June meeting 2015
- Michael Hehir, Local Resident
Committee members
- John Longe, Local Resident
- Perry Long, Local Resident
- Sheila Mc Tigue and Mike Mc Tigue, Community Centre
Council officials
- Paul Moroney
- Etain McCooey
- Tom Long
Main points
Before the Meeting commenced the sympathies of the Committee were offered to Frances McNamara.
Minutes of meeting held on the 12 November 2014
- Proposed by Sheila McTigue
- Seconded by John Long
Matters arising from minutes
An update on the Southern Region Waste Management Plan was given. The Southern region includes all Munster counties as well as Wexford, Kilkenny and Carlow. Objectives of the plan include the development of a thermal treatment facility in the region, capable of processing 300k tonnes waste and a 30-40k ton composting facility.
All targets in the plan are in accordance with EU directives
Primary aims as follows: segregation to recyclables, food waste, cardboard etc; residual waste to be treated; mechanical biological treatment or waste to energy (thermal) treatment.
Perry Long said that she hoped that Clare would not be considered as the location of a thermal treatment plant and commented that it is in the periphery of the Region.
It was confirmed that the Landfill in Kerry was closing and that there were only 4 municipal landfills in the country.
John Longe queried as to when the final cell would be sealed and was advised that it was in process. There is no licence requirement that it has to be done by a certain date/timeframe, but it was the intention that it would be done within the next number of months. The licence allows for a CRAMP – Closure restoration aftercare management plan.
Perry Long queried the situation regarding trees on site. The resonse was that the Forestry Management Plan has been developed and is being followed. The contract to deal with fallen timber is to be re-tendered in August. While it was tendered 3-4 months ago, the proposed price was not satisfactory.
Odour management
There were no issues reported. Meeting was advised that there had been a recent EPA visit and while the formal report is awaited, oral indications were that all was satisfactory. It was confirmed that odour patrols are still being carried out.
Incidents of the computer system crashing were queried. Paul Moroney clarified that there was never a situation where the data was not being obtained, it was not being reported. The system has been upgraded.
The drop off in gas production was noted. Raised levels in perimeter wells still occur, but the elevations are not significant.
Perry Long raised a query re the ponds and it was confirmed that the ponds get full at times of high rainfall. Leachate continues to be transported out, and treated at Lisdoonvarna, Sixmilebridge or Limerick . If there is low rainfall, leachate is concentrated
Any other business
Perry Long requested clarification on whether the new Waste Management Plan includes measures to discourage packaging waste and was advised that there are a number of PRIs. The State is also giving certain areas over to private sector, for example End of Life Vehicles. This will happen with tyre disposal also.
Paul Moroney advised that Pay By Weight Regulations are due to be introduced, the CWMF will be required to comply. Pay by Weight will apply to householders waste from 1 July 2016.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday, 7th October 2015
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