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June meeting 2013


  • Michael Hehir, Local Resident

Committee Members:

  • Alan Foudy, Cloonanaha NS
  • John Longe, Local Resident
  • Perry Long, Local Resident
  • Sheila Mc Tigue, Mike Mc Tigue Community Centre
  • Tom Long, Local Resident 

Council Officials:

  • Paul Moroney
  • Frances Mc Namara


  • Dominic Keating, Inagh Development Ltd (A)
  • Patrick O’Halloran, Local Resident
  • Martin Queally, Local Resident (A)
  • Cllrs Joe Arkins, Michael Hillery, Richard Nagle, Michael Kelly & Bill Slattery Clare County Council.

Annual General Meeting:

Report on operation of Landfill and Committee Issues for 2012

Paul Moroney outlined the main issues in the report on the Operation of the Landfill and Committee issues for 2012, which was circulated to members before the meeting commenced. Perry Long asked if the recycling amounts had reduced in the past year. Paul Moroney replied that levels were similar to that in other counties but that in general recycling levels had reduced throughout the country as a result of the downfall in the economy.

Election of Chairperson

Alan Foudy proposed that Michael Hehir remain as Chairperson of the Community Liaison Monitoring Committee for the coming year. Michael Hehir invited other nominations for this position. No other nominations were received. Sheila Mc Tigue seconded Alan Foudy’s proposal. Michael Hehir then chaired the meeting.

 Main Meeting

Before the main meeting commenced Michael Hehir gave the apologies of Martin Queally and Dominic Keating who were unable to attend the meeting.

Minutes of meeting held on the 13th March 2013

  • Proposed by Sheila McTigue
  • Seconded by Alan Foudy

Matters Arising from Minutes

There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.

Odour Management

Tom Long asked if a decision was made on the future of the landfill. Paul Moroney advised that the landfill would be left at its current state until March 2015 when the licence is due to be renewed. At this stage the EPA is likely to grant a closed Landfill Licence to Clare County Council rather than an open Landfill Licence which the Council currently holds. Mr. Moroney advised that the development of Phase 4 would only happen if the market improved. 

John Longe asked if the cells were fully capped and sealed and stated that there was still an odour from the site. Paul Moroney advised that the cells were completely sealed and that the Central Waste Management Facility was in full compliance with the terms of its Licence as issued by the EPA.

Paul Moroney advised that a new Waste Management Plan was currently being developed. He said that he anticipated that the new plan would most likely include all Munster, Wexford, Kilkenny and Carlow. Mr. Moroney said that the new plan should deal with all waste management issues including thermal energy. He said that Clare County Council would not be the lead authority for the new Region.


Perry Long queried the correspondence dated the 9th April 2013 reference INC1001204. Paul Moroney advised that this related to elevated gas levels in perimeter monitoring wells and was a reoccurring issue.

Community Fund

Paul Moroney informed the meeting that it was hoped to advertise Tranche 5 of the Community Fund later on in 2013. He advised that a review had been carried out on the terms of reference which were being considered internally at present. Perry Long asked if the Community Liaison Monitoring Committee would have input into the review. Paul Moroney replied that the term of reference would be considered by the Ennistymon Area Councillors initially and that a meeting of the Committee would be arranged at the same time to update members. Perry Long said that she took grave exception to this and the Committee members should have an input in the revised criteria. Paul Moroney while acknowledging the concerns of Ms. Long said that the mechanism was in place to present the issue to Local Councillors first. He advised that concerns raised by members regarding the distribution of Tranche 4 funding had been considered in the revised criteria.

Any Other Business

There was no other business discussed

Date for next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on the 4th September 2013. Paul Moroney advised that this date was subject to change depending on the dates of the Ennistymon Area Meeting. The meeting concluded at 7:40 p.m.

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Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 23/10/13