternoons before the facility closes for the weekend. Odour patrols are also continuing on a daily basis. Maeve added that Odour Monitoring Ireland carried out a site inspection recently and no odours were detected anywhere on site except at the cell 12/13 risers and the problem areas on the risers had since been addressed. The EPA also conducted a site inspection on the 6th July 2012 and no non-compliances were recorded.


Perry Long queried the correspondence relating to the discontinuation of the Bird Control service at the Central Waste Management Facility. Maeve Ryan advised that the Ecological Monitoring contractor instigated this change stating that it was no longer required. This has also been approved by the EPA.

Any other business

Sheila McTigue asked for an update on the Community Fund. Paul Moroney explained that the recommendations of the Evaluation Panel would be discussed at the Ennistymon Electoral Area Meeting which will take place on the 24th September 2012 and will then go before Clare County Council elected members at their meeting scheduled to take place on the 8th October 2012. Paul advised that an additional Community Liaison Monitoring Committee meeting would take place on the 3th October 2012 to notify the Committee of the recommendations.

Date for next meeting

The date for the next meeting is the 3rd October 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting concluded at 7:25 p.m.

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