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Public Consultation for the West Clare Railway Greenway - Ennis to Ennistymon

9 February 2023

Clare County Council is currently progressing the Options Assessment for Section 2 of the West Clare Railway Greenway project between Ennis and Ennistymon.

Public Consultation No.2 is now being held to provide an update on the Options Assessment Process and to present the Stage 2 Route Corridor Options. We invite submissions from the public and interested stakeholders regarding the Stage 2 Route Corridor Options and the option selection process to date. This information will be used by the design team to identify the Preferred Route Corridor with a view to minimising, where possible, the impact of the project on the surrounding environment and communities.

The consultation documents will be on display at the following locations from Friday 10th February for 3 weeks:

  • Ennistymon Public Library
  • Clare County Council Office, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare  
  • Corofin Public Library, Gort Road, Corofin

In-person information sessions will be held from 3.30pm to 8.30pm on:

  • Monday 20th February - Ennistymon Public Library
  • Tuesday 21st February - Clare County Council Office, New Road, Ennis
  • Wednesday 22nd February - Corofin Public Library

Private Landowner Consultations can be facilitated during the Information Sessions.

Clare County Council welcomes all submissions which are essential to design development on this exciting development for County Clare.

Page last reviewed: 09/02/23

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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