A-Z of services
- Access to information on the environment
- Air quality index
- Animals - control of animals
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Appeals (Planning)
- Apply for planning permission
- Archaeology
- Architectural conservation
- Archives - Clare County Archives
- Arts and disability programme
- Arts in a Rural Context
- Arts projects
- Ballyallia, Ennis
- Ballycuggeran freshwater bathing
- Beaches and bathing areas
- Biodiversity
- Bishops Quarter
- Blue flag awareness
- Building control
- Burial grounds
- Cappagh Beach, Kilrush
- Carrigaholt beach
- Central Waste Management Facility
- Civil Defence
- Clare Age Friendly County
- Clare County Archives
- Clare Local Area Grant Scheme 2025
- Commencement notices
- Community contacts
- Community Involvement Scheme
- Competitions - Environment
- Competitions and awards
- Complaints - how to make a complaint
- Complaints in relation to anti-social behaviour / breach of tenancy
- Conservation
- Conservation - guidelines and advice
- Control of animals
- Corofin Digital Hub
- Cross Digital Hub
- Customer services
- Customer services - how to make a complaint
- Declare a vehicle off the road
- Derelict sites
- Development contributions
- Development contributions - Planning development
- DigiClare (Hot-desks, Co-working and Conference spaces)
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Corofin
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Cross
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Ennis
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Ennistymon
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Feakle
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Flagmount
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Inagh
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Kilkee
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Kilrush
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Miltown Malbay
- DigiClare Digital Hub - Sixmilebridge
- Disabled parking permits
- Dog Control Service & Licences
- Drinking water and wastewater
- Education and awareness
- Emergency Plan
- Enforcement
- Enforcement (Planning)
- Enforcement - Waste
- Enforcement process
- Ennis Digital Hub
- Ennistymon Digital Hub
- Environment - Access to information on the environment
- Environmental Education and Awareness
- Estate management
- Estate Management (Anti-social behaviour)
- Exempted development
- Exempted development - Frequently asked questions
- Farm plastic recycling - overview and regulations
- Feakle Digital Hub
- Fees
- Fees - Fire and Building Control
- Fees - Planning
- Fees payable
- Fire prevention
- Fire safety certificates
- Fire stations
- Flagmount Digital Hub
- Freedom of Information
- Homeless Action Team
- Horse control
- Household waste collection
- Housing - Repair and Leasing Scheme
- Housing - Social housing
- Housing Adaptation Grant for Disabled People
- Housing Aid for Older People Grant
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
- Housing grants
- Housing loans
- Housing rents
- Housing rents - pay online
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- Lahinch Beach
- Lease or sell your house
- Leasing residential property to Clare County Council
- Licences - Dogs
- Licences - Trade plate licences
- Litter Management Plan
- Local area plans
- Local Enterprise Office
- Major Emergency Planning
- Map of recycling facilities
- Miltown Malbay Digital Hub
- Mobility Aids Grant
- Monuments and places
- Mortgage Allowance Scheme
- Motor tax - Declare a vehicle off the road
- Motor tax - Tax a goods vehicle for the first time
- Motor tax rates
- Mountshannon freshwater bathing
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- Parking
- Parking in County Clare
- Parking permits
- Parking permits - Disabled parking permits
- Part V
- Pay commercial rates online
- Pay housing loans online
- Pay housing rents online
- Pay traffic fines online
- Permits and licences for your business or premises
- Planning - Getting help
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning permission
- Planning submissions (objections)
- Pollution - Environmental pollution - report pollution in your area
- Pollution investigation and control
- Pre-planning enquiries
- Private rented housing
- Procurement and tenders
- Protected disclosures - whistleblowing
- Public premises licences
- Rates and charges
- Register of Electors
- Registered quarries
- Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015
- Repair and Leasing Scheme (RLS)
- Report a broken streetlight
- Report a road maintenance issue
- Reporting pollution
- Road - Schemes and projects
- Roads - Community Involvement Scheme
- Room for a Student – Local Authority Tenancies Scheme
- Rural water services
- S.I. no 75 of 2022 – Notification of change of use from Commercial to Residential
- Schemes and projects - Roads
- Seafield
- Section 5 Declarations Issued
- Seirbhísí Gaeilge agus Fís
- SICAP (Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme)
- Sign licence
- Site notice
- Site suitability assessment
- Sixmilebridge Digital Hub
- Social housing
- Spanish Point Beach
- Streetlight issues
- Supplier payment
- Taking in charge
- Taking in charge estates
- Tax a goods vehicle for the first time
- Tenders
- The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark
- Town and Village Renewal Scheme
- Trade plate licences
- Traditional arts
- Unauthorised collectors
- Unauthorised developments
- Unauthorised planning developments
- Unauthorised waste collectors
- Vacant Homes and Vacant Properties
- View and search planning applications
- Visual arts
- Voluntary housing
- Voting and the register of electors
- Waste and recycling
- Waste collection for households - Find a waste collector
- Waste enforcement priorities
- Waste facility permits and certificates
- Waste Facility Permits and Certificates of Registration
- Wastewater treatment for single houses
- Water pollution
- Water safety
- WEEE - Retailers
- We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Clare Campaign
- Whistleblowing - Protected disclosures
- White Strand (near Doonbeg)
- White Strand Beach (near Miltown Malbay)
Back to topThis is just for feedback on our web site, not comments or questions about our services.
To tell us about anything else, go to our contact us pages.