Healthy Clare
The Healthy Clare Strategic Plan 2019-2021 is being implemented by Clare LCDC (Local Community Development Committee) and aims to deliver of a range of activities that will underpin the health and wellbeing of the people of County Clare.

The plan identifies a number of community-based activities that will impact positively on people lives in terms of their physical, mental and sexual health and which will also challenge and combat the negative effects of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
The majority of targeted actions will be delivered through the Healthy Ireland Fund which will form the basis of core funding for the delivery of the Healthy Clare Strategy. Multiple agencies and organisations who are active across the health priorities outlined in the strategy, may apply for this funding to progress their own programme of work which will enhance the delivery of the national strategy.
Research into the strategy identified that Physical Activity and Mental Health as strategic priorities for County Clare. Annual work plans will be developed once the Healthy Clare Working Group is established.
The Healthy Clare Strategic Plan 2019-2021 can be viewed at the end of this page.
Page last reviewed: 06/01/23
Content managed by: Rural and Community
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