A-Z of services
- Access to information on the environment
- Air quality index
- Animals - control of animals
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Appeals (Planning)
- Apply for planning permission
- Archaeology
- Architectural conservation
- Archives - Clare County Archives
- Arts and disability programme
- Arts in a Rural Context
- Arts projects
- Ballyallia, Ennis
- Ballycuggeran freshwater bathing
- Beaches and bathing areas
- Biodiversity
- Bishops Quarter
- Blue flag awareness
- Building control
- Burial grounds
- Cappagh Beach, Kilrush
- Carrigaholt beach
- Central Waste Management Facility
- Civil Defence
- Clare Age Friendly County
- Clare County Archives
- Clare Local Area Grant Scheme 2025
- Commencement notices
- Community contacts
- Community Involvement Scheme
- Competitions - Environment
- Competitions and awards
- Complaints - how to make a complaint
- Complaints in relation to anti-social behaviour / breach of tenancy
- Conservation
- Conservation - guidelines and advice
- Control of animals
- Corofin Digital Hub
- Cross Digital Hub
- Customer services
- Customer services - how to make a complaint
- Declare a vehicle off the road
- Derelict sites
- Development contributions
- Development contributions - Planning development
- DigiClare (Hot-desks, Co-working and Conference spaces)
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Corofin
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Cross
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Ennis
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Ennistymon
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Feakle
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Flagmount
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Inagh
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Kilkee
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Kilrush
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Miltown Malbay
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Sixmilebridge
- Disabled parking permits
- Dog Control Service & Licences
- Drinking water and wastewater
- Education and awareness
- Emergency Plan
- Enforcement
- Enforcement (Planning)
- Enforcement - Waste
- Enforcement process
- Ennis Digital Hub
- Ennistymon Digital Hub
- Environment - Access to information on the environment
- Environmental Education and Awareness
- Estate management
- Estate Management (Anti-social behaviour)
- Exempted development
- Exempted development - Frequently asked questions
- Farm plastic recycling - overview and regulations
- Feakle Digital Hub
- Fees
- Fees - Fire and Building Control
- Fees - Planning
- Fees payable
- Fire prevention
- Fire safety certificates
- Fire stations
- Flagmount Digital Hub
- Freedom of Information
- Homeless Action Team
- Horse control
- Household waste collection
- Housing - Repair and Leasing Scheme
- Housing - Social housing
- Housing Adaptation Grant for Disabled People
- Housing Aid for Older People Grant
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
- Housing grants
- Housing loans
- Housing rents
- Housing rents - pay online
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- Lahinch Beach
- Lease or sell your house
- Leasing residential property to Clare County Council
- Licences - Dogs
- Licences - Trade plate licences
- Litter Management Plan
- Local area plans
- Local Enterprise Office
- Major Emergency Planning
- Map of recycling facilities
- Miltown Malbay Digital Hub
- Mobility Aids Grant
- Monuments and places
- Mortgage Allowance Scheme
- Motor tax - Declare a vehicle off the road
- Motor tax - Tax a goods vehicle for the first time
- Motor tax rates
- Mountshannon freshwater bathing
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- Parking
- Parking in County Clare
- Parking permits
- Parking permits - Disabled parking permits
- Part V
- Pay commercial rates online
- Pay housing loans online
- Pay housing rents online
- Pay traffic fines online
- Permits and licences for your business or premises
- Planning - Getting help
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning permission
- Planning submissions (objections)
- Pollution - Environmental pollution - report pollution in your area
- Pollution investigation and control
- Pre-planning enquiries
- Private rented housing
- Procurement and tenders
- Protected disclosures - whistleblowing
- Public premises licences
- Rates and charges
- Register of Electors
- Registered quarries
- Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015
- Repair and Leasing Scheme (RLS)
- Report a broken streetlight
- Report a road maintenance issue
- Reporting pollution
- Road - Schemes and projects
- Roads - Community Involvement Scheme
- Room for a Student – Local Authority Tenancies Scheme
- Rural water services
- S.I. no 75 of 2022 – Notification of change of use from Commercial to Residential
- Schemes and projects - Roads
- Seafield
- Section 5 Declarations Issued
- Seirbhísí Gaeilge agus Fís
- SICAP (Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme)
- Sign licence
- Site notice
- Site suitability assessment
- Sixmilebridge Digital Hub
- Social housing
- Spanish Point Beach
- Streetlight issues
- Supplier payment
- Taking in charge
- Taking in charge estates
- Tax a goods vehicle for the first time
- Tenders
- The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark
- Town and Village Renewal Scheme
- Trade plate licences
- Traditional arts
- Unauthorised collectors
- Unauthorised developments
- Unauthorised planning developments
- Unauthorised waste collectors
- Vacant Homes and Vacant Properties
- View and search planning applications
- Visual arts
- Voluntary housing
- Voting and the register of electors
- Waste and recycling
- Waste collection for households - Find a waste collector
- Waste enforcement priorities
- Waste facility permits and certificates
- Waste Facility Permits and Certificates of Registration
- Wastewater treatment for single houses
- Water pollution
- Water safety
- WEEE - Retailers
- We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Clare Campaign
- Whistleblowing - Protected disclosures
- White Strand (near Doonbeg)
- White Strand Beach (near Miltown Malbay)