Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2029
The Draft Corporate Plan 2024 to 2029 has been prepared, and we would like you to Have Your Say

The plan sets out the strategic framework within which Clare County Council will operate during the lifetime of this Council and is a central component of the local authority business architecture, linking key elements such as policy, organisation, operational activity, governance, and performance management.
This plan sets out our vision and objectives of the Council for County Clare and details high level strategic objectives, priority actions and mechanisms for implementing and monitoring the Council in achieving those objectives.
The Draft Corporate Plan was prepared in conjunction with the Councillors, Management, Staff and External Stakeholders of Clare County Council in line with relevant legislation, in particular the Local Government Act 2001, the Local Government Reform Act 2014 and, in line with the Council’s statutory obligations under Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014 to eliminate discrimination, protect human rights and promote equality of opportunity.
We are confident that working in partnership with the communities in our county and our stakeholders, we can together deliver on this plan.
Have your say at this link
Page last reviewed: 30/10/24
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