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Ballyallia Amenity Enhancement Plan

31 August 2022

Closed for submissions
Submission deadline: Friday September 9, 2022

Clare County Council are developing detailed designs to sensitively enhance this lakeside amenity, whilst also considering the wider environment of the Lake.

Ballyallia Lake also known as Ballyallia Lough is located on the river Fergus north of Ennis, Co. Clare, covering an area of 308 hectares, it has been recognised as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention. It is designated as a Special Area of Conservation and a Special Protection Area for bird species in addition to being a proposed Natural Heritage Area.

Clare County Council are developing detailed designs to sensitively enhance this lakeside amenity, whilst also considering the wider environment of the Lake. These designs build on the  'Amenity Enhancement Plan for Ballyallia Lake' which was commissioned by Barefield Tidy Towns, supported by Clare County Council and Clare Local Development Company and have been further informed through focused consultation with key stakeholders including environmental consultants. The original masterplan was developed in line with the following policy plans and documents

  • Clare County Development Plan 2017-2023
  • Clare County Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2023
  • County Clare Heritage Plan 2017-2021

The current proposed design looks to ensure the sustainable development of the area while strengthening its role to the wider Ennis town area as an amenity space. Following public consultations, it is the intention to submit a planning application to An Bord Pleanala in Q4 2022. Funding has yet to be secured for the implementation phase of this project.

The site layout with proposed works can be viewed under maps & drawings in the link below. The road infrastructure in the area does not form part of the enhancement plan.

Please review and submit your comments / observations by clicking on the 'submissions' button below or at an in-person consultation at Barefield Community Centre on September 8th from 5-8pm. The deadline for submissions on the first public consultation is 4pm on September 9th 2022.

There will be an opportunity for further submissions as part of the second round of public consultation.

Submit Online

Closing Date

Friday September 9, 2022

Page last updated: 31/08/22

Content managed by: Ennis Municipal District

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