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You can get free travel on any subsidised public transport service (Irish rail, Bus Eireann, Go-Ahead Ireland, Dublin Bus and Luas) upon arrival into Ireland for the journey to your destination. Local link services are also included.

You should show:

  • Your Ukrainian passport, or other government issued Ukrainian ID, and proof that you have arrived in Ireland in the past 7 days, or
  • Confirmation of status from a co-ordinating group or charity involved in the Ukrainian crisis

Transport For Ireland

The TFI Journey Planner includes all Irish Rail and DART services.

More information is available on the transport for Ireland website.

School Transport

School transport services are available to Ukrainian students on the same basis as children in Ireland. There will be no charge for this where it is available. Further details will be available soon. Contact or call (057) 932 5467 for more information about school transport.

Page last reviewed: 11/08/23

Content managed by: Housing and Integration Department

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