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Education Support

Education and Training

Primary School & Secondary School

REALT (Regional Education and Language Teams for Ukraine) support schools in the area to meet the need that emerges, to advise and support the Department in developing new capacity where required, and to co-ordinate the provision of education services to schools and families across their defined area.

 For queries on enrolling a child in Primary or Secondary school in County Clare please contact

Further Education and Training (FET)

FET courses and programmes are provided through Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and though the SOLAS eCollege online platform.

There are a range of options available at and

Further education is free of charge or heavily subsidised. Courses are designed to support learners who are interested in:

  • upskilling to enter the workforce or progress in their existing career
  • progressing into further or higher education
  • undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • developing their skills in reading and writing.

Please email or Telephone: (1800) 707077

English Language Classes

If you need to learn English or improve your English, the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board will assess your English language skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and will arrange appropriate language and other learning supports to help you develop your English.

This service is free.

Please email or Telephone: (1800) 707077

Process for provision of School Transport services for children arriving to Ireland from Ukraine

Children in host family homes

An application for school transport can be made via a link to an online form which is available here: Application for school transport parent/guardian/host family

Bus Éireann will check availability of school transport services and whether spare capacity exists.

Where seats are available on existing services, the normal eligibility criteria will not apply and eligibility will be granted to the school that the child/children are enrolled in.

If seats are available on an existing service/route, these seats will be offered to the child/children. Where such seats are available the host family will be contacted and advised that a ticket will be issued. While waiting for the ticket to be issued the child/children will be permitted to travel on the service and the driver and inspector will be aware of this in all such cases where these arrangements are being provided.

Children will be expected to meet the service at the existing pick-up point.

If the children move to live with another family/to another form of accommodation a new application for transport will be required.

In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service, a grant can be offered to the host family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements where the host family is providing for such transport arrangements.

OR In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service, a grant can be offered to the Ukrainian family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements where the Ukrainian family is providing for such transport arrangements.

Ukrainian families living in their own individual/independent/private accommodation

An application for school transport can be made by the parent/guardian via a link to an online form which is available here: Application for school transport parent/guardian/host family. The form will be available in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Bus Éireann will check availability of school transport services and whether spare capacity exists on the required route.

Where seats are available on existing services, the normal eligibility criteria will not apply and eligibility will be granted to the school that the child/children are enrolled in.

If seats are available on an existing service/route, these seats will be offered to the child/children. Where such seats are available the host family will be contacted and advised that a ticket will be issued. While waiting for the ticket to be issued the child/children will be permitted to travel on the service and the driver and inspector will be aware of this in all such cases where these arrangements are being provided.

Children will be expected to meet the service at the existing pick-up point.

If the family moves to new accommodation a new application for transport will be required.

In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service a grant can be offered to the family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements.

Arrangements for applying for school transport for families and children staying in accommodation centres (or similar)

School principals may apply for transport for children attending their school who are residing in accommodation centres (or similar).

School principals should complete the information required on the application form attached and return it to their The information will be submitted by REALT to School Transport Section of the Department of Education, which will in turn liaise with Bus Éireann in order to provide school transport services as required.

Childcare in Clare

Clare County Childcare Committee provides supports in identifying childcare places in County Clare. Contact Clare CCC office on (065) 6864862 and by email on

For information on childcare facilities in Clare, visit:


Clare County Childcare Committee provide a range of resources on childcare supports and schemes in Ireland. Additionally, CCCC can link with local childcare services to determine capacity to provide childcare under the ECCE and NCS programmes. Contact CCCC at

The National Childcare

The ECCE Free Pre-school Years:

Choosing A Childminder: A Guide for

Clare CCC team will be supporting communities, accommodation centres and local organisations in setting up/offering appropriate play opportunities for children within accommodation centres.

Resources supporting Ukrainian families, children and staff teams in Early Learning Centres and School Aged Childcare settings

Please find below a link to a padlet website which has relevant resources categorised, this will be updated as we receive additional supports/documents or links to relevant training. Please refer to this link for up-to-date resources, new posts will appear at the top of each column under any pinned items.

Clare County childcare committee website.

Qualifications from Ukraine

Quality and Qualifications Ireland have information (in Ukrainian) about its qualifications recognition service [PDF, 520KB]. This guide helps you to use QQI’s foreign qualifications recognition service (NARIC).

Failte Isteach via Third Age Ireland

Fáilte Isteach is a community project involving predominantly older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes. Fáilte Isteach embraces a relaxed, unstructured lerning environment for informal English conversation classes.

The following groups are based in Clare and these can be contacted using the details below:

Content managed by: Housing and Integration Department

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